Spanish Sentences using limpiar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her clean the house.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you clean the house.
Mary, did you want me to help you clean the house.
Every time that you use the kitchen you must clean it.
The boys wanted us to help them clean the house.
Mrs. García wanted us to help the boys clean the house.
Mary would have cleaned the house if John had helped her.
Dust off and clean the lamps and other decorative objects.
Mrs. García, I hope that you can help him clean the house.
I thought Juan was going to help me clean the house.
Do not clean the rooms with the sign on the door.
Mary would have cleaned the kitchen if you had helped her.
to clean the stains on the walls, baseboards and furniture
María, did you want me to help you clean the house?
María thought I was going to be able to help her clean the house.
María, I thought I was going to be able to help you clean the house.
I would have cleaned the house if Mary had helped me.
I think to clean Vilma's boots. I think to clean them to her.
María thought I was going to help her clean the house.
I will instruct you on how to clean your contact lenses.
It is necessary to employ a large quantity of mantainance staff for cleaning the railways
Juan, I thought you were going to be able to help me clean the house.
I thought that Juan was going to help me clean the house.
John, I thought that you were going to be able to help me clean the house.
María thought that I was going to help her clean the house.
Los muchachos nos van a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
The boys are going to help us clean the house.
Nosotros queremos que los muchachos nos ayuden a limpiar la casa.
We want the boys to help us clean the house.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
We thought that the boys were going to help us clean the house.
Nosotros creíamos que los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
We thought that the boys were going to be able to help us clean the house.
Nosotros esperábamos que los muchachos nos ayudaran a limpiar la casa.
We were hoping that the boys would help us clean the house.
Yo no sabía si los muchachos nos iban a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
I didn't know if the boys were going to be able to help us clean the house.
Nosotros vamos a ayudar a los muchachos a limpiar la casa.
We are going to help the boys clean the house.
Nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a los muchachos a limpiar la casa.
We are going to be able to help the boys clean the house..
Yo creo que nosotros los podemos ayudar a limpiar la casa.
I think that we can help them clean the house.
Los muchachos quieren que nosotros los ayudemos a limpiar la casa.
The boys want us to help them clean the house.
Los muchachos creían que nosotros los íbamos a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
The boys thought that we were going to be able to help them clean the house.
¿Crees que nosotros vamos a poder ayudar a los muchachos a limpiar la casa?
Do you think that we are going to be able to help the boys clean the house?
Señora García, nosotros le vamos a ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, we are going to help you clean the house.
Señora García, ¿Quiere usted que nosotros le ayudemos a limpiar la casa?
Mrs. García, do you want us to help you clean the house?
María limpiaría la casa si Juan la ayudara.
Mary would clean the house if John helped her.
¿Necesita usted que nosotros le ayudemos a limpiar la casa?.
Do you need us to help you clean the house?.
Señora García, yo creía que nosotros le íbamos a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, I thought that we were going to be able to help you clean the house.
Señora García, yo no sé si nosotros le vamos a poder ayudar a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, I don't know if we are going to be able to help you clean the house.
Señora García, ¿Cree que usted va a poder ayudar a Juan a limpiar la casa?
Mrs. García, do you think that you are going to be able to help John clean the house?
Señora García, Juan quiere que usted lo ayude a limpiar la casa.
Mrs. García, John wants you to help him clean the house.
Yo creo que el señora García va a ayudar a Juan a limpiar la casa.
I think that Mrs. García is going to help John clean the house.
Debemos limpiar sus actos.
We must clean up their acts.
Hemos formulado propuestas para limpiar el Danubio.
We have made proposals for cleaning up the Danube.
Limpiar y recuperar todas esas zonas.
Almost all of it is covered by Natura 2002.
Se les obliga a limpiar lo que han contaminado.
They are forced to clean up their act.
Ahora, los operadores tendrán además que limpiar el contenido.
Now the operators will also have to clean up content.
Yo mismo acudí a ayudar a los voluntarios a limpiar el petróleo.
I went along to help the volunteers clear up the oil.
Es de máxima importancia limpiar los pueblos y ciudades europeos.
It is of the utmost importance that European towns and cities be cleaned up.
Es cosa nuestra limpiar las ruinas que quedan.
It is up to us to clean up the remaining ruins.
Con todo, se trata también de limpiar Internet.
It is also, however, a question of cleaning up the Internet.
Se ha conseguido limpiar senderos que conducen desde las aldeas hasta los pozos, se ha conseguido limpiar senderos que conducen desde las aldeas hasta las escuelas primarias.
They have managed to clear tracks from the villages to the wells, they have managed to clear tracks from villages to the primary schools.
Ya existe tecnología para limpiar los humos de las instalaciones de incineración de los residuos.
The technology for cleaning up fumes from waste incineration plants already exists.
Tenemos que limpiar a fondo en los antiguos casos, de otra forma la situación nunca mejorará.
We need to clean up the legacy of the past, or matters will never improve.
Y me digo: "Seguramente en todas las casas se utilizará amoníaco para limpiar."
Ammonia is surely used for cleaning in every household!
Mark Forrester es inocente y seguiremos luchando para demostrar su inocencia y limpiar su nombre.
Mark Forrester is innocent and we will carry on that fight to prove that he is innocent and to clear his name.
En primer lugar, no hay por qué limpiar necesariamente los yacimientos antiguos.
Firstly, old sites do not necessarily need to be cleaned up.
Además, tenemos que limpiar la reputación mancillada de la Sra. Andreasen.
We also have to restore Mrs Andreasen's ruined reputation.
He ahí un pecado del pasado; la empresa culpable ha desaparecido y es necesario limpiar ese desaguisado.
That is a sin from the past; the company concerned has gone and the mess needs to be cleaned up.
Significa limpiar regiones enteras, la reparación y construcción de viviendas, y la reactivación de la economía.
It means clearing up entire regions, the repair and construction of homes, and reviving the economy.
La UE debe ayudar a Rusia en sus esfuerzos por limpiar San Petersburgo de aguas residuales.
The EU must support Russia in its efforts to cleanse St Petersburg of all waste water.
Pero también sabemos que una medida a corto plazo, una estrategia para limpiar minas, no es suficiente.
We also know, however, that a short-term measure, a strategy for clearing our world of mines, is not sufficient.
Pero entiendo perfectamente el deseo de estas mujeres y de sus familias de limpiar sus nombres.
But I fully understand the wish of these women and their families to clear their names.
También es necesario actuar rápidamente para recuperar y limpiar los bosques.
There is also an urgent need with regard to the forest.
4. para limpiar Internet de spam y sancionar a aquellos que lo hacen circular;
4. in order to clean the Internet of spam and punish those who make it circulate;
A este paso, se va a tardar más de seis años en limpiar las ruinas de Puerto Príncipe.
At this rate, it will take more than six years to clear the ruins in Port-au-Prince.
Por último -y este es mi mensaje en esta ocasión- tenemos que limpiar los bancos europeos.
Finally - and this is my message for today - we still have to clean up the European banks.
Quisiera recordarles aquí que uno de los trabajos de Hércules fue limpiar los establos de Augías.
Allow me to recall that one of the labours of Hercules was to clean the Augean stables.
Por eso ha llegado la hora de limpiar frente a nuestra propia puerta.
It is therefore about time we swept our own front doorstep clean.
La transparencia no hace daño a nadie sino que ayuda muchas veces a limpiar el ambiente.
Transparency does not hurt anybody and it often helps to provide an honest environment.
Si el Parlamento y la Comisión trabajan juntos, se podrá hacer mucho para «limpiar» la Comisión.
If Parliament and the Commission work together real progress can be made in 'cleaning up' the Commission.
Esta Asamblea a pedido que otra institución europea debería limpiar su norma.
This House has demanded that another European institution should clean up its act.
Se necesita una reforma de personal para limpiar a la UE de privilegios.
Staff reforms should be carried out in order to weed out EU privileges.
Sin embargo, no somos siempre igualmente enérgicos para limpiar frente a nuestra propia puerta.
However, we ourselves are not always as good at putting our own house in order.
Se está trabajando mucho para limpiar las diferentes fuentes de vertidos.
Very extensive work is already being done to clean up various sources of discharges around the Baltic.
Creo que la promesa de curar enfermedades, aumentar la producción, limpiar el medio ambiente, etc. todavía tiene que probarse.
I believe that the promise of solving illnesses, increasing yield and cleaning up the environment etc remain to be proven.
Deben limpiar el espacio político de terrorismo y golpismo, lo cual no necesita de improvisaciones personales, sino de un plan común.
They must remove the conditions in which terrorism and subversion thrive and that requires a common approach, not personal ups and downs.
Hay que desarrollar la economía y limpiar el país de minas para restablecer la situación anterior en el campo.
The economy must be developed, and the mines must be cleared in order to restore the countryside to its former state.
Del mismo modo, cuando los análisis demuestran que es rentable limpiar la contaminación atmosférica, la industria automovilística presiona en contra.
Similarly, when analyses show that cleaning up air pollution pays off, the car industry lobbies against it.
Ese acuerdo se ha conseguido utilizando a la Comisión y al Parlamento Europeo como trapos para limpiar la mesa.
This was achieved by using the Commission and Parliament as dishcloths to wipe the table clean.
Limpiar los depósitos de agua de estos sedimentos será muy costoso, y no existen tecnologías adecuadas para hacerlo.
Cleaning reservoirs of these deposits will be very costly and there are no technologies to do this.
¿Apoyará el Consejo la directiva contribuyendo a limpiar nuestro río, o lo que es lo mismo, nuestros ríos?
Will the Council support the directive and thereby help to clean up our river - our rivers?
Algunas autoridades de municipios cercanos a la frontera han tenido que incrementar en un 30 % su presupuesto para limpiar vertederos ilegales.
Some local authorities near the border have had to increase their budget by 30% to clean up illegal dumps.
Lo que tenemos, en cambio, es un proceso muy costoso en Europa para limpiar las canales de aves de corral.
What we have instead is a very expensive process in Europe for cleaning chicken carcasses.
La cuestión de si se ha de limpiar el mar Báltico está claramente en manos de la UE.
The question of whether the Baltic Sea is to be cleaned is largely in the hands of the EU.
Aunque, lamentablemente, no podemos limpiar los residuos con nuestras propias manos, sí que tenemos mucho que decir en este asunto.
Although, unfortunately, we cannot go there to clean up the rubbish with our own hands, we have a key role to play in this.
En cualquier caso, queremos que la próxima Comisión asuma enteramente su responsabilidad de limpiar estos establos de Augias.
In any event, we want the incoming Commission to discharge its responsibilities fully and clean out these Augean stables.
Estamos obligados a limpiar los fallos del pasado tanto dentro de la Comisión como en los Estados miembros.
We need to put our house in order following the mistakes of the past, both internally within the Commission and also in the Member States.
¡Debemos ocuparnos de limpiar a fondo y atender nuestros propios asuntos antes de lanzarnos a levantar nuevas instituciones excesivamente seguras de sí mismas!
Should we not make a point of cleaning up our own act and putting our own house in order before we plunge into constructing grand new institutions!
Es necesario ayudar a las explotaciones afectadas a "limpiar" el foco infeccioso y evitar toda propagación de la enfermedad por la circulación comercial de peces vivos.
The fish farms concerned must be assisted in 'cleaning up' the infected site and preventing the disease from spreading through the commercial transport of live fish.
Señora Presidenta, se necesita urgentemente una acción coherente en los niveles local, nacional y europeo para limpiar nuestros aires, mares y tierras.
Madam President, coherent action is urgently required at local, national and European levels to clean up our land, sea and air.
Limpiar oficinas y reponer existencias en los supermercados no son precisamente trabajos apasionantes, así que en la mayoría de los casos era preferible el papel de ama de casa.
Cleaning offices or stacking shelves in supermarkets are not demanding jobs, and, in many cases, not to be preferred to the role of housewife.
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