Spanish Sentences using probablemente
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The Irene probably missed more than nine classes, but I'm not sure.
Ella tenía probablemente cinco años cuando la vi la ultima vez.
She was probably five years old when I last saw her.
Eran probablemente las tres cuando se fueron.
It was probably three o’clock when they left.
Probablemente iré a Costa Rica.
I will probably go to Costa Rica.
Ellos probablemente tenian frío cuando se arroparon.
They probably were cold when they covered themselves.
Probablemente haya retrasos.
No doubt there have been delays.
Probablemente no necesitaré tanto tiempo.
Perhaps I shall not need all this time.
Probablemente eso sería demasiado.
That would probably be asking too much.
Probablemente sea un sueño.
That is probably pie in the sky.
Esto probablemente no sea suficiente.
This, though, is probably not enough.
Probablemente, él le conozca.
No doubt he knows this man.
Probablemente no para los niños.
Surely not for the children.
Probablemente no podamos detenerlo.
We probably cannot stop it altogether.
Diría que probablemente no.
I would argue probably not.
Probablemente necesiten cobijo.
They will probably need shelter.
Probablemente fueron muertas.
They have probably been killed.
Parecen las «minutas» probablemente de la Internacional Socialista probablemente.
They could almost be the minutes of a meeting of the Socialist International.
Eso sería probablemente lo mejor.
This would be the best way forward.
Probablemente nueve de cada diez.
Probably nine out of ten.
Probablemente podríamos hacer mucho más.
We could probably do more.
Estas dificultades son probablemente considerables.
These difficulties are probably considerable.
En mi país, Alemania, probablemente no.
In my country - Germany - probably not.
Probablemente no en todos los casos.
Probably not in every case.
Lo cual, probablemente, es acertado.
In such circumstances I think that Mr Cox's proposal is intended to gain time.
Esto simplificaría probablemente la cooperación.
This would, I imagine, make co-operation easier.
Es probablemente una cuestión lingüística.
It is probably a linguistic issue.
Probablemente será tan seguro como Fort Knox.
That will surely be as safe as Fort Knox.
Probablemente tengamos que plantearnos elementos más ambiciosos.
We probably have to consider more ambitious elements.
Eso ocurrirá probablemente en febrero de 2003.
That will probably happen in February 2003.
El Grupo Socialista pensaría probablemente que no.
The Socialist Group would probably think not.
Nuestro mensaje era: probablemente ambas cosas.
Our message was: probably as both.
Probablemente hay argumentos a favor de ambas partes.
There are probably arguments in favour of both sides.
Probablemente esto llevará a la quiebra a muchos barcos.
That is likely to bankrupt many boats.
Probablemente, la mayoría, en el mar.
Most of it in the sea, probably.
Y probablemente emprendamos acciones contra algunos más.
We shall probably be taking action against some more.
No obstante, otras probablemente tendrán resultados no deseados.
Other amendments, however, are liable to bring about undesired results.
Señor Higgins, probablemente tenga usted razón.
Mr Higgins, you are probably quite right.
Esto, probablemente, es igual de importante.
This is probably just as important.
Ésta es probablemente la cuestión más importante.
That is probably the most important point.
Considero probablemente erróneo limitarse a aplicar medidas protectoras.
I believe that it is probably wrong just to apply protective measures.
No obstante, probablemente tendremos que ir más allá.
However, we probably need to go further.
Probablemente votaré en contra de ambos textos.
I will probably vote against both.
Probablemente tengamos un Alto Representante ¡tanto mejor!
So much the better! We are probably going to have a High Representative.
Pero aquí probablemente no sea esa la cuestión.
This, however, is probably not the key argument, here.
De lo contrario, probablemente todavía seguiríamos aquí.
If you hadn't done so, it would probably be the case that we would be still here.
Y probablemente lo hicieron con buenas intenciones.
They probably did it with good intentions.
En ese caso, probablemente entenderá esto ahora.
In that case, he will probably understand this now.
Sin embargo, probablemente no siempre sea así.
However, that will probably not always be the case.
Me parece que eso es probablemente demasiado ambicioso.
I think that is probably a bit too ambitious.
Muy difícil, probablemente a priori casi imposible.
Very difficult, a priori probably almost impossible.
Algunos cálculos aproximados probablemente exageren el efecto.
Some estimates probably overstate the effect.
Probablemente no es el que nosotros hubiéramos hecho.
It is probably not what we would have done, but what does that matter?
Probablemente porque no tienen ninguna causa pendiente.
There is probably no real evidence against them.
Probablemente ambas cosas constituyen problemas que la Comisión debería resolver.
Perhaps both these matters are problems which the Commission ought, in that case, to do something about.
Probablemente se trata de una combinación de ambos elementos.
It is probably a combination of both things.
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