Spanish Sentences using totalmente
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The food doesn't taste like anything, it's totally bland.
I don't like to take medicine unless it is totally necessary.
Estoy totalmente convencido de que vamos a perder.
I'm totally convinced that we're going to lose.
Estoy totalmente confuso
I'm all mixed up
El sabor de este plato es totalmente atípico.
The flavor of this dish is completely unusual.
Dejó mi carro totalmente abollado.
He left the car totally dented.
¡Totalmente equivocados!
We were well wide of the mark!
¡Pasará a ser totalmente invisible!
It will become totally invisible!
Espero estar totalmente equivocada.
I hope that I have got the wrong end of the stick here.
Está totalmente claro.
That much is absolutely clear.
Significó algo totalmente distinto.
It signified something else entirely.
Comparto totalmente esta intervención.
I fully support what Mr Rovsing has said.
Eso es totalmente insuficiente.
That is anything but sufficient.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I agree with you wholeheartedly there.
Esto sería totalmente inaceptable.
That would of course be totally unacceptable.
Esto es totalmente inaceptable.
His saying that is wholly unacceptable.
Nos oponemos totalmente a ello.
We are totally opposed to this.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
That is something on which we completely agree.
Esto es totalmente inaceptable.
They feel threatened. This is totally unacceptable.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I very much support that.
Esto no está totalmente justificado.
This cannot be completely justified.
Esto es totalmente estúpido.
That is just plain stupid.
Apoyo totalmente su flexibilidad.
I strongly support their flexibility.
Eso sería totalmente incomprensible.
This would be totally incomprehensible.
Esto es totalmente falso.
I see that as utterly false.
Condenamos totalmente estos artículos.
We completely condemn these articles.
Es totalmente inoportuno.
This is completely the wrong moment for such a move.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
. – I totally agree.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
One can only agree with this.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I wholeheartedly agree with that.
Esto me parece totalmente insuficiente.
I consider this wholly insufficient.
Son cuestiones totalmente políticas.
These are entirely political issues.
Es totalmente falso.
Nothing could be more misleading.
Me parece totalmente lógico.
That seems perfectly logical to me.
Sería totalmente ingenuo.
It would be completely naïve to think that.
Esto resulta totalmente kafkiano.
This is straight out of Kafka.
No comparto totalmente esa opinión.
I do not entirely support that view.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I fully agree with that.
¡Lo considero totalmente inaceptable!
I find it totally unacceptable!
Señorías, son totalmente incoherentes.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are completely inconsistent.
Estamos totalmente de acuerdo.
We are in complete agreement on this.
Apoyo totalmente este informe.
I fully support this report.
Niego totalmente esta afirmación.
I can only refute this definitively.
Sería totalmente absurdo.
That would be completely absurd.
No estoy totalmente satisfecho.
I am not entirely satisfied.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I share this view entirely.
Nos oponemos totalmente a ello.
We are completely opposed to that!
Tenemos que prohibirlo totalmente.
We need to ban it completely.
Son totalmente responsabilidad suya.
They are entirely your responsibility.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo.
I deeply agree with that.
Apoyo totalmente esta postura.
I fully support this position.
Esto sería totalmente erróneo.
That would be totally wrong.
Apoyo totalmente esta enmienda.
I entirely endorse this amendment.
Me parece totalmente abominable.
I think it is absolutely terrible.
Esto es totalmente inaceptable.
This is just not acceptable.
Vieron situaciones totalmente intolerables.
What they saw was utterly intolerable.
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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