Online Spanish / English Dictionary  

Translation type:

Word to be translated:
Some Spanish -> English Translations
  almohada - pillow
  pareado - couplet
  contexto - context
  la moneda - coin, currency, money, wealth
  matanza - killing, massacre, slaughter
  especial - special
  suficientemente - sufficiently
  cautelosamente - warily
  fanfarronada - bragging
  linaza - linseed
  aluvión - alluvium
  tiempo - time; weather; [hace ----], some time...
  volubilidad - volubility
  manta - blanket
  clandestino - clandestine, underhand
  ahorros - savings
  libra - pound, slab
  sesenta - sixty
  pigmentación - pigmentation
  ánodo - anode
  refractivo - refractive
  liquidez - liquidity
  facilidades - dexterities
  vuelco - overturn
  manejable - manageable
  pelagatos - ragamuffin
  tejedor - weaver
  cómodo - comfortable, homy
  godo, goda - Gothic, Goth
  incomodidad - displeasure
  discernidor - discriminatory
  infantería - infantry
  formulación - formulation
  aguardiente - booze, schnapps
  prueba - proof, test
  substracción - subtraction
  automóvil - automobile
  colmillo - tusk, eyetooth, fang
  cuesta - hillside, slope; =---- arriba,= uphill
  fanatico - fanatic
Some English -> Spanish Translations
  Spanish Word for accountant
  Spanish Word for card
  Spanish Word for category
  Spanish Word for chance (by ~)
  Spanish Word for case (in ~)
  Spanish Word for airline
  Spanish Word for astronaut (m)
  Spanish Word for cash (n)
  Spanish Word for cherries
  Spanish Word for actor
  Spanish Word for currency
  Spanish Word for directly
  Spanish Word for Europe
  Spanish Word for bill
  Spanish Word for electrician
  Spanish Word for cheek
  Spanish Word for envelope
  Spanish Word for dirty
  Spanish Word for accommodation
  Spanish Word for burden
  Spanish Word for dove
  Spanish Word for card (playing)
  Spanish Word for enroll
  Spanish Word for catch up on
  Spanish Word for badge
  Spanish Word for church
  Spanish Word for chisel
  Spanish Word for bar (place)
  Spanish Word for club
  Spanish Word for climb

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