Jehová, el Jehová - Jehovah or Yahweh (name of God often...
la ictericia - jaundice
el iceberg - iceberg
integral - complete, comprehensive, total, made...
el invierno - winter, rainy season (in the tropics)
el interlineado - space between lines of text, leading
interino - temporary, interim, stopgap, stand-in
el IVA (impuesto sobre el valor añadido) - VAT (value-added tax)
el islote - small island, usually rocky and...
iracundo - angry, irate, irascible
intratable - difficult to get along with,...
la intriga - intrigue, suspense, curiosity, a...
igualado - level, at the same level, leveled...
el ideario - ideology, philosophy or approach to...
ileso - unhurt, unharmed
irrebatible - indisputable, irrefutable
inviable - impractical, not feasible, unviable
el informe - report, news report, work reference,...
la injuria - insult, slander, psychological abuse,...
el intercambio - exchange, trade, swap