Spanish Sentences using ponerse
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The My sisters are always complaining that they don't have a thing to wear.
You will need to get in contact with a real estate agency to agree on the details.
She got sick after eating at that restaurant.
He put on his hat and went away. He hit his head while leaving. He was furious.
The musicians are listening to the audience's applause and they are standing up.
If you eat too many carrots, you will turn orange
Don Gonzalo accepted without knowing that as soon as he wore the suit, he would be poisoned and die.
In the warehouse in the back. Wear your protective gear.
The little girls tried on their mother's clothes until they fell asleep.
Yo espero que Juan no se ponga enfermo.
I hope that John doesn't get sick.
Yo esperaba que Juan no se pusiera enfermo.
I was hoping that John wouldn't get sick.
Ponerse los guantes
to put one's gloves on
Antes de subirte al taxi debes ponerte de acuerdo en el precio de la carrera.
Before getting in a taxi you should agree on the price of the ride.
Ponerse manos a la obra
to get down to work
¿Vas a ponerte un vestido? / ¿Te vas a poner un vestido?
Are you going to wear a dress?
Póngase el cinturón, se puede ir.
Put your safety belt on, you can go.
¿Se ponen rojos sus ojos?
Do your eyes get red?
Ponerse colorado / Sonrojarse
to turn red
No me he puesto ese traje desde que me casé.
I haven't worn that suit since I got married.
ponerse colorado / sonrojarse
to turn red
¡Debe ponerse un cinturón de seguridad! No cometa el mismo error otra vez.
You must wear a safety belt! Don’t make the same mistake again.
Yo me tengo que poner los zapatos. ( Yo tengo que ponerme los zapatos.)
I have to put on my shoes.
Yo me he puesto los zapatos.
I have put on my shoes.
Me pongo triste cuando oigo esa canción.
I get sad when I hear that song.
Ponerse manos a la obra
to get down to work
¿A qué hora se pone el sol?
At what time does the sun set?
Calzarse / Ponerse los zapatos
to put on one's shoes
Hay que ponerse boca arriba flexionando las piernas.
You have to lie down face up flexing your legs.
ponerse el traje
to put on the suit
Póngase los marcos y lentes de prueba.
Put on the trial frame and lens.
Usted necesitará ponerse en contacto con una agencia inmobiliaria para acordar los detalles.
You will need to contact an estate agent to work out the details.
Broncearse / Ponerse moreno
To turn brown
Pedro se pone los pantalones.
Peter puts on his pants.
Cambiarse de camisa / Ponerse una camisa recién lavada
to change one's shirt
¿Te vas a poner los zapatos nuevos?
Are you going to put on your new shoes?
Ponerse los guantes
to put one's gloves on
Me pongo traje sólo para las entrevistas de trabajo.
I only wear suits for work interviews.
Si hubiera adelgazado podría ponerse ese vestido.
If you had gotten thin, you could wear that dress.
Ponerse ropa limpia
to change one's underclothes
Ponerse en camino para
to set out for
¿Puede ponerse en pie?
Can you stand?
Voy a darle una medicina que debe ponerse debajo de la lengua.
You should put this medicine I'm going to give you under your tongue.
Cambiarse de camisa / Ponerse una camisa recién lavada
to change one's shirt
Ahora hay que ponerse a trabajar.
It is now time to get to work.
Es hora de ponerse a trabajar.
Now it is time to get down to work.
Debería ponerse por las nubes.
It should be praised to the skies.
Este Parlamento va a ponerse a trabajar.
This Parliament is going to try to work.
En consecuencia, la Comisión debe ponerse a trabajar.
The Commission should therefore set to work.
Esta evidencia debe ponerse más de relieve.
This evidence should be given greater emphasis.
Sólo hay que ponerse en marcha.
It is just a question of getting them going.
Creo que debería ponerse en práctica.
I think it should be put into effect.
El Consejo debe ponerse a trabajar en ello.
The Council must get on with it.
Ucrania tiene que ponerse dos objetivos.
Ukraine needs to set itself two objectives.
La directiva no puede ponerse patas arriba.
The directive cannot be turned on its head.
El énfasis debe ponerse en la educación.
The emphasis here must lie on education.
Debe ponerse fin a estas formas de competencia.
These forms of competition must be stopped.
¿Verdaderamente le parece apropiado ponerse a pelear?
Do you really think it is appropriate to pick fights?
¡Tienen que ponerse ya manos a la obra!
They should get down to work!
Deberían ponerse en práctica lo antes posible.
They should be implemented as soon as possible.
Lo importante es ponerse en marcha ahora.
It is important to act now.
Todo debe ponerse sobre la mesa.
Everything must be laid out openly on the table.
Debe ponerse fin a esta desacertada incitación.
That misguided incentive has to end.
No pueden ponerse señales de advertencia por todas partes.
You cannot have red lights everywhere.
La propia Unión Europea también debe ponerse a trabajar.
The European Union itself must also set to work.
Pronto deberá ponerse fin a los bombardeos y comenzar la reconstrucción.
Soon the bombing must stop and the building must begin.
Europa debe ponerse a la cabeza de esta movilización.
Europe must provide the impetus for this action.
Señorías, no hay nada mejor que ponerse manos a la obra.
But, ladies and gentlemen, nothing is any good unless it results in action.
Creo que el Parlamento Europeo debería ponerse a investigar al respecto.
I think the European Parliament should be involved in getting such an inquiry under way.
En cualquier caso, debería ponerse fin a los ensayos con homínidos.
In any case, an end should be put to tests on hominids.
Estos tímidos pasos no pueden ponerse en duda ahora.
These tentative steps forward cannot be called into question now.
Estos valores no pueden ponerse en entredicho en ninguna circunstancia.
These values must under no circumstances be called into question.
Creo que podrán decidir ponerse manos a la obra.
I believe that they will be able to decide to go into business.
Ahora ha llegado el momento de ponerse a trabajar.
Now is the time to get down to work.
También debe ponerse manos a la obra sin demora.
It also must waste no time in getting down to business.
Esperemos que esto pueda ponerse en práctica más a menudo.
Hopefully this can be put into practice more.
Por otra parte, esta enmienda no podría ponerse en práctica.
Moreover, the amendment could not be implemented in practice.
Esto tardará un tiempo en ponerse de manifiesto.
This will take time to become apparent.
La Comisión está dispuesta a ponerse al frente de esta batalla.
The Commission is prepared to be at the forefront of this battle.
Para ellos ha llegado la hora de ponerse a trabajar.
For them, it is time to get down to work.
(SV) El contenido del programa puede ponerse en duda.
(SV) The content of the programme can be brought into question.
Pero esta valla ha de ponerse a una altura realista.
But this hurdle has to be set at a realistic height.
Sin embargo, también creo que debe ponerse al día.
I also feel, though, that it needs to be brought up to date.
Proporciónenles la esperanza que les permita volver a ponerse en pie.
Give them the hope that will allow them to stand on their own two feet again.
Es ahora cuando ese logro político debe ponerse en práctica.
That political achievement now has to be put into practice.
La UE tiene que ponerse a la cabeza de este problema.
The EU needs to take the lead on this problem.
No puede ponerse en duda la dignidad de los seres humanos.
The dignity of human beings cannot be called into question.
Por lo tanto, es hora de ponerse a trabajar.
So, it is time to get down to work!
Deben ponerse en tela de juicio nuestros sistemas de producción.
Our production systems must be called into question.
¿Cómo va a organizarse Europa para ponerse de acuerdo?
How is the European Union going to organise itself in order to reach an agreement?
Ahora le toca a la Comisión ponerse al volante.
It is now up to the Commission to move into the driving seat.
Otra oferta de Austria acaba de ponerse a la cola.
Another offer from Austria has just entered the pipeline.
¿Cuándo debería ponerse en práctica y cuánto están dispuestos a esperar?
When does it have to be implemented by and how long are you prepared to wait?
Las autoridades tienen que ponerse manos a la obra.
These authorities need to get down to work.
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