la intriga - intrigue, suspense, curiosity, a...
igualado - level, at the same level, leveled...
el ideario - ideology, philosophy or approach to...
ileso - unhurt, unharmed
irrebatible - indisputable, irrefutable
inviable - impractical, not feasible, unviable
el informe - report, news report, work reference,...
la injuria - insult, slander, psychological abuse,...
el intercambio - exchange, trade, swap
intranquilo - disquieted, worried, nervous, uneasy,...
intrascendente - insignificant, unimportant
intrínseco - intrinsic, inherent
ido - absent-minded, oblivious, somewhat crazy
intocable - untouchable, sacred, taboo, sacrosanct
el habla - speech (the ability to speak),...
hortera - in bad taste, tacky, vulgar, crude,...
el hoyuelo - dimple
el hada - fairy
el huerto - garden for growing fruits and/or...
la hormiga - ant