Spanish Sentences using castigar
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The I'm very sorry that I had to punish you, but it was necessary.
I'm very sorry that your father had to punish you, but it was necessary.
La corte castigó a los criminales.
The court punished the criminals.
Los castigaron por decir mentiras.
They were punished for telling lies.
¡Castiguemos a los culpables!
Let’s punish the guilty ones!
No queremos castigar a los iraníes.
We do not want to punish the people of Iran.
No queremos castigar, sino ayudar.
We do not wish to sanction but rather to assist.
Sería como castigar la virtud.
It would be like punishing virtue.
Pedir o castigar, hay que elegir.
Polite requests or punishment: you have a choice.
En tercer lugar, ¿a quién quieren castigar?
Thirdly, whom do you want to punish?
Qué puritanismo Hay que castigar a los pecadores.
What puritanism. Sinners are to be punished.
Debemos condenar y castigar totalmente estas prácticas.
We must wholly condemn and punish these practices.
Sin embargo con castigar sólo no es suficiente.
However, punishment alone will not suffice.
No se trata pues de castigar sino de premiar.
It is all about rewarding, not penalising.
No podemos dejar de castigar al Consejo por esa actitud.
We can only censure the Council for this attitude.
Estamos hablando de crímenes atroces que aún están por castigar.
We are speaking about appalling crimes that have yet to be punished.
No vamos a castigar a los países que hayan comenzado antes.
We will not punish the countries that started earlier.
La revisión propuesta actualmente pretende castigar precisamente a los más competitivos.
The revision that is currently being proposed is aimed at punishing those who are most competitive.
en tercer lugar, se debe castigar a los infractores;
thirdly, lawbreakers to be punished;
No lo utilicen como arma para castigar a los agricultores.
Do not use this as a weapon to beat farmers with.
Y nuestra intención no es castigar a la sociedad civil de Bielorrusia.
It is not our intention to punish the civil society of Belarus.
No obstante, la Unión Europea debe castigar a los responsables.
However, the European Union must punish those responsible.
Las cosas deben cambiar; tenemos que recompensar y castigar.
Things must change; we need sticks, we need carrots.
Pero no basta con castigar a los autores del delito.
However, it is not enough to punish the perpetrators.
No podemos castigar a este sector en relación con los demás.
We cannot penalize this sector in relation to the others.
Esa es la única manera de castigar eficazmente a este país.
It is the only way to punish this country effectively.
¿Cómo podemos caracterizar la lógica que para castigar al supuesto opresor de un pueblo propugna castigar a sus supuestas víctimas?
What sort of logic is it which, in order to punish the supposed suppressor of a people, punishes his supposed victims?
No se puede, dice el Sr. Mombaur castigar a nadie por no cumplir las cuotas.
No one can be punished for failing to keep to the quotas.
Castigar a las personas en su economía es castigarlas en la zona más sensible.
A person's wallet is the most sensitive part of their anatomy.
Se trata de unos hechos inconcebibles que no solo se deben deplorar, sino castigar duramente.
These incidents are incomprehensible, and not only must they be condemned but the perpetrators severely punished.
Señor Presidente, no quiero castigar a nadie sino que deseo llegar con relativa rapidez al tema.
Mr President, I have no wish to punish anyone, so I shall come to the point fairly quickly.
Por eso hay que investigar y hay que castigar a los culpables.
These must of course be investigated, and the people responsible held to account.
Las autoridades rusas tienen que controlar la situación, investigar y castigar a los culpables.
The Russian authorities must get to grips with this state of affairs, investigate the events and punish those responsible.
Hay que castigar a los traficantes de personas con la misma dureza que a los traficantes de drogas.
Those who traffic in human beings must therefore be punished as severely as those who deal in drugs.
En segundo lugar, en el informe se sigue el enfoque de castigar sobre todo las ideas.
The second point about the approach adopted in the report is that it is thoughts, above all, which are to be punished.
Hay que castigar la ilegalidad, y las relaciones comerciales deben regirse por un código de conducta.
Illegal actions must be punished, and commercial undertakings must be made to comply with a code of conduct.
No se trata de castigar a los infractores, sino de exigirles responsabilidades por los daños medioambientales.
It is not about punishing wrongdoers but apportioning and allocating responsibility for environmental damage.
Exigimos el establecimiento de procesos de investigación para castigar a los culpables de las extorsiones.
We demand that investigation procedures be put in place to punish those responsible for the abuses.
De hecho, no podemos planear castigar a quienes descargan música de Internet para uso personal.
We cannot, indeed, plan to punish those who download music from the Internet just for personal use.
No hay que castigar a los nuevos Estados miembros por llevar a cabo reformas estructurales complicadas.
New Member States should not be punished for carrying out difficult structural reforms.
Dediquemos nuestros esfuerzos a controlar y orientar, en lugar de suprimir, castigar, atemorizar…
Let us direct our efforts towards controlling and guiding, rather than suppressing, punishing, scaring …
Otro aspecto positivo es la necesidad de reconciliación nacional y de castigar todos los crímenes.
Another strong point is the need for national reconciliation and for no crime to go unpunished.
Comparto plenamente la idea de castigar duramente a los clientes de los esclavos sexuales.
I fully agree with the idea of providing for severe punishment for the clients of sex slaves.
Hay que castigar a los individuos responsables de la última oleada de detenciones.
The individuals responsible for the latest wave of arrests must be punished.
Reducir esta demanda significa denunciar y castigar al comprador, es decir, al cliente.
Reducing this demand means drawing attention to, and criminalising, the buyer, that is to say the customer.
Por tanto, no podemos permitirnos castigar este programa por segunda vez retrasando su aplicación.
Therefore, we cannot allow ourselves to punish this programme for a second time by delaying its implementation.
Pero, independientemente de las cifras, es necesario identificar y castigar a los responsables.
Regardless of the numbers involved, those responsible needed to be identified and brought to justice.
Creo que son los productores de esos bienes a quienes hay que castigar, no a los consumidores.
I believe that it is the producers of these goods, not the consumers, that should be punished.
Un Estado miembro no tiene derecho a negarse a castigar a los criminales que privan a otros de su libertad.
A Member State has no right to refrain from punishing offenders who deprive others of their freedom.
Unas veces parece empeñado en castigar a los Estados miembros, y otras veces en dividirlos.
Sometimes it is bent on punishing the Member States, at other times dividing them.
Aplaudimos con entusiasmo la propuesta de la Comisión de castigar a los empresarios que contraten a inmigrantes clandestinos.
We very much welcome the Commission's proposal to penalise employers who hire illegal migrants.
En vez de castigar a los agricultores rumanos, deberíamos ayudarles a resolver el sistema de subsidios.
Instead of punishing Romanian farmers, we should be helping to sort out the system of subsidies.
Los instrumentos directos deben usarse para castigar los discursos que incitan al odio.
Direct instruments must be used to punish speech that incites to hatred.
Los sistemas de pensiones no tienen que castigar a las mujeres por ser madres.
Pension systems must not punish women for being mothers.
por escrito. - El sistema de justicia penal sirve para castigar, disuadir y rehabilitar al trasgresor.
in writing. - The criminal justice system serves to punish, deter and to rehabilitate the offender.
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