Spanish Sentences using negado
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The I've never believed that it's necessary to lower prices in order to sell more.
Nos han negado papeles.
They have refused to give us papers.
Nos han negado documentos.
They have refused to give us documents.
Hasta el momento se nos ha negado.
Up to now that has been refused.
Negado, gritará su desesperación, gritará su odio.
In rejection he will give vent to his despair; he will give vent to his hatred.
Croacia y Bulgaria se han negado a firmar.
Croatia and Bulgaria have refused to sign.
Hasta ahora se ha negado a hacerlo.
Thus far, they have refused.
Estos últimos se han negado a firmarla.
They refused to sign it.
La Comisión no ha negado esos informes.
The Commission has not denied these reports.
Se ha negado usted deliberadamente a concedérsela.
You deliberately refused to give it to him.
También esto se nos ha negado.
This has also been rejected.
Recientemente se ha negado la entrada a Rusia a una periodista danesa.
Recently, a Danish journalist was denied entry to Russia.
Pero a la Agencia se le ha negado otra competencia fundamental.
The Agency has, however, been denied another core competence.
De momento, el Gobierno irlandés se ha negado a hacerlo.
The Irish Government has so far refused to do this.
El señor Ispir ha negado asimismo categóricamente cualquier transgresión.
Mr Ispir has also strongly denied any wrongdoing.
Usted no ha negado que este haya sido el caso.
You have not denied that this was indeed the case.
Se han negado a negociar, pero no han presentado alternativas.
You refused to negotiate, but you presented no alternatives.
Efectivamente, nos hemos negado a trastornar el acuerdo institucional.
We refused to allow the Interinstitutional Agreement to be upset.
Incluso se ha negado a ello, lo cual es muy grave.
You actually refused to do it, which is a very serious matter.
Desde entonces, se ha negado a restablecerlo o a convocar nuevas elecciones.
Ever since, it has refused to restore it or call new elections.
Lamentamos que se haya negado a adoptar medidas disciplinarias.
We regret that you have refused to take disciplinary action.
Se ha negado a colaborar con el tribunal irlandés, Labour Court .
The airline has refused to cooperate with the Irish Labour Court.
¿Lo han negado conscientemente, y qué consecuencias deben sacar ahora?
Did they knowingly deny this knowledge?
Creo que se le ha negado y se le sigue negando el derecho fundamental a ver a su hijo y que se le ha negado todo acceso a la justicia.
I believe he has been denied and is still being denied the fundamental right to see this child and has been denied access to justice.
Es sabido que el Consejo se ha negado hasta ahora a adoptar una regulación consecutiva.
We all know that so far the Council has dragged its feet with regard to follow-up regulations of this kind.
Desgraciadamente, las luchas no han concluido y algunas partes se han negado a firmar el acuerdo de paz.
Unfortunately, the fighting has not stopped and some parties have refused to sign the peace accord.
Además, se le ha negado el acceso a importantes datos registrados en SIS.
Moreover, it has been denied access to important information in SIS.
Ambos se han negado a mantener o a introducir estructuras superfluas que retrasen la toma de decisiones.
Particular efforts have been made to avoid introducing or maintaining superfluous structures which delay the decision-making process.
En este momento la Comisión se ha negado a aceptar esta enmienda.
At this moment, the Commission has set its face against accepting this amendment.
Como queremos concederles esta oportunidad hemos negado nuestro voto afirmativo con el presente documento.
To give them the chance to do so, we have rejected the text before us.
Pero el gobierno chino hasta la fecha se ha negado a aceptar a mi delegación.
But the Chinese government is refusing to accept my delegation till today.
El derecho a vivir sin terror se le ha negado continuamente a los israelíes.
The Israelis have always been denied the right to a life free from terror.
Sin embargo, el gobierno cubano les ha negado el permiso para viajar fuera del país.
The Cuban Government has, however, denied them permission to travel.
Incluso el grupo de los ocho países industrializados más importantes se ha negado a aumentar su ayuda.
The most important industrial nations, the Group of 8, have decided not to set aside any extra funding either.
Desde 1994, el Tribunal de Cuentas se ha negado a garantizar la corrección de las transacciones subyacentes.
Since 1994, the Court of Auditors has refused to vouch for the correctness of the underlying transactions.
Bélgica suministra armas a países como Nepal, mientras que Alemania, por ejemplo, se ha negado a hacerlo.
Belgium supplies weapons to countries such as Nepal, while Germany, for example, had refused to do so.
Si el laboratorio se hubiera negado a hacerlo, las autoridades estadounidenses habrían recurrido a una licencia obligatoria.
Had the laboratory refused to do this, the United States authorities would have resorted to a compulsory licence.
El único testigo es un policía estonio que se ha negado a testificar.
The only witness is an Estonian policeman who has declined to testify.
El movimiento rebelde, el FNL, ha negado toda implicación, pero tampoco apoya el proceso de paz.
The rebel movement, the FNL, has denied all involvement, but nor does it support the peace process.
Se le ha negado su tratamiento médico, cuando su estado de salud es alarmante.
He is not allowed to have his medical treatment, despite the fact that his state of health is giving grave cause for concern.
Quisiera señalar que el señor Watson ha negado formalmente haber dicho este tipo de cosas.
I should like to note that Mr Watson has formally denied having said anything of the kind.
Se han negado en redondo a responder a la pregunta, despreciando a este Parlamento.
They point blank refused to answer the question, treating this Parliament with contempt.
¿Por qué el Consejo se ha negado a responder a los constantes llamamientos del Parlamento a este respecto?
Why has the Council refused to respond to Parliament’s consistent calls in this respect?
Hasta ahora, Rusia se ha negado a fijar una frontera con Letonia.
Until now, Russia has refused to finalise a border with Latvia.
Usted se ha negado a hacer una comprobación electrónica de la votación, reevaluando...
You have refused to do an electronic check of the vote, re-assessment...
Señora Berger, nunca he negado la existencia de los campos de concentración y ciertamente no del de Mauthausen.
Mrs Berger, I have never denied the fact that the concentration camps existed, and certainly not the Mauthausen camp.
El Ayuntamiento se ha negado a decir cuánto dinero extra se generó de este modo.
The city has refused to say how much extra money was generated in this way.
Sin embargo, se ha negado a conceder las asignaciones correspondientes para pagar los salarios de esos puestos.
However, it refused to grant the corresponding appropriations for paying salaries for those positions.
Había caído en parte porque nos habíamos negado a mantener conversaciones con los representantes elegidos.
It had fallen partly because we had refused to talk to the elected representatives.
Nadie puede negárselo y el Consejo Europeo no se lo ha negado tampoco.
No-one can take that away from him and the European Council has not taken it away from him either.
Señora Doyle, le puedo asegurar que yo nunca le habría negado esa hipoteca.
Mrs Doyle, I can assure you I would never have turned you down for this mortgage.
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