Spanish Sentences using engañar
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The On top of cheating me, he insulted me, he not only cheated me but also insulted me.
She found out that her husband was cheating on her.
No me engañes, ese no es tu coche.
You can’t fool me, this isn’t your car.
Me estás engañando.
You're cheating on me.
Mucha gente engaña a los niños ofreciéndoles dulces.
People trick their children by offering them candies.
Tú a mí no me engañas.
You can’t fool me.
La NASA nunca engañaría al mundo entero tan fácilmente.
NASA would never fool the entire world so easily.
Es tan bueno que no engañaría ni a una mosca.
He's so good that he couldn't upset a fly.
¿Por qué me has engañado?
Why have you fooled me?
Me engañó la vista.
My eyes deceived me.
No te engañes a ti mismo.
Don't fool yourself.
Descubrió que su marido la engañaba.
He discovered that his wife fooled him.
Inocente palomita que te dejaste engañar.
Fooled by a little dove.
Lo han engañado en varias ocasiones.
They have made a fool of him on various occasions.
El vendedor engañó al cliente aumentando el precio.
The sales man deceived the customer by raising the price.
¿A quién pretende engañar?
Who is he trying to kid?
¿A quién intentan engañar?
Who are they trying to fool?
Pero, ¿a quién pretende engañar?
But who is it trying to fool?
¿A quién queremos engañar?
Who are we trying to kid?
No nos dejemos engañar.
We must not let ourselves be deceived.
¿A quién tratan de engañar?
Who are they trying to kid?
Pero, ¡a quién se pretende engañar!
But who are they poking fun at?!
Todo lo demás sería engañar a los consumidores.
Anything else would amount to deceiving the consumer.
Me temo que quieren engañar al Parlamento.
My fear is that this House is being tricked.
El mercado interior no autoriza a engañar a los consumidores.
The internal market is not a licence for misleading consumers.
No debemos engañarnos, ni tampoco engañar a los ciudadanos.
Citizens and ourselves should not be fooled.
No se deje engañar por esas camisetas.
Do not let those T-shirts confuse you.
¿Se va a volver a engañar a los consumidores?
Are consumers going to be fooled yet again?
Señor Presidente, Señorías, ¿a quién queremos engañar?
Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, who are we laughing at?
Toda la federación se deja engañar por la propaganda bélica.
The entire Federation is allowing itself to be taken in by the war propaganda.
No se debe engañar al consumidor llamando chocolate a otra cosa.
We must not mislead the consumer by giving the name 'chocolate' to just anything.
Ello no obstante, quisiera advertirles de que no se dejen engañar.
However, beware of being led up the garden path.
Estamos convencidos de que los pueblos no se dejarán engañar.
We are convinced that the peoples will not be deceived.
Hay que trabajar con transparencia para no engañar a los ciudadanos.
Work should be done transparently so that people are not deceived.
No hay nada hermoso en el intento de engañar a la gente.
There is nothing nice about misleading people.
Eso es engañar a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea.
This is deceiving the citizens of the European Union.
No nos dejemos engañar, Señorías, por una propaganda bastante burda.
Ladies and gentlemen, let us not be fooled by rather facile propaganda.
No obstante, no consiguen engañar a los expertos en medios de comunicación.
This does not, however, fool media experts.
En tercer lugar, no nos dejemos engañar por los costes.
Third, let us not be misled by the costs.
¡Pero no nos dejemos engañar por los grandes discursos!
But let us not be deceived by sound bites!
Piensa más en engañar a los ciudadanos, a los votantes.
You are thinking more about deceiving the citizens, the voters.
Quisiera preguntar a quién está intentando engañar el Gobierno chino.
I would like to ask who the Chinese government are trying to kid.
Me gustaría decir claramente al Consejo que no nos debemos dejar engañar.
I would like to clearly say to the Council that we must not be under any illusion.
Por ello, no tiene sentido engañar a la gente aquí.
Therefore, there is no point in deceiving people here.
La tranquilidad existente en Europa no nos debe engañar al respecto.
Let us not be fooled by the calm in Europe.
Eso se llama engañar al electorado y seguiré denunciándolo.
This is deceiving the voters and I will continue to denounce it.
Señor Presidente, he de decirle que no nos dejaremos engañar.
Mr President, I must tell you that there will no fool's bargain struck with us.
Señorías, hay un aleteo de tristeza hoy, no nos vamos a engañar.
Ladies and gentlemen, there is a hint of sadness today; we are not going to try to hide it.
No han cesado de engañar y manipular a los trabajadores europeos.
They have constantly deceived and manipulated the workers of Europe.
La Comisión de Desarrollo no puede dejarse engañar ni se dejará engañar por lo que consideramos que es un doble lenguaje sobre esta cuestión.
The Development Committee cannot and will not be duped by what we see as double-speak on this issue.
Consecuentemente, no solo no existió oposición, sino que incluso hubo que engañar para obtener el 51%.
So not only was there no opposition, but it was even necessary to resort to fraud in order to obtain the figure of 51%.
No nos dejemos engañar por la fácil transición que tuvo lugar el 1-1- 1999.
We should not be deceived by the painless transition on 1 January 1999.
No nos dejemos engañar tampoco por el casi deslizamiento automático al nuevo milenio.
Nor should we be deceived by the almost automatic transition to the new millennium.
La proclamación de las elecciones no parece ser más que una maniobra para engañar a la comunidad internacional.
The announcement of elections appears to be no more than a diversion to mislead the international community.
No debemos dejarnos engañar y debemos reconocer que Vladimir Voranin es quien ha frenado las reformas económicas.
We must be clear-sighted and see that it is Vladimir Voranin who has stopped economic reforms.
Peor aun, es que se dan todas las condiciones favorables para engañar a los compradores.
Much worse is that it also leaves the field wide open for misleading the buying public.
Sin embargo, ahora ya no será posible engañar a los ganaderos cuando alimenten a sus animales.
It will now no longer be possible, however, to deceive farmers when they feed their animals.
Creemos que el único objetivo de este tipo de «coordinación» es engañar a los trabajadores.
We believe that the sole objective of this sort of 'coordination' is to mislead the workers.
A pesar de la campaña de propaganda, no se debe engañar al pueblo.
Despite the propaganda campaign, the people must not be deceived.
¿De qué margen disponemos entonces para afirmar que condenamos esas prácticas y que no nos dejamos engañar?
So how much scope do we have to state that we condemn these practices and that we are not being fooled?
¿A qué clase de malentendidos se refiere exactamente y quién, a su entender, se deja engañar por ellos?
Exactly what kind of misunderstandings do you mean, and who, in your view, is labouring under them?
Esto equivale a engañar a los ciudadanos europeos, y pedimos igualdad ante la ley.
This amounts to cheating Europe’s citizens, and we demand equality before the law.
Lo siento por usted, porque se ha dejado engañar por simples mentiras de los medios británicos.
I just feel sorry for you because you have been misled by pure lies in the British media.
. – Lo que el mundo ha visto hoy es que es fácil engañar a un Parlamento democráticamente elegido.
. – What the world witnessed today is that it is easy to mislead a democratically elected parliament.
Sería peligroso mantener declaraciones sobre los productos alimenticios que, por ser parciales, pudieran engañar a los consumidores.
It would be dangerous for food products still to bear claims that, by not presenting the complete picture, could mislead consumers.
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