el zapping - the practice of changing channels or...
la yuxtaposición - juxtaposition
la yacimiento - mineral deposit, mineral bed, oil...
el waterpolista, la waterpolista - waterpolo player
el yayo, la yaya - granddad, grandma
el yonqui, la yonqui - junkie, addict
el yudoka, la yudoka - judo expert
el yute - jute (the plant or the fiber derived...
el zafarrancho - the clearing of the decks of a...
la zaga - defense (of a sports team); the rear...
la zalamería - flattery, flattering statement
la yubarta - humpback whale
la zanja - ditch
el xilófono - xylophone
el zapato - shoe
el ultraje - outrage, an outrageous act, insult
el vozarrón - loud voice, booming voice
la varita - wand
el vidente, la vidente - clairvoyant, mind-reader, person who...
veraz - truthful