Spanish Sentences using aprobar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Even if he studies 20 hours a day he won't pass this exam.
Even though he studied 20 hours a day he didn't pass the exam.
Even if he had studied 20 hours a day, he wouldn't have passed the exam.
The abolition of the Panamanian army was approved by the congress of 1994.
If you pass your exam, you will obtain the driver's license.
El Parlamento ha aprobado la ley.
Parliament has passed the law.
(Él) no aprobó su examen.
He failed his examination.
Ella aprobó el examen.
She passed the examination.
¿Aprobó el presupuesto el cliente?
Did the client approve the estimate?
El consejo no aprobará que ustedes exhiban esa película aquí.
The board will not approve your showing that film here.
El congreso aprobó la abolición del ejército panameño en mil novecientos noventa y nueve.
The congress approved the abolition of the Panamanian army in 1994.
Tienes que responder a todas las preguntas para aprobar el examen.
You must answer all the questions to pass your exam.
Aprobarían el préstamo si ganáramos más dinero.
They would approve the loan if we made more money.
El nuevo Congreso ha aprobado las nuevas leyes.
The new Congress has approved the new laws.
Aprobar un examen
to pass an examination
El gobierno ha aprobado la nueva norma.
The government has approved the new norm.
Ella no aprobó su examen.
She didn't pass her test.
Estoy segura de que ella aprobará su examen.
I am sure she will pass her test.
Se trata de aprender, no de aprobar.
It's about learning, not just passing.
No podemos aprobar esta enmienda.
We cannot adopt that amendment.
No las podemos aprobar todas.
We cannot approve all of them.
No deberíamos aprobar esta resolución.
We should not adopt this resolution.
Debemos aprobar este informe.
We should adopt this report.
Sería irresponsable no aprobar este Acuerdo.
It is unrealistic to expect Egypt to copy our models exactly.
No tenemos derecho a aprobar la gestión.
We have no right to grant discharge.
Hablamos de aprobar la legislación.
We are talking about adopting the legislation.
Deberíamos aprobar algo a este fin.
We should adopt something to this effect.
Sería irresponsable aprobar dicha propuesta.
It would be irresponsible to vote through such a proposal.
No basta con aprobar nuevas leyes.
It is not enough to pass new laws.
No puedo aprobar el informe Balzani.
in writing. - (NL) I cannot endorse the Balzani report.
Por este motivo no se pueden aprobar.
They cannot therefore be approved.
¡No debemos aprobar el informe von Wogau!
The von Wogau report must be rejected.
Me molesta aprobar la resolución llamada de compromiso.
I feel uncomfortable in approving the so-called compromise resolution.
En consecuencia, no podemos aprobar el informe.
We therefore cannot vote for the report.
No puedo aprobar las enmiendas 7 y 8.
I can accept Amendments Nos 7 and 8.
Mi Grupo no puede aprobar este planteamiento.
My group cannot subscribe to this approach.
Nosotros nos negamos a aprobar esta comedia.
We refuse to approve this farce.
Hemos de aprobar un nuevo presupuesto.
We have a new budget to pass.
Creo que deberíamos aprobar este compromiso razonable.
I think we should take this sensible approach of compromise.
… sin aprobar la intervención del Estado.
… without approving of State intervention.
Acabamos de aprobar el informe «Legislar mejor».
We have just adopted the ‘better lawmaking’ report.
Estaríamos encantados de aprobar dicha enmienda.
We would be happy to accept such an amendment.
Esperamos refrendar y aprobar la Constitución Europea.
We hope to endorse and adopt the European Constitution.
Espero que podamos aprobar este reglamento.
I hope that we will be able to adopt this regulation.
¿Debemos aprobar dicha conducta en esta Cámara?
Is this something that we in this House should be condoning?
Acordamos aprobar esta Directiva en primera lectura.
We agreed to adopt this Directive in a single reading.
Estamos listos para aprobar un instrumento importante.
We are poised to adopt an important instrument.
No puedo sino aprobar las medidas propuestas.
I can only approve of the measures proposed.
Señor Presidente, yo quiero aprobar esta propuesta.
– Mr President, I wish to endorse this motion.
Por lo tanto, urge aprobar dicho reglamento.
It is therefore urgent to pass this regulation.
(El Parlamento acuerda aprobar la enmienda oral)
(Parliament agreed to accept the oral amendment)
(El Parlamento acuerda aprobar la enmienda oral)
(Parliament agreed to accept the oral amendment)
(El Parlamento acuerda aprobar la enmienda oral)
(Parliament agreed to accept the oral amendment)
Yo, por supuesto, no voy a aprobar ese apartado.
I certainly cannot support that paragraph.
Pudimos aprobar unánimemente un texto distinto.
We could unanimously adopt a different text.
No podemos aprobar este informe porque no resuelve nada.
Since this report resolves nothing, we are unable to approve it.
Hemos conseguido aprobar por los pelos.
We have managed to get through by the narrowest of margins.
Lo principal es aprobar el informe ahora.
The main thing is to adopt the report now.
Esto es lo que vamos a aprobar ahora.
This is what we are going to adopt now.
Podemos pues también aprobar esa decisión.
We are happy with that.
Por eso, no podemos aprobar las enmiendas núms.
For this reason we cannot accept Amendments Nos 1, 5 and 15.
Por este motivo no puedo aprobar estos recortes.
For this reason, I cannot approve these cuts.
Sería realmente inconveniente aprobar el punto 54.
It would be totally inappropriate to adopt paragraph 54.
No se pueden aprobar en la forma actual.
These cannot be approved in their current form.
Es decir, que no puedo aprobar esta corrección.
Therefore, I cannot refuse to include this correction.
Espero que podamos aprobar esa enmienda.
I do hope that we can approve this amendment.
En el pasado existían dos: podíamos aprobar o no aprobar la gestión.
In the past there were two options: we could give or refuse discharge.
No tenemos por qué aprobar el gasoducto Corriente del Norte, pero podríamos aprobar el gasoducto Amber.
We do not have to approve Nord Stream; we might well approve the Amber pipeline.
La Comisión está dispuesta a aprobar diez sin reparos.
The Commission can adopt 10 amendments in their entirety.
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