Spanish Sentences using pasada
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The ones who worked overtime last week have already been paid.
I was hoping that Mary could go to the party last week.
Several friends of mine came to visit my family last week.
I thought that you were going to go to the beach with me last week.
They were sick last week, right? Yes, they were sick but now they are well.
We got up late every day last week because we were on vacation.
¿Tú fuiste al estadio la temporada pasada?
Did you go to the stadium last season?
La Editorial América imprimió dos novelas la semana pasada.
The America Publishing Company printed two novels last week.
Yo fui a una fiesta la semana pasada.
I went to a party last week.
¿Fuiste a la fiesta la semana pasada?
Did you go to the party last week?
Yo creo que Juan fue a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I believe that John went to the party last week.
Yo creía que María iba a ir a la fiesta la semana pasada.
I thought that Mary was going to go to the party last week.
La semana pasada la oposición votó en contra de la nueva ley.
Last week the opposition voted against the new law.
Los muchachos fueron a la playa la semana pasada con sus amigos.
The boys went to the beach last week with their friends.
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ir a la playa la semana pasada con sus amigos.
I thought that the boys were going to go to the beach last week with their friends.
Mi prima recibió siete cartas de José Luis la semana pasada.
My cousin received seven letters from José Luis last week.
Francisco se torció el tobillo la semana pasada.
Francisco sprained his ankle last week.
Yo fui a la playa la semana pasada con mis amigos.
I went to the beach last week with my friends.
Los boletos están agotados desde la semana pasada.
The tickets have been sold out since last week.
¿ Fuiste a la playa la semana pasada?
Did you go to the beach last week?
Maria vendió su casa la semana pasada.
Mary sold her house last week.
Yo creo que Juan fue a la playa la semana pasada con sus amigos.
I think that John went to the beach last week with his friends.
¿Sabes si los muchachos fueron a la playa la semana pasada?
Do you know if the boys went to the beach last week?
Yo creía que los muchachos iban a ir a la playa con nosotros la semana pasada.
I thought that the boys were going to go to the beach with us last week.
¿ Fuiste al cine la semana pasada con tus amigos?
Did you go to the movies last week (la semana pasada) with your friends?
La temporada pasada el equipo no gano ni una vez.
Last season the team didn't even win once.
Es principiante, empezó la semana pasada.
He's a beginner, he started last week.
Has tenido un resfriado desde la semana pasada, ¿por qué no vas al doctor?
You've had a cold since last week, why don't you go to the doctor?
La despiedieron de su empleo la semana pasada.
She was fired from her job last week.
¿Cuántas veces faltaron Uds. a clase la semana pasada?
How many times did you all skip class last week?
La semana pasada mi hermano halló un perro y lo tiene todavía.
Last week my brother found a dog and he still has it.
La vi la semana pasada.
I saw her last week.
El tornado derribó muchas casas la semana pasada.
The tornado tore down lots of houses last week.
La semana pasada hablamos de tu receta de pollo.
Last week we spoke about your chicken recipe.
La pasada semana asistí a una conferencia.
I was at a conference last week.
La condena fue confirmada la semana pasada.
The conviction was upheld last week.
Estuve en Washington la semana pasada.
I was in Washington last week.
La semana pasada no ha sido una excepción
Last week was no exception.
La semana pasada estuve en Iraq.
I was in Iraq last week.
Puede que convenga recordarlo de pasada.
It is perhaps appropriate to reiterate that in passing.
La semana pasada, le llamó a usted «».
Last week called you .
La semana pasada estuve en Dinamarca.
Last week I was in Denmark.
El Tratado de Lisboa es agua pasada.
The Lisbon Treaty is old hat.
La Comisión pidió esto la semana pasada.
The Commission asked for this last week.
Me voy a referir también de pasada a las enmiendas.
Let me base myself partly on the amendments.
Pero todo esto es música pasada.
Now that is all old hat.
Ninguno de ustedes deseaba esto la semana pasada.
None of you wanted this last week.
Treinta países abolieron la pena capital durante la pasada década.
It is also the case that, during the 1990s, 30 countries abolished the death penalty.
De hecho, los primeros barcos empezaron a entregarse la semana pasada.
In fact, the first boats began decommissioning last week.
La semana pasada lo invitamos a Suecia, a una reunión privada.
Instead, they referred to an EU agreement not to invite the President of Taiwan, because to do so would threaten relations with China.
La pasada noche, el Consejo celebró una reunión trilateral.
Last night, the Council held a trialogue meeting.
La pasada semana, el Consejo mencionó concretamente a Lituania y Eslovaquia.
Lithuania and Slovakia were specifically mentioned by the Council last week.
La semana pasada tuvimos la cumbre de Copenhague.
Last week we had Copenhagen.
Pero la nación no es simplemente la historia pasada.
Yet a nation is not simply past history.
La semana pasada concluyó una ronda de negociaciones en Asunción.
One negotiating round was concluded last week in Asunción.
Como ejemplo tenemos lo que sucedió la semana pasada.
For example, take what happened last week.
Es muy fácil decir que no existe incompatibilidad pasada.
It is all very well to say that there is no past incompatibility.
Esto es lo que pedí la semana pasada.
That is what I asked for last week.
La semana pasada estuve en los Estados Unidos.
Last week I was in the United States.
Señorías, estuve la pasada semana en Filipinas visitando a Francisco Larrañaga.
Ladies and gentlemen, I visited Francisco Larrañaga in the Philippines last week.
Después de todo, por esto lo propusimos la semana pasada.
That, after all, is why we proposed it last week!
¿Por qué el Gobierno italiano no intenta revisar su historia pasada?
Why would the Italian Government make no attempt to reconsider its past history?
Precisamente la semana pasada tuvimos dos casos muy preocupantes.
Just last week we had two particularly worrying cases.
Sin duda, la labor de la semana pasada contribuirá a ello.
Last week's work will certainly help.
La experiencia pasada ha demostrado que pueden surgir algunos problemas.
Past experience has shown that a few problems may yet emerge.
Por experiencia pasada, muchos de ellos vendrán a Gran Bretaña.
On past experience, many of them would come to Britain.
La semana pasada, el Presidente de esta Cámara me envió a Georgia.
Last weekend, the President of this House sent me to Georgia.
Señoras y señores, la semana pasada estuvo repleta de acontecimientos.
Ladies and gentlemen, the past week has been very eventful.
La semana pasada me puse en contacto con su oficina.
Last week I was in contact with his office.
El Consejo debería haber tomado estas medidas la semana pasada.
The Council should have taken these steps last week.
La pasada semana la crisis alcanzó una enorme velocidad.
Last week the crisis went into hyper speed.
La semana pasada, participé en la conferencia ministerial de Lille.
Last week I took part in the ministerial conference in Lille.
Cosa que también lo sugirió India la semana pasada.
This is also what India suggested last weekend.
Esta ha sido mi reflexión sobre la semana pasada.
That was my look back at last week.
La semana pasada la sociedad europea asistió a dos acontecimientos.
Last week, European society experienced two events.
La Unión Europea asumió su responsabilidad la semana pasada.
The European Union took its responsibility last week.
Me gustaría decir que la semana pasada compré una bicicleta nueva.
May I say that I purchased a new bike last week.
He analizado su excelente documento de la semana pasada.
I looked at your excellent document from last week.
La semana pasada regresé de una visita a Corea.
Last week, I came back from Korea.
La semana pasada se produjo un hecho especialmente importante.
Last week, a particularly significant event took place.
Y de pasada, el Consejo liquida también el programa Elise.
And en passant the Council is also killing the Elise programme.
He tenido la ocasión de visitar Chipre la semana pasada.
I had the opportunity to be in Cyprus last week.
A comienzos de la semana pasada estuve en Turquía.
I was in Turkey early last week.
La Comisaria estuvo en Kyoto la semana pasada.
The Commissioner was in Kyoto last week.
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