Spanish Medical Dictionary

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Click on any letter below to view the medical terms beginning with that letter. Each medical Spanish term includes the Spanish and English translations, as well as the popular or slang terminology in both Spanish and English.
[ A ]
- abdomen, abdominal, aberrant, abnormal, abnormal, abnormal stools, abortion, abrasion, abrupt, abruptio placentae, abscess, abscess, absence,...
[ B ] - babesiosis, baby, baby blues, baby bottle tooth decay, baby clothes, baby powder, baby teeth, baby walker, babysitter, babysitting, bacillus,...
[ C ] - cachexia, cactus, cadmium, cake, calamity, calcaemia, calcification, calcium, calciuria, calculus I, calculus II, calf, caliber (of the needle),...
[ D ] - dairy product, damage, dandelion greens, dander, dandruff, danger, dangerous, date of birth, daughter, day laborer, daycare, daydreaming, dead,...
[ E ] - ear (external), ear (internal), ear canal, ear drops, ear infection, ear plugs, earache, eardrum, early detection, early warning, early warning...
[ F ] - face, facial, facial discoloration, facial paralysis, facility, factor, faecal, faeces, failed, failure, faint, fainting, fallopian tube, false...
[ G ] - galactorrhoea, galenical, gallbladder, gallstones, ganglion, ganglion, gangrene, gangrene, garbanzo, gardener, gardening, gargle, garlic, gases,...
[ H ] - habitual, haematemesis, haematological (niet: hemaetological), haematoma, haematuria, haemeralopia, haemodialysis, haemolysis, haemopathy,...
[ I ] - iatrogenic, ice, ice cream, ice pack, ichthyosis, icterus, identical, identical twins, identification, idiopathic, idiosyncrasy, ileitis, ileus,...
[ J ] - jam, janitor, jaundice, jaw, jealousy, jejunum, jelly, jicama, jigger, job, jogging, joint, jugular vein, juice, junk food, juvenile, juvenile
[ K ] - kale, Kaposi sarcoma, Kawasaki syndrome, keep out, keloid, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratolytic, ketoacidosis, key contact, keyed up, kid,...
[ L ] - la sangre, lab personnel, label, labia, labile, labor, labor pains, labor positions, laboratory, laboratory network, laborer, laceration,...
[ M ] - macaroni, maceration, machinery, machinist, mackerel, macule, maculopapular, mad cow disease, magnesium, magnitude, major depressive episode,...
[ N ] - nadir, nail, nap, nape, narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic, narcotic, Narcotic Anonymous, nasal, nasal cavity, nasal spray, nasolacrimal, natal,...
[ O ] - oat bran, oats, OB/GYN, obesity, obesity, obey, objective, observation, obsession, obstetrical, obstetrician (OB), obstetrics, obstipation,...
[ P ] - pacemaker, pacemaker, pacifier, packer, packing, pad, paediatric, pain killer, pain:, painful, painter, painting, palate, paleness, palliative,...
[ Q ] - Q fever, QRS complex, QT interval, quadruplet, qualitative, qualitative, quantitative, quantitative, quarantine, quaternary, question, quick relief...
[ R ] - rabbit, rabies, raccoon, racing heart, radiation, radioactive, radioactive contamination, radioactive material, radioactivity, radiography,...
[ S ] - saccharine, sacrum, sad, sadness, safe, safety, safety pins, salicylism, saline, saline, saliva, salivation, salmon, salmonellosis, salpingitis,...
[ T ] - table, tablespoon, tablet, tabletop exercise, tachyarrhythmia, tachycardia, tachycardia, tachyphylaxis, taeniasis, talc, talk, tampon, tangerine,...
[ U ] - ulcer, ulcer, ulceration, ulcerogenic, ulcus cruris, ultrasound, ultraviolet, umbilical band, umbilical cord, unbearable, unconscious,...
[ V ] - vaccinate, vaccination, vaccination, vaccine, vaccine, vaccinia, vagal, vagina, vaginal, vaginal birth, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge,...
[ W ] - waist, waiter/waitress, waiting room, walk, war, ward, ward nurse, warning, wart, wash, washcloth, washing, wasp, waste, wastewater, wastewater...
[ X ] - xanthoma, xanthopsia, xenophobia, xerophthalmia, xerostomia
[ B ] - babesiosis, baby, baby blues, baby bottle tooth decay, baby clothes, baby powder, baby teeth, baby walker, babysitter, babysitting, bacillus,...
[ C ] - cachexia, cactus, cadmium, cake, calamity, calcaemia, calcification, calcium, calciuria, calculus I, calculus II, calf, caliber (of the needle),...
[ D ] - dairy product, damage, dandelion greens, dander, dandruff, danger, dangerous, date of birth, daughter, day laborer, daycare, daydreaming, dead,...
[ E ] - ear (external), ear (internal), ear canal, ear drops, ear infection, ear plugs, earache, eardrum, early detection, early warning, early warning...
[ F ] - face, facial, facial discoloration, facial paralysis, facility, factor, faecal, faeces, failed, failure, faint, fainting, fallopian tube, false...
[ G ] - galactorrhoea, galenical, gallbladder, gallstones, ganglion, ganglion, gangrene, gangrene, garbanzo, gardener, gardening, gargle, garlic, gases,...
[ H ] - habitual, haematemesis, haematological (niet: hemaetological), haematoma, haematuria, haemeralopia, haemodialysis, haemolysis, haemopathy,...
[ I ] - iatrogenic, ice, ice cream, ice pack, ichthyosis, icterus, identical, identical twins, identification, idiopathic, idiosyncrasy, ileitis, ileus,...
[ J ] - jam, janitor, jaundice, jaw, jealousy, jejunum, jelly, jicama, jigger, job, jogging, joint, jugular vein, juice, junk food, juvenile, juvenile
[ K ] - kale, Kaposi sarcoma, Kawasaki syndrome, keep out, keloid, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, keratolytic, ketoacidosis, key contact, keyed up, kid,...
[ L ] - la sangre, lab personnel, label, labia, labile, labor, labor pains, labor positions, laboratory, laboratory network, laborer, laceration,...
[ M ] - macaroni, maceration, machinery, machinist, mackerel, macule, maculopapular, mad cow disease, magnesium, magnitude, major depressive episode,...
[ N ] - nadir, nail, nap, nape, narcolepsy, narcosis, narcotic, narcotic, Narcotic Anonymous, nasal, nasal cavity, nasal spray, nasolacrimal, natal,...
[ O ] - oat bran, oats, OB/GYN, obesity, obesity, obey, objective, observation, obsession, obstetrical, obstetrician (OB), obstetrics, obstipation,...
[ P ] - pacemaker, pacemaker, pacifier, packer, packing, pad, paediatric, pain killer, pain:, painful, painter, painting, palate, paleness, palliative,...
[ Q ] - Q fever, QRS complex, QT interval, quadruplet, qualitative, qualitative, quantitative, quantitative, quarantine, quaternary, question, quick relief...
[ R ] - rabbit, rabies, raccoon, racing heart, radiation, radioactive, radioactive contamination, radioactive material, radioactivity, radiography,...
[ S ] - saccharine, sacrum, sad, sadness, safe, safety, safety pins, salicylism, saline, saline, saliva, salivation, salmon, salmonellosis, salpingitis,...
[ T ] - table, tablespoon, tablet, tabletop exercise, tachyarrhythmia, tachycardia, tachycardia, tachyphylaxis, taeniasis, talc, talk, tampon, tangerine,...
[ U ] - ulcer, ulcer, ulceration, ulcerogenic, ulcus cruris, ultrasound, ultraviolet, umbilical band, umbilical cord, unbearable, unconscious,...
[ V ] - vaccinate, vaccination, vaccination, vaccine, vaccine, vaccinia, vagal, vagina, vaginal, vaginal birth, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge,...
[ W ] - waist, waiter/waitress, waiting room, walk, war, ward, ward nurse, warning, wart, wash, washcloth, washing, wasp, waste, wastewater, wastewater...
[ X ] - xanthoma, xanthopsia, xenophobia, xerophthalmia, xerostomia

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Popular Phrase: conjugate lavar | Spanish Games and Activities | Conjugated Verb: vengar - to avenge, to take revenge [ click for full conjugation ]