Spanish Sentences using tos
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The I have to go to the pharmacy to buy cough syrup.
Twenty three years, and tell me, aside from this cough, have you ever had a health problem?
En mi familia nadie tiene tos, en mi trabajo hay una muchacha que sí tiene tos y ella fue la que recomendó venir al doctor.

In my family no one has a cough, in my workplace there's a girl that does have a cough and she was the one who recommended me to come to the doctor.
I come because I have a very dry cough, and a very strong chest pain.
I’ve had this cough around a month, and I can’t stand it anymore.
No Sir, just this cough, and my chest hurts very much.
No, it is a very dry cough, that is why my chest hurts whenever I cough.
Does anyone at work or in your family have a cough?
Ellos dicen que necesitan un jarabe contra la tos.
They say that they need a syrup against the cough
¿Qué jarabe has tomado para la tos?
Which syrup have you taken for cough?
Las palabras neerlandesas o podrán seguir aplicándose a los caramelos para la tos, aunque todos sepamos que esos caramelos no siempre hacen que la tos desaparezca de inmediato.
Dutch terms such as or may continue to be used to describe cough sweets, since everyone appreciates that these sweets cannot always immediately make the cough disappear.
Y también hemos conseguido salvar las pastillas contra la tos; ¡qué vergüenza haber tenido que hacerlo!
We have also managed to rescue cough lozenges; how embarrassing that we had to do that.
Señor Presidente, la tos del no fumador Janssen van Raay se la debo a los otros que fuman.
Mr President, as a non-smoker I have others who smoke to thank for my cough.
De dos a diez días después, los enfermos de SRAS pueden desarrollar tos, que puede derivar en dificultades respiratorias.
After two to ten days SARS patients may develop a cough that might progress to difficulties in breathing.
Vi a familias viviendo en cuevas, en las que caía agua por las paredes, y escuché la tos seca de niños atormentados por la fiebre.
I saw families living in caves, the walls running with water, and listened to the hacking coughs of children racked with fever.
La contaminación por ozono contribuye a la muerte prematura de decenas de miles de personas cada año; provoca deficiencias respiratorias, tos, dolores de cabeza e irritación de los ojos.
Ozone pollution contributes to the premature death of tens of thousands of people each year; it causes breathing difficulties, coughs, headaches and eye irritation.
– Señor Presidente, señor Comisario, ver morir cada minuto un niño en el Sur a causa de la tos ferina o del sarampión, cuando existe una vacuna, es desgarrador.
Mr President, Commissioner, seeing one child die every minute in the developing world from whooping cough or from measles, when there is a vaccine, is heartbreaking.
En lo relativo a la cuestión del coste del servicio universal, la protección del consumidor y la calidad del servicio, la protección de los usuarios discapacitados... -pido disculpas por mi tos.
On the question of the cost of universal service, about consumer protection and service quality, about the protection of disabled users... I apologise for my cough.
Número de votantes: 615Papeletas en blanco o nulas 60, entre ellas, 5 no reglamentarias con el nombre del Sr. Soares.Votos emitidos de conformidad con el apartado 1 del artículo 136 del Reglamento: 555
Members voting: 615Blank or void: 60 including 5 irregular ballot papers bearing the name of Mr SoaresVotes cast pursuant to Rule 136(1) of the Regulation: 555
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