Spanish Sentences using vender
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The During the strawberry season, fruit shops used to sell them in boxes of 2 kilos.
In the late fall, he will have sold all the shirts.
They want to sell books to the students. They want to sell them to the students.
He has sold this house, that was a quite stupid idea.
You have sold your house and now you want to move into ours.
They were going to sell it, but they thought they'd better not.
I've never believed that it's necessary to lower prices in order to sell more.
I haven't been able to sell the sewing machine yet.
I hadn't been able to sell the sewing machine.
When you sell the house, you may have to pay capital gains tax.
Licha was very sorry that I'd sold the piano.
Elena would write a novel if she were able to sell it.
They want to sell the tickets to the tourists. They want to sell them to the tourists.
In the flower shops they also sell aromatic plants like mint, rosemary, etc
Nosotros pensábamos vender fruta.
We were thinking about selling fruit.
Opino que debemos vender el carro.
I think we must sell the car.
Mi esposo opina que debemos vender la casa.
My husband thinks we must sell the house.
Nosotros íbamos a vender pan todas las tardes.
We were going to sell bread every afternoon.
El Sr. Orozco vende pocos seguros.
Mr. Orozco sells few insurance policies.
Vende menos seguros que el Sr. Ruiz.
He sells fewer than Mr. Ortiz.
Vende menos seguros que ningún otro agente.
He sells fewer than any other agent.
Vendimos el piano el viernes pasado.
We sold the piano las Friday.
Esa tienda vende juguetes.
That store sells toys.
Muchas personas vienen a venderlos aquí al concierto.
Many people come here to the concert to sell them.
Esa agencia vendió quinientos automóviles el año pasado.
That dealer sold five hundred cars last year.
Juan nos la ha vendido.
John has sold it to us.
Juan le ha vendido la casa.
John has sold the house to her.
Juan se la ha vendido.
John has sold it to her.
El libro no fue ningún éxito porque solamente se vendieron diez copias.
The book was not succesful because only ten copies were sold.
Yo voy a vender mi auto.
I am going to sell my car.
Yo vendi mi auto ayer.
I sold my car yesterday.
Yo le vendi mi auto a Juan.
I sold my car to John.
Maria quiere vender su casa.
Mary wants to sell her house.
Maria vendió su casa la semana pasada.
Mary sold her house last week.
Ellos venderan la casa este verano.
They will sell the house this summer.
Vender con beneficio / con ganancia
To sell at a profit
¿Vendieron su casa los Esquivel?
Did the Esquivels sell their house?
¿Has vendido la casa?
Have you sold the house?
El dueño ha vendido la casa.
The owner (el dueño) has sold the house.
Nosotros hemos vendido la casa.
We have sold the house.
Los dueños han vendido la casa.
The owners have sold the house.
Ellos venderan la casa este verano.
They will sell the house this summer.
Nosotros querermos vender nuestra casa.
We want to sell our house.
Vendí tantos libros como revistas.
I sold as many books as magazines.
¿Venden boletos para hoy?
Are they selling tickets for today?
Me sorprende que quieras vender tu casa.
It surprises me that you want to sell your house.
Me sorprendió que quisieras vender tu casa.
It surprised me that you wanted to sell your house.
Aquí no vendemos aparatos electrónicos.
We don't sell electronics here.
No podemos vender nuestros productos.
We cannot sell our products.
La seguridad es un argumento para vender.
The case for safety is self-evident.
No es fácil vender este mensaje a los suecos.
It is not easy to sell this message to the Swedish people.
La Unión Europea no puede vender su alma.
The European Union cannot sell its soul.
¿Qué es lo prioritario? ¿Vender o vivir?
Is selling or living more important?
No es una mercancía que se pueda vender o que podrían vender nuestras empresas multinacionales.
It is not a commodity which can be sold or which could be sold by our multinational companies.
La política seguida hasta ahora no se puede vender a los ciudadanos.
The policy adopted hitherto cannot be sold to the citizens.
El delito cometido sólo consistía en vender biblias.
The only crime was the selling of Bibles.
Se prohibió a 300 granjas alemanas vender leche o animales.
300 German farms were banned from selling milk or animals.
No vamos a vender estos derechos por 30 monedas de plata.
We are not here to sell those rights for 30 pieces of silver.
Queremos una solución, pero no estamos dispuestos a vender nuestra alma a cambio.
We want a solution, but we are not prepared to sell our soul for it.
Tiene usted que vender mejor el mercado único.
You need to sell the single market better.
¿Cuándo aprenderemos por fin a vender bien las buenas noticias?
When shall we finally learn to market good news properly?
Si además pueden vender algo, la prosperidad está garantizada.
If, in addition, they manage to sell something, prosperity is assured.
Tenemos derecho a vender las cuotas de nuestro excedente.
We are entitled to the right to sell excess quotas.
La cuestión es ¿dónde vamos a vender los coches en 2020?
The question is where are we going to sell cars in 2020?
Necesitamos que las empresas salgan a vender energía renovable.
We need industry to go out and sell renewable energy.
Sería una pérdida que ya no se pudiese vender este producto.
It would be a loss if this product could no longer be sold.
Se trataba del hecho de que anunció con antelación cuánto iba a vender y qué día lo iba a vender.
It was the fact that you announced in advance how much you were going to sell and on what day you were going to sell it.
Si uno puede vender una botella de agua mineral en el Reino Unido, se le debería permitir a vender esa misma agua en Francia, Alemania o Italia y viceversa.
If you can sell a bottle of mineral water in the UK, you should be allowed to sell the same water in France, Germany or Italy and vice versa.
Su revolución ha consistido en vender equipos y programas a todo el mundo.
Their revolution has been to sell computers and software to everyone.
Porque era necesario vender a las opiniones públicas el Tratado de Maastricht. No se las debía enloquecer.
The public could not be thrown into a panic because the Maastricht Treaty had to be sold to them.
Somos los que compramos y vendemos casi todos los productos que ellos quieren comprar y vender.
We are the people who buy and sell almost all the things they want to buy and sell.
Sugiero que debería intentar - o que su personal intentara - vender la idea a las cadenas de televisión.
I suggest that you should try - or get your staff to try - to sell the idea to television companies.
Necesitamos adoptar un enfoque mucho más positivo para poder vender de nuevo carne de vacuno.
We need to take a much more positive approach to selling beef again.
Señor Presidente, se suele intentar vender al Tratado de Niza como un documento para la ampliación.
Mr President, the Treaty of Nice tends to be marketed as an enlargement treaty.
No se puede vender la piel del oso de la OMC antes de cazarlo.
We cannot wash the coat of the bear which the WTO has become without getting the animal itself wet.
Hay 47 mataderos registrados que han obtenido autorización para vender carne en el mercado comunitario.
47 slaughterhouses are recorded as being approved for placing meat on the Community market.
El revendedor exclusivo, sin embargo, podrá vender a cualquier comprador potencial que se dirija a su establecimiento.
An exclusive dealership may, however, sell to any potential buyer that approaches its showroom.
Señor Presidente, una empresa de capital francés puede vender electricidad al Primer Ministro británico.
Mr President, a French-owned company is able to sell electricity to the British Prime Minister.
En realidad, se trata de unos países que debido a su pobreza han de vender sus derechos.
These are countries which have to sell their rights due to poverty.
En estos momentos, los distribuidores sólo están autorizados a vender una marca.
At the moment, dealers can only act for one manufacturer.
Una verdadera prohibición de vender estos productos acelerará un desarrollo tecnológico que presente nuevas opciones.
A genuine decision in favour of a marketing ban would expedite technical developments leading to alternatives.
Al final, se encuentran con una propiedad inapropiada para sus pretensiones, que no pueden vender a otras personas.
Ultimately, they end up with a property which is not suitable for their purposes and which they cannot sell on to anyone else.
En el sistema capitalista, por supuesto, todo se puede comprar y vender, incluso la contaminación.
Of course, in the capitalist system, everything can be bought and sold, even pollution.
Sin embargo, el clima y la vida futura en nuestro planeta no se puede comprar ni vender.
However, climate and the future of life on our planet cannot be bought and sold.
Sin embargo, los fabricantes de medicamentos genéricos deberían poder vender sus productos en países extraeuropeos.
However, it should be possible for manufacturers of generic medicines to sell their products in countries outside of Europe.
Cinco países de África austral quieren vender sus existencias de marfil.
Five countries in southern Africa want to sell their stocks of ivory.
No podemos vender esto a la gente que trabaja en la industria pesquera.
We cannot sell this to the people who work in the fishing industry.
También existe la propuesta de obligar a los supermercados a vender la carne vacunada en el futuro.
There is also a proposal to force supermarkets to sell vaccinated meat in future.
No es lo mismo que vender una cafetera; se trata de una intervención médica.
This is not the same as selling a coffee machine; this is about a medical intervention.
Por fin ya no será posible vender al consumidor productos manipulados genéticamente bajo falsas apariencias.
At long last, consumers will no longer be able to be sold genetically manipulated food under false pretences.
El empobrecimiento absoluto que experimenta la gente los fuerza a vender sus órganos a astutos intermediarios.
The absolute impoverishment which people know forces them to sell their organs to shrewd intermediaries.
Tercer principio: el cuerpo humano no es ni para vender, ni para comprar, ni para robar.
The third principle: the human body is not for sale, not to be bought and not to be stolen.
Por lo tanto, no debería vender armas, especialmente a países que corren peligro de utilizarlas en guerras.
The EU should therefore not sell weapons at all, especially not to countries that are in danger of using them in wars.
En esta lógica no deberíamos, en primer lugar, vender armas a los Estados Unidos, pero tampoco a la China.
Given that logic, we should not, in the first place, sell weapons to the United States, but not to China either.
Así que prepárense para viajar: Europa nunca ha tenido un producto más importante que vender.
So renew your frequent flyer package: Europe has never had a more important product to sell.
Es difícil que la señora Wallström pueda vender este proyecto al electorado.
Mrs Wallström can scarcely sell that project to the electorate.
El dinero utilizado para propaganda está ahí para vender una Constitución antidemocrática al electorado.
The money used for propaganda is there for the purpose of selling an undemocratic Constitution to the electorate.
Ignorando consideraciones sociales o ambientales, China permite a sus empresas vender a precios excesivamente bajos.
Ignoring social or environmental concerns, China allows its companies to sell at exceedingly low prices.
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