Spanish Sentences using carro
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The They are putting away Robert's car. They are putting his car away.
I would have driven the car if I had my driver's license.
Did you carry the things to the car? No, I did not carry them to the car but Jorge carried them for me.
Park this car on the third floor of the parking lot.
Do you prefer a car with two doors or four doors?
They were washing the car for dad. They were washing the car for him.
As soon as the car is working, we'll go to the supermarket.
I am thinking of repairing dad's car. I think on repairing it for him.
Felipe can drive the car for Oscar. Felipe can drive it for him.
John would buy the new car if the bank lent him the money.
Years ago the car and the computer didn't used to exist.
I put gas in the car; however, the motor doesn't start.
We would have washed the car if it had been dirty.
Han colocado el carro delante de los bueyes.
They put the cart before the horse.
En otras palabras, estamos poniendo el carro delante del buey.
In other words, we are putting the cart before the horse.
Pienso que así está enganchado el caballo al carro.
I think this is putting the cart before the horse.
¿No se ha puesto el carro antes que los bueyes?
Is this not putting the cart before the horse?
Me gustaría invitar al Sr. Elles a que no pusiera el carro delante de los bueyes.
Can I invite Mr Elles not to put the cart before the horse.
Y encargar esto ahora a Eurostat es poner el carro delante de los bueyes.
And to saddle Eurostat with it would be putting the cart before the horse.
La industria sólo se subirá al carro cuando Galileo demuestre ser rentable y prometa beneficios.
Industry will get on board only when Galileo has demonstrated its earning potential and is set to make profits.
Quizá, en este caso, está poniendo el carro delante de los bueyes.
Perhaps you are putting the cart before the horse.
Pero también tenemos que dirigirnos a los jóvenes para que se suban al carro.
But we also have to address young people to get them on board.
Corresponde a Castro y Roque demostrar de qué madera están hechos y subirse al carro.
It is up to Castro and Roque to show what they are made of and join in it.
Ninguno de nosotros quiere, en nuestros días, seguir viajando en carro y caballo.
None of us would want, in this day and age, to still be travelling around by horse and cart.
Déjenme decir que en Irlanda ponemos el carro delante del caballo.
Let me just say that in Ireland we put the cart before the horse.
En cuestiones tan difíciles, es necesario avanzar paso a paso y no cargar demasiado el carro.
It knows that when dealing with such difficult matters, one has to move forward slowly, so as not to rock the boat.
No puede ser que Europa deba tirar sola del carro de la ejecución y de la financiación.
Europe should not be the only party undertaking this responsibility as far as implementation and funding is concerned.
Además, tampoco me parece sensato enganchar el caballo detrás del carro conceptual.
What's more, it does not seem sensible to me to put the cart before the proverbial horse.
No pongamos el carro delante de los bueyes ni salgamos derrotados a priori.
We should not put the cart before the horse, and we must not give up before we begin.
Una vez más se coloca el carro delante de los bueyes.
Once again the cart has been put before the horse.
Hay quien ha perdido de vista la cuestión que nos ocupa y pone el carro delante del caballo.
People are losing sight of the point here and putting the cart before the horse.
La ampliación es parte de la visión; por consiguiente no podemos poner el carro delante del burro; tienen que avanzar juntos.
Enlargement is part of the vision; consequently we cannot put the cart before the horse; they need to move forward together.
Quizás, al ser esta la intención última de la Comisión, hayan puesto antes el carro que los bueyes.
Perhaps, with this being the Commission's ultimate intention, they have put the cart before the horse.
Las empresas de piensos se han subido voluntariamente al carro. Ofrecen una declaración pública de las materias primas de los piensos compuestos y aceptan mayores controles.
The feedingstuffs industry has come on board of its own free will and offers an open declaration of feed materials and stronger controls.
Cuando llegamos ante el cuartel general de Yasser Arafat, para llevar agua y víveres, un carro nos apunta con su cañón.
When we arrived at Yasser Arafat's headquarters to bring him food and water, a tank pointed its gun at us.
Esta es la dirección hacia la que está usted trabajando, Comisaria, pero los Estados miembros también tienen que subirse al carro.
This is the direction you are working in, Commissioner, but the Member States also need to come on board.
El progreso de la integración europea a menudo solo se consigue cuando un grupo de países resueltos lleva la delantera y los demás se suben al carro después.
Progress in European integration is often only achieved by a group of determined countries pressing ahead, with others joining later.
Todavía tenemos que ejercer presión sobre aquellos países que no se han subido al carro, incluidos los Estados miembros de la UE mencionados en el debate.
We still need to exert pressure on those countries that are not on board, including the EU Member State named during the debate.
Votar sobre la liberalización en estos momentos, sin establecer antes mecanismos adecuados, equivale a poner el carro delante de los bueyes, y eso no funcionará.
To vote on liberalisation at this stage, without putting arrangements in place in this area first, is to put the cart before the horse, and this will not work.
Dejó de tener presentes los objetivos fundamentales y centró su atención en este extremo, poniendo de algún modo el carro antes de los bueyes.
It ceased to consider the fundamental objectives, turning its attention to that point, to some extent putting the cart before the horse.
Debido a la energía cinética que encierra, un proyectil de un calibre muy pequeño puede penetrar el blindaje de un carro armado.
Due to its kinetic energy, even a very small calibre missile can therefore penetrate a tank's armour plating.
¿Está usted de acuerdo con la idea de imponer un impuesto verde sobre las importaciones de países que se suben al carro del acuerdo internacional sobre protección medioambiental?
Would you agree with the idea of imposing a green tax on imports from countries jumping on the bandwagon of the international agreement on environmental protection?
Se multiplican los críticos religiosos enmohecidos del Islam, y convierten a la élite del poder de la UE en esclavos dóciles del carro triunfador americano.
The stale religious prejudices against Islam reach out and transform the EU's powerful elite into obedient slaves on the American triumphal chariot.
Con relación a la Política Común de Pesca se está produciendo aquí, hoy, un debate que yo calificaría de invertido o, por lo menos, lo que en español se llamaría «poner el carro delante de los bueyes».
I would describe the debate taking place here today on the common fisheries policy as back-to-front or, at least, as 'putting the cart before the horse'.
Nuestro gran reto, dentro del contexto de la OMC, consiste en cómo encontrar un papel clave para la Unión Europea y cómo conseguir que todo el mundo se suba al carro.
Our great challenge, within the context of the WTO, is how to find a key role for the European Union and how to get everyone on board.
El Parlamento Europeo debería acordarse de vez en cuando de «parar el carro»: la imposición fiscal debería, con arreglo al principio de subsidiariedad, continuar siendo todavía un asunto de carácter nacional.
Parliament should occasionally be reminded to 'hold its horses': in accordance with the subsidiarity principle, taxation should remain a national matter.
El servicio postal no debe convertirse en un servicio social, ni debe ser utilizado por los Estados para deshacerse de unos servicios que en realidad pertenecen a otro sitio. A esto lo llamamos poner el carro delante de las mulas.
The postal service must not be seen as a welfare service, nor must it be used by countries to provide services that belong elsewhere.
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