autónomo - autonomous, self-governing,...
el contratiempo - setback, mishap, problem with getting...
el autostopista, la autostopista, el autoestopista, la autoestopista - hitchhiker
subsanable - solvable, fixable, rectifiable
el bipartidismo - two-party political system
antideslizante - anti-skid, nonskid, anti-slip, nonslip
el yerno, la yerna - son-in-law, daughter-in-law
WC, W.C. - toilet (abbreviation of <i>water...
el zafiro - sapphire
el zutano, la zutana - so-and-so (referring to a person),...
la zanahoria - carrot
el zapapico - pickax, pickaxe
el yate - yacht
la xilografía - wood engraving, the practice of...
el yeísmo - pronouncing the Spanish <i>ll</i> and...
el yodo - iodine
el zapping - the practice of changing channels or...
la yuxtaposición - juxtaposition
la yacimiento - mineral deposit, mineral bed, oil...
el waterpolista, la waterpolista - waterpolo player