Welcome to the Review of Systems page!
This lesson will provide you with essential vocabulary and dialogues to assist you in obtaining a more accurate ROS.
You should work through the vocabulary flashcards and quizzes below until you are comfortable with the vocabulary related to Review of Systems. It is impossible to acquire all the necessary medical vocabulary quickly. Review the vocabulary flashcards below at the level which you feel comfortable. As you expand your Spanish vocabulary, return to this lesson and review the more advanced vocabulary flashcards.
After you master the vocabulary, click on the Professional - Q&A tab to the left to access the dialogues spoken by the healthcare professional. These are broken down into separate systems, including HEENT, CARDIOVASCULAR, PULMONARY, GASTROINTESTINAL, URINARY, REPRODUCTIVE, MUSCULOSKELETAL, NEUROLOGIC, and SKIN. There are also quizzes related to each subcategory.
Click on the Patient - Q&A tab to the left to access dialogues spoken by the patient. These are broken down into separate systems. There are quizzes related to each separate system.
ROS Vocabulary

Human Body Vocabulary

Human Extremities Vocabulary

Face & Head Vocabulary

Patient Feelings Vocabulary

Medical Vocabulary 1

Medical Vocabulary 2

Medical Vocabulary 3

Medical Vocabulary 4

Medical Vocabulary 5

ROS - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Questions & Answers Related to Pulmonary Distress
Medical Professional


Questions & Answers Related to Chest Pain
(1 in 5 COVID-19 deaths are due to cardiac arrest)
Medical Professional


Questions & Answers Related to Social Distancing and Self-quarantine
Medical Professional


Spanish sentences related to coronavirus
Spanish sentences related to coronavirus quarantine
Spanish sentences related to coronavirus isolation
Spanish sentences related to coronavirus illness
Spanish sentences related to coronavirus and public health
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El nuevo coronavirus, COVID-19, es una cepa que no se ha identificado previamente en humanos.
The new coronavirus, COVID-19, is a strain that has not been previously identified in humans.
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Los sintomas mas comunes son fiebre, dificultad para respirar, tos, y malestar general o puede ser que la infeccion sea asimptomatica y pasa desapercibida por la persona.
The most common symptoms are fever, shortness of breath, cough, and general discomfort or it may be that the infection is asymptomatic and goes unnoticed by the person.
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La higiene es clave para protegernos. Lo mas efectivo es lavarse las manos con agua y jabón por mas de vente segundos y con más frecuencia de lo habitual.
Hygiene is key to protect us. The most effective is to wash your hands with soap and water for more than twenty seconds and more frequently than usual.
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(El COVID-19) es una enfermedad que se cura en la mayoría de los casos.
It is a disease that is cured in most cases.
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La Organización Mundial de la Salud dice que al momento el setenta porciento de los casos (de coronavirus) se han recuperado.
The World Health Organization says that so far seventy percent of cases (of coronavirus) have recovered.
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La enfermedad que provoca la nueva coronavirus puede durar unas seis semanas aunque hay personas que pueden tardar mas tiempo para sentirse completamente curados.
The disease that causes the new coronavirus can last about six weeks, although there are people who can take longer to feel completely cured.
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Ya hay una vacuna (para el COVID-19) en camino.
A vaccine is already on the way.
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Pues me preocupe y me fui a hacer las pruebas. Fui a la una de la mañana este lunes y a las tres me confirmaran que habían dado positivo las pruebas.
Well, I was worried and I went to do the tests. I went at one in the morning this Monday and at three they confirmed that the tests had been positive.
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Aquí estamos en cuarentena, nos llaman de nuestro centro de salud todas las mañanas para preguntarnos como estamos, los síntomas que tenemos...
Here we are in quarantine, they call us from our health center every morning to ask how we are, the symptoms we have ...
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La policía de la India castiga las personas que rompen la cuarentena obligatoria para evitar la propagación del nuevo coronavirus.
Indian police punish people who break the mandatory quarantine to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
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Cuatro ciudadanos extranjeros fueron expulsados de pais hoy por violar los protocolos de aislamiento optado por el gobierno Colombiano para evitar la propagación del COVID-19.
Four foreign citizens were expelled from the country today for violating the isolation protocols chosen by the Colombian government to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
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Para evitar el contagio de virus puede lavarse fuertemente los manos con jabon, si no puede lavarte los manos, utilize un producto de disinfectcion. Evitar tocarse la boca, la nariz, y los ojos con los manos hasta que estén limpias.
To avoid the spread of virus you can wash your hands with soap, if you cannot wash your hands, use a disinfecting product.
Avoid touching your mouth, nose, and eyes with your hands until they are clean.