Spanish Sentences using celebrar
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The This year they're holding the presidential elections.
They have agreed to celebrate the wedding on a Sunday.
Their children didn’t want them to celebrate their anniversary traveling.
What do you prefer, to think about something or to celebrate something?
Do you think we can celebrate the party in your living room?
We always celebrate Christmas at my grandparents house in Amarillo.
They're going to have a big party to celebrate the event.
Tonight I'm going to throw a party to celebrate the engagement.
On Friday, January 26 he will celebrate his birthday.
Tras el concierto, celebramos el éxito con champán.
After the concert, we celebrated with champagne.
Los aficionados agitaban las banderas para celebrar la victoria de su equipo.
Fans were waving flags to celebrate their team's victory.
Ellos celebraron el triunfo en un buen restaurante.
They celebrated the triumph in a good restaurant.
Celebraremos nuestra graduación con una fiesta.
We will celebrate our graduation with a party.
Celebraron su graduación con una fiesta.
They celebrated their graduation with a party.
Si ganan el partido no descansarán de ninguna manera porque celebrarán la victoria.
If they win the game they will not rest at all because they will celebrate the victory.
Celebran su Independencia.
They celebrate their independence.
Lo celebraremos con una barbacoa.
We celebrate it with a barbecue.
No necesitaríamos celebrar más negociaciones.
We would not need to hold further negotiations.
Debemos celebrar ese hecho.
We should celebrate that fact.
Lamentablemente, no había mucho que celebrar.
Unfortunately, there was not much to celebrate.
Tenemos mucho que celebrar hoy.
We have a lot to celebrate today.
Ayudemos a Ucrania a celebrar elecciones normales.
Let us help Ukraine conduct normal elections.
No vamos a celebrar un debate ahora.
We are not having a debate now.
Lo que queremos es celebrar debates ciudadanos.
We want to encourage debate among the people.
No es necesario celebrar ninguna votación adicional.
No further votes are required.
Fue lastimoso. No había mucho que celebrar.
That was depressing, and there was not much to rejoice about.
¿Tiene algún sentido celebrar cumbres mundiales?
Do global summits still have a role?
Si lo logramos, habrá mucho que celebrar.
If we can do that, we will have a lot to celebrate.
Esta Cámara va a celebrar una votación secreta.
This House is to hold a secret ballot.
En Irlanda estamos obligados a celebrar un referendo.
In Ireland we are obliged to have a referendum.
No basta celebrar 25 debates nacionales por separado.
It is not enough to have 25 national debates in isolation from each other.
No obstante, para ello debemos celebrar debates.
However, in order to do that we must have discussion and debate.
No obstante, debemos celebrar el lado positivo.
However, we must welcome the positive side.
Por eso tenemos que celebrar un debate.
We have to engage in a debate.
Por eso quiero celebrar este compromiso.
Therefore, I would like to welcome this compromise.
No es tétrico, pero tampoco invita a celebrar nada.
It is not abysmal, but it is nothing to celebrate either.
No obstante, al principio no había debate que celebrar.
At the start, however there was no debate to be had.
No debemos tener miedo a celebrar un debate europeo.
We must not be afraid to hold a European debate.
Ya no necesitamos celebrar las sesiones en Estrasburgo.
We no longer need to hold sessions in Strasbourg.
No es suficiente simplemente celebrar conferencias internacionales.
It is not enough simply to hold international conferences.
A ambas partes les interesa celebrar este acuerdo.
It is in the interest of both parties to conclude this agreement.
Agradezco que podamos celebrar este debate ahora.
I welcome the fact that we are having this debate now.
No necesitamos celebrar una cumbre solamente por celebrarla.
We do not need to have a summit for the sake of it.
Esto es algo digno de celebrar.
That is very much to be welcomed.
Señorías, gracias por celebrar este debate.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for this debate.
Si son legales, no necesitamos celebrar un debate.
If it is legal, we do not need a debate.
Deseamos celebrar este debate, señor Presidente.
We are keen to have this debate, Mr President.
No veo el sentido de celebrar dicha cumbre.
I do not see the point in holding such a summit.
Se podría celebrar en otro momento.
It could be conducted another time.
Carecería de sentido celebrar una consulta...
There would be no purpose in having consultation...
Nos limitamos a celebrar un debate o no.
We just have a debate, or we do not.
Dentro de dos meses vamos a celebrar elecciones.
We are going to hold elections in two months time.
Quizás necesitemos volver a celebrar otra similar.
Perhaps we need to do it again.
Así pues, ¿porqué no va a celebrar unas elecciones?
Why then is he not going to be holding any elections?
No vamos a celebrar un debate sobre este asunto.
We are not having a debate on this.
También vamos a celebrar otro en Abuja, en África Occidental.
We are going to have one in Abuja in West Africa too.
Pienso que existen muchas razones válidas para celebrar un debate.
I think that there are many good reasons to hold a debate.
El Sr. Sharon le ha propuesto celebrar mañana una reunión.
Mr Sharon has suggested to Mr Solana that they meet tomorrow.
Señorías, hoy hemos querido celebrar un acto solemne.
Ladies and gentlemen, today we have wished to hold a formal sitting.
La idea de que deberíamos celebrar menos votaciones parece absurda.
The idea that we should have fewer votes seems absurd.
Esto significa darle valor a la diversidad y celebrar la diversidad.
This means putting a value on diversity and celebrating diversity.
Debo decir que acabo de celebrar mi cumpleaños.
I have to say that I have just had my birthday.
Nos disponemos a celebrar un debate durante dos horas.
We are now about to have a debate for two hours.
Posteriormente, los países candidatos tendrán que celebrar sus referendums.
The candidate countries must subsequently hold their referendums.
Señora Presidenta, me pregunto si acaba de celebrar una votación nominal.
Madam President, I am wondering whether you have just held a vote by roll call.
Por tanto, creo que debería ser una ocasión para celebrar.
This should therefore be an occasion to celebrate.
El único problema es cuándo habría que celebrar la votación.
The only issue concerns when it should be voted.
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