Spanish Sentences using quedar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The house inhabitants were trapped inside their houses
What will you carry? I will carry everything that is left.
Does he know that I almost have to be without summer vacation?
La Paz, en Bolivia, is the highest capital in the world.
If it wasn't for the fishmonger, I would have to stay here today.
Once you have made the reservation, the only thing left is to issue the tickets
If he had bought it, he wouldn't have had any money left.
Mario left running without thinking about the ones left behind.
Since my hair is very curly, I don't want to cut it too much since it might end up being too short.
I wanted a single room but only a double room was left.
Do you still see friends from the University? Do you still meet up with them?
Do you have any question? Anything that is not clear?
She would know my smile is a farse, since the happiness of my days stayed with her.
You arrive the eleventh of December and you stay after the fourth of January.
If we remodel the bathroom, the house will be perfect.
Me quedé trabajando hasta la madrugada.
I stayed late working.
Estos zapatos me quedan apretados/chicos.
These shoes are tight.
Esta prenda / ropa no me quedó bien, ¿tiene usted otra?
This piece of clothing did not fit well, do you have another one?
Esta prenda / ropa me queda muy grande / holgada.
This piece of clothing is loose.
¿Quedó alguna cosa pendiente por hacer?
Was there anything outstanding left to do?
¿Queda leche en la nevera?
Is there any milk left in the fridge?
¿Planea quedarse aquí permanentemente?
Do you plan to live here permanently?
¿Quedan algunas entradas?
Are there any tickets left?
No, no me queda ninguna entrada.
No, there aren't any tickets left.
¿Qué es lo que persigo en esta breve vida que me queda?
What do I pursue in this short life than I have left?
El doctor dice que yo me tengo que quedar en casa.
The doctor says that I have to stay home.
No me queda más dinero.
I don't have any money left.
No nos queda más remedio.
We don't have any choice.
¿Has quedado en ir a su casa?
Have you agreed to go to her house?
¿Se quedó boquiabierto con la contestación que le dieron?
Did their response make his jaw drop?
Quedé en encontrarme con Laura para desayunar.
I arranged to meet Laura for breakfast.
No queda muy lejos de aquí.
It's not very far from here.
No tengo elección / No me queda otra alternativa
I have no choice
¿Si se equivocasen podría quedarme ciego?
If they make a mistake could I go blind?
Queda muy cerca del museo de bellas artes.
It's very close to the museum of fine arts.
Sobran dos / Quedan dos
there are two left
¿Tampoco puedes quedar hoy?
You can't stay today, either?
No quedan delfines en la costa mediterránea.
There are no dolphins left off the Mediterranean coast.
No quedes con ella tan tarde.
Don't agree to go out so late with her.
¿Te ha quedado claro mi punto de vista?
Now do you get my point of view?
Juan quiere que yo me quede con él en la isla.
Juan wants me to stay on the island with him.
¿Dónde queda el museo?
Where is the museum located?
Quedamos en ir juntos a la fiesta.
We agreed to go together to the party.
Quedaron en ir juntos a la fiesta.
They agreed to go together to the party.
¿Cuánto tiempo queda para que termine el partido?
How much time is left for the match to end?
Queda estrictamente prohibido el uso de celular.
Using a cell phone remains strictly prohibited.
quedarse con la boca abierta
to open one's eyes wide
¿Te queda mucho para acabar?
Do you have a lot left to finish?
Tiene que quedar claro.
That has to be clarified.
Esto debe quedar claro.
That needs to be said clearly.
Y así debe quedar.
That is the form in which it must remain.
¿Queremos quedar en ridículo?
Do we want to look ridiculous?
Nadie debería quedar marginado.
Nobody should be left behind.
Esto debe quedar claro.
That has to be made clear.
Europa no puede quedar rezagada.
Europe cannot be left behind.
Esto no puede quedar así.
This has to be followed up.
Esto debe quedar bien claro.
So, I hope this is perfectly clear.
Europa no puede permitirse quedar relegada.
Europe cannot afford to be sidelined.
Y eso debe quedar claro.
We should all be clear about this.
Esto debe quedar absolutamente claro.
This must be made absolutely clear.
Eso debe quedar absolutamente claro.
That must be made absolutely clear.
Esto debe quedar meridianamente claro.
That much is abundantly clear.
Esto tiene que quedar claro.
This has to be made clear.
Esto debe quedar muy claro.
This must be made quite clear.
Esto debe quedar bien claro.
That must be spelled out very clearly.
No tienen que quedar a la espera.
They do not have to wait for it.
Esto debe quedar completamente claro.
That must be extremely clear.
No tengo tiempo y no me puedo quedar.
I have no time and cannot stay.
Eso debe quedar bien claro.
We should make that quite clear.
Eso debe quedar bien claro.
Let us be frank and clear about that.
Esto no debe quedar sólo en el papel.
That must not be just on paper.
Esto debe quedar regulado con toda claridad.
There must be clear rules about this.
El desarrollo sostenible no puede quedar limitado a Europa.
Sustainable development should not remain within European borders.
Esto debe quedar totalmente claro aquí.
That needs to be made perfectly clear here.
Esto también tiene que quedar muy claro.
That also has to be made very clear.
No debe quedar ninguna duda al respecto.
There must be no doubt about this.
Esto va a quedar en agua de borrajas.
This is going to run into the sand.
Esto tiene que quedar muy claro.
This must be made very clear.
Deben quedar reducidos al mínimo imprescindible.
These must be reduced to the absolute minimum.
Este punto ha de quedar totalmente claro.
This point must be crystal clear!
Esto también tiene que quedar claro.
This must also be clarified.
Esto tiene que quedar muy claro.
That point has to be made clear.
La violencia debe quedar relegada al pasado.
Violence must be consigned to the past.
Esto tiene que quedar absolutamente claro.
This must be made absolutely clear.
Esto tiene que quedar totalmente claro.
That is something that has to be made abundantly clear.
Esto también debe quedar bastante claro.
This, too, must be made quite clear.
El texto debería quedar como sigue:
The text would then read as follows:
Nuestra solidaridad no debería quedar confinada a nuestras fronteras.
Our solidarity should not be confined to our borders.
Nadie debe quedar marginado en Europa.
Nobody in Europe must be left by the wayside.
¿Nos vamos a quedar mudos, sin respuesta?
Are we going to remain silent and not answer?
Y esto tiene que quedar claro.
That must be made clear.
Debe quedar cierta nostalgia entre los comunistas.
There must be certain nostalgia amongst the communists.
Ninguna minoría debe quedar a un lado.
No minority must be overlooked.
Y esto también debe quedar muy claro.
And this too should be very clear.
Creo que eso debe quedar bien sentado.
I think they should come clean on that.
La UE no puede quedar prisionera de ellos.
The EU must not be held prisoner by them.
Pero los derechos humanos no pueden quedar mermados.
However, this must not mean that human rights suffer as a consequence.
Pero, no obstante, la legislación no puede quedar postergada.
But the legislation has to keep pace with it all.
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