The imperfect indicative is used to describe actions or situations that were incomplete or in progress at the point of time in the past that is being described. Let's see the different expressions below:
*to express a habit, a customary action
Ellas caminaban dos veces al día.
They used to walk two times a day.
*to express an ongoing action in the past with no reference to its beginning or ending
Se sentía atraído por aquel personaje desde hacía tiempo.
He had been attracted by that character for a long time.
*descriptions of people or circumstances in the past
Mi hijo era muy rebelde.
My son was very rebellious.
Había muchos problemas con la casa.
There were many problems with the house.
*past descriptions including background information surrounding the action
Esta es la ciudad por la cual pasábamos cuando nos conocimos.
This is the city we were passing by when we met.
*to express a state of mind (verbs like: creer, pensar, querer, saber, etc.)
Yo creía que Juan había estudiado la lección.
I thought Juan had studied the lesson.
*age or time in the past
Me bautizaron en la Iglesia Católica cuando sólo tenía dos meses.
I was baptized in the Catholic church when I was only two months old.
¿Qué horas eran cuando salieron de clase?
What time was it when they left the class?
Quick Explanation
One of the two simple past tenses in Spanish is the imperfect. The Imperfect Past tense is used to describe actions or situations that were incomplete or in progress at the point of time in the past that is being described. It is also used for ongoing conditions and repeated occurrences in the past.
The imperfect is the easiest, most regular tense in Spanish. The most common use for the imperfect tense is when we refer to a habitual, customary action.
Yo jugaba tenis todos los fines de semana cuando era niño.
I used to play tennis as a child every weekend.
Nosotros íbamos a la playa de vez en cuando.
We used to go to the beach every once in a while.
Ella caminaba en la noche.
She used to walk at night.
Long Explanation
There are other different expressions in which you use the imperfect tense.
*to express an ongoing action in the past with no reference to its beginning or ending
Ellos se sentían muy decepcionados del profesor.
They were let down by the teacher.
*descriptions of people or circumstances in the past
La princesa era muy hermosa.
The princess was very beautiful.
Había muchos niños en la clase.
There were many children in the house.
*past descriptions including background information surrounding the action
Yo jubaga en la calle cuando comenzó a llover.
I was playing on the street when it started raining.
*to express a state of mind (verbs like: creer, pensar, querer, saber, etc.)
Yo pensaba que tú eras el esposo de Rosa.
I thought you were Rosa's husband.
*age or time in the past
Tenía 4 años cuando fue el terremoto.
I was four years old when the earthquake happened.
Eran las diez de la mañana cuando Rodrigo se levantó.
It was ten in the morning when Rodrigo got up.
You will notice below that -er and -ir verbs have the same endings (all with accents). The formation of the Imperfect for the regular verbs hablar (to speak), querer (to want), and escribir (to write) is shown in the tables below.
Imperfect -

yo |
(I was speaking) |
(I used to speak) |
tú |
(you were speaking) |
(you used to speak) |
Ud./él/ella |
(he was speaking) |
(he used to speak) |
nosotros |
(we were speaking) |
(we used to speak) |
vosotros |
(you guys were speaking) |
(you guys used to speak) |
Uds./ellos/ellas |
(they were speaking) |
(they used to speak) |
Footnote: Yo = I, Tú = You (casual), Él, Ella, Usted = He, She, You
(formal), Nosotros = We (males/mixed group), Nosotras = We (females), Ellos
= They (males/mixed group), Ellas = They(females), Ustedes = You (plural)
Imperfect -

yo |
(I was wanting) |
I used to want) |
tú |
(you were wanting) |
(you used to want) |
Ud./él/ella |
(he was wanting) |
(he used to want) |
nosotros |
(we were wanting) |
(we used to want) |
vosotros |
(you guys were wanting) |
(you guys used to want) |
Uds./ellos/ellas |
(they were wanting) |
(they used to want) |
Imperfect -

yo |
(I was writing) |
(I used to write) |
tú |
(you were writing) |
(you used to write) |
Ud./él/ella |
(he was writing) |
(he used to write) |
nosotros |
(we were writing) |
(we used to write) |
vosotros |
(you guys were writing) |
(you guys used to write) |
Uds./ellos/ellas |
(they were writing) |
(they used to write) |
Footnote: Since the first and third person singular forms are identical, it is necessary to use the subject pronoun unless the context makes the subject clear. There is no stem change or irregular yo forms in any verb.