Spanish Sentences using aprender
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The We wanted to learn gymnastics with one of the best trainers.
You will learn about the internet in Computing.
They learned French when they were five years old.
The teacher wants us to learn the words in chapter five.
Which hour (of the day) do students learn best?
The teacher wants us to learn all the words in chapter five.
We'll never learn to speak Spanish if we don't practice it.
It is important to find a mentor to learn from.
The teacher wants us to study for tomorrow's test.
The teacher wants the boys to study for tomorrow's test.
I didn't know (yo no sabía) if John had learned the words.
I don't know if the boys have learned the words.
I didn't know if the boys had learned the words.
I found a new online system to learn Spanish through the Internet.
I would know more, but I don't have books to learn from.
You would have learned the words if you had listened.
The students would have learned if they had studied.
I need to learn the words for the Spanish class.
We need to learn the words for the Spanish class.
The teacher says that we have to learn the words for the test.
The boys have to learn the words for the test.
The boys are going to learn the words for the test.
The boys are going to have to learn the words for the test.
The boys have learned a lot of words in the class.
The boys have to learn a lot of words in the class.
I thought that the boys had learned a lot of words.
I was hoping that the boys would learn the words.
El profesor espera que nosotros aprendamos las palabras.
The teacher hopes that we learn the words.
Estoy aprendiendo español
I am learning Spanish
Yo tengo que aprender muchas palabras en la clase.
I have to learn lots of words in the class.
El profesor quiere que yo aprenda muchas palabras.
The teacher wants me to learn lots of words.
Yo he aprendido muchas palabras en la clase.
I have learned lots of words in the class.
El profesor quiere que tú aprendas muchas palabras.
The teacher wants you to learn lots of words.
El profesor quería que yo aprendiera las palabras.
The teacher wanted me to learn the words.
¿Sabes si Juan va a aprender las palabras?
Do you know if John is going to learn the words?
¿Qué lección debemos aprender?
What are the lessons to be learnt?
Tenemos que aprender lecciones.
We have to learn lessons.
Tenemos que aprender a hacerlo.
We have to learn how to do that.
Hay lecciones que aprender.
There are lessons to be learned.
Podemos aprender de ello.
There is a lot we can learn from that.
Debemos aprender la lección.
We must learn from the lessons of this.
¿Cuándo van a aprender?
When are they ever going to learn?
Debemos aprender de ellas.
We need to learn from them.
Deberíamos aprender de esa experiencia.
We should learn from that experience.
¡Deberíamos aprender de los errores!
You have to learn from your mistakes.
Nos queda mucho por aprender.
We have a lot to learn.
Debemos aprender unos de otros.
We must learn from each other.
Tenemos que aprender de eso.
We really must learn from that.
Tenemos que aprender a cómo ayudar.
We need to learn how to help.
Podemos aprender unos de otros.
We can learn from one another.
Hemos de aprender de ellas.
We must learn from them.
¿No podemos aprender unos de otros?
Why can we not learn from each other?
Debemos aprender para el futuro.
We must learn for the future.
Debemos aprender de nuestros errores.
We must learn from our mistakes.
Tenemos que aprender de ello.
We must learn from this.
Hay que aprender esta lección.
This lesson has to be learned.
Obviamente tenemos lecciones que aprender.
There are obviously lessons to be learned.
¿Hay que aprender alguna lección?
Are there lessons to be learned?
Hay que aprender algunas lecciones.
There are some lessons that have to be learned.
Debemos aprender de nuestras audiciones.
We must learn from our hearings.
Pero puedo señalar que Luxemburgo significaba mucho más que aprender, aprender, aprender y ¿la UEM?
But may I start by pointing out that Luxembourg truly meant a lot more than education, education, education, and EMU.
También significa poder aprender jugando con los materiales disponibles para garantizar su desarrollo, el acceso a la información, el aprender a aprender.
Also through the playful use of the materials available to ensure development, access to information, learning how to learn.
Creo que podemos aprender algo de esto.
I believe we can learn something from this.
Nacemos todos con la facultad de aprender.
We are all born with the potential to learn and acquire knowledge.
La OLAF tiene que aprender a defenderse.
OLAF must use its teeth.
El individuo debe aprender para sí mismo.
The individual must learn for him or herself.
En este campo hay mucho que aprender.
I believe there is a lot to be learned from this.
Hemos de aprender de nuestros errores.
We must learn from our mistakes.
Debemos aprender de las mejores prácticas.
We need to learn from best practice.
Hemos de aprender algo de esto.
This is something from which we must learn.
De estos resultados podemos aprender varias cosas.
A number of lessons can be drawn from these results.
Así que podemos aprender unos de otros.
So we can learn from each other.
Deberíamos aprender algo de todo esto.
We should draw some lessons from that.
Tenemos que aprender de ese fracaso.
We ought to learn from it.
Europa debe aprender de la experiencia.
Europe needs to learn from experience.
Tenemos mucho que aprender de ellos.
We have much to learn from them.
La Comisión debería aprender esta lección.
That is one lesson the Commission should learn.
Turquía tiene mucho que aprender de eso.
Turkey has everything to learn from this.
Deberíamos algún día aprender la lección.
Let us learn our lesson one day.
Debemos aprender de los errores del pasado.
Lessons need to be learned from the mistakes of the past.
También tenemos que aprender de esos referendos.
We must also learn from those referenda.
Debemos aprender la lección e intentar avanzar.
We must learn from the lessons and try to move on.
Tenemos que aprender unos de otros.
We have to learn from one another.
Deberíamos aprender de nuestros errores pasados.
We should learn from our past mistakes.
Por tanto, aún queda mucho por aprender.
There is still therefore a lot to be learned.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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