Spanish Sentences using terminar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The The show was ending when we got to the theater.
I finished this job, which was assigned to me long time ago. I got pretty happy.
Please let me know when you have finished the report.
I didn't see the movie because I hadn't finished my homework.
If we had worked efficiently in that project, we would have already finished.
Juan finishes reading the book. Do you finish yours?
Karina finishes her work before coming to the class.
She finished telling about her vacation but she did not finish telling us about her accident.
We always take an examination when the course is over.
When will you finish your work? I will finish before 8:00 pm.
Will they finish the house before winter arrives?
When the war has ended everyting will be detroyed.
No, they will not finish all of their work but they will finish it soon afterward.
We don't have a lot of time; we have to finish the homework for tomorrow.
Put the girl to bed early, but don't you go to bed until you finish your homework.
By eleven o'clock, I'll be through with the housework.
By that time, the mechanics won't be through repairing the truck yet.
Just a minute. Good, I’m done. Who speaks Spanish?
We will leave for a walk as soon as you all finish working.
While I continued reading the report, the accountant finished making out the balance sheet.
When there is an exam, the students leave as they finish their exam.
Terminar la carta
to finish the letter
El día ya casi termina.
The day is almost over.
Los contadores se quedaban en la oficina hasta que terminaban el balance.
The accountants used to stay at the office until they finished the accounts.
¿Ha terminado ya de planchar?
Have you finished the ironing yet?
¡Estoy feliz porque pronto termina el curso!
I am happy because soon I finish the course.
La temporada de lluvias en México empieza en mayo y termina en septiembre.
The rainy season in Mexico starts in May and ends in September.
El verano ha terminado.
summer is over
Me tomará unas cuantas horas terminar esta tarea.
It will take me a few hour to finish this homework.
Los pintores me aseguararon que iban a terminar el trabajo pasado mañana.
The painters assured me they would finish the job day after tomorrow.
Los muchachos habían terminado sus tareas antes de encontrarse en el parque.
The boys had finished their homework before they met in the park.
¿A que hora termina la película?
When does the film end?
Los muchachos no habían terminado sus tareas cuando se encontraron en el parque.
The boys had not finished their homework when they met in the park.
La película terminó a las ocho de la noche.
The movie ended at 8:00 P.M.
Los muchachos terminaron sus tarea antes de encontrarse en el parque.
The boys finished their homework before they met in the park.
¿Habían terminado los muchachos sus tareas antes de encontrarse en el parque?
Had the boys finished their homework before they met in the park?
La Comisión que formó el presidente terminó el trabajo.
The Commission the president formed finished its work.
¿ A qué hora terminaste tus tareas?
What time did you finish your homework?
¿ A qué hora terminaste tus tareas?
What time did you finish your homework?.
Terminan su tarea rápido. Terminamos después de ellas.
They finish their assignment quickly. We finish after them.
¿Termina María antes de Jaime? Sí, termina antes de él.
Does María finish before Jaime? Yes, she finishes before him.
Terminan ustedes su tarea primero y en seguida terminan su tarea extra.
You finish your assignment first and then you finish your tarea extra.
Terminaste la lección.
You finished the lesson.
El guía ya había arreglado el coche cuando terminamos de comer.
The guide had already fixed the car when we finished eating.
No terminaste la lección.
You did not finish the lesson.
¿Terminaste la lección?
Did you finish the lesson?
El terminó la lección.
He finished the lesson.
El no terminó la lección.
He did not finish the lesson.
¿Terminó él la lección?
Did he finish the lesson?
¿Terminó Kathrine su historia? No, no la terminó.
Did Kathrine finish her story? No, she did not finish it.
Blanca no me ha dicho todavía cuánto tiempo le lllevará terminar el trabajo.
Blanca hasn't told me yet how long it will take her to finish the work.
Terminaste leyendo el libro? Sí, lo terminé ayer.
Did you finish reading the book? Yes, I finished it yesterday.
Terminaré el trabajo antes de que usted regrese.
I'll finish the work before you return.
Robert terminó su trabajo antes de que terminara yo lo mío.
Robert finished his work before I finished mine.
¿Terminaron de reparar tu vehículo?
Did they finish fixing your vehicle?
¿Terminarás vistiendote pronto? Sí, terminaré pronto. Terminaré después de que me cepille el pelo.
Will you finish dressing soon? Yes, I will finish soon. I will finish after brushing my hair.
No descansaremos hasta que terminemos de estudiar.
We will not rest until we finish studying.
No descanses hasta que termines el trabajo.
Do not rest until you finish your work.
¿Terminarán los carpinteros todo de su trabajo antes de que se muden ustedes?
Will the carpenters finish all their work before you move in?
El curso no terminaba todavía.
The course wasn't over yet.
Pedro y Lucia terminarán divorciándose.
Pedro y Lucia will end up getting divorced.
Terminé el trabajo antes de que usted regresara.
I finished the work before you returned.
Yo traté de terminar el trabajo.
I tried to finish the work.
¿Trataste de terminar el trabajo?
Did you try to finish the work?
El señor García trató de terminar el trabajo.
Mr. García tried to finish the work.
El partido terminó con un resultado inesperado.
The match ended with an unexpected result.
Nosotros tratamos de terminar el trabajo.
We tried to finish the work.
Los señores trataron de terminar el trabajo.
The gentlemen tried to finish the work.
El presidente prometió completar el proyecto para el año dos mil ocho.
The president promised to finish the project by 2008.
Les habíamos prometido que terminaríamos el trabajo.
We had promised them that we would finish the job.
Pero podrían igualmente no terminar.
On the other hand, they may not.
Esta lotería debe terminar.
This lottery has to end.
Esto tiene que terminar.
This must come to an end.
Voy a terminar, señor Presidente.
I am about to finish, Mr President.
Para terminar, quiero decir:
I would like to end by saying:
Queremos terminar con esto.
We want to put an end to that.
Voy a terminar, señora Presidenta.
I am about to end, Mr President.
Para terminar, me gustaría felicitarlo.
To close, I would like to congratulate you.
Esta situación debe terminar.
This situation must be ended.
Tercera observación, para terminar.
My third and final observation.
Esto tiene que terminar.
We must put a stop to this.
Esto ha de terminar.
This will have to be investigated.
Señor Presidente, voy a terminar.
Mr President, I will end here.
Quisiera decir esto para terminar.
I should like to say this in conclusion.
Permítanme, para terminar, algunas precisiones.
I would like to finish by clarifying a number of points.
Tengo tres observaciones para terminar.
I have three concluding observations.
Permítanme terminar por donde empecé.
Let me end where I started.
Estas subvenciones deben terminar inmediatamente.
Subsidies for tobacco cultivation should be abolished as soon as possible.
Para terminar, un último punto.
I would like to finish off with one point.
No puede terminar de otro modo.
It cannot end in any other way.
Voy a terminar con dos preguntas.
I will end with two questions.
¿Dónde deben terminar nuestras fronteras?
Where must our borders end?
Para terminar, tengo dos preguntas.
To finish, I have two questions.
Para terminar, el tema final.
In conclusion, the final topic.
Quiero terminar con dos comentarios.
I would like to finish off by making two remarks.
Quiero terminar con otra apreciación.
I should like to finish off with another point.
Permítanme terminar sobre esta cuestión.
Let me finish on this point.
Creo que debo terminar aquí.
I think I must stop here.
Dos comentarios más para terminar.
I have two final comments.
Me gustaría terminar con esta observación.
I would finish by making this observation.
Quisiera terminar con una pregunta.
I should like to finish off with a question.
Permítanme terminar con una idea.
Let me finish with one thought.
¿Cuándo va a terminar todo esto?
Where is it all going to end?
Para terminar, señor Comisario, quisiera...
In conclusion, Mr Commissioner, I should like to...
Para terminar, los Fondos estructurales.
One final point on the Structural Funds.
Para terminar, diré cuatro cosas.
I should like to conclude with four points.
Le ruego me permita terminar aún mi frase.
Please be so kind as to allow me to finish my sentence.
Quiero terminar dando una pincelada histórica.
I would like to end on a historical note.
Para terminar, quisiera ser un poco espiritual.
I should like finally to strike a biblical note.
Para terminar: nos preocupan las medidas externas.
Finally: we are also concerned about the external undertakings.
Para terminar, me referiré brevemente al informe Buitenweg.
Finally, just a few brief words about Mrs Buitenweg' s report.
¿Algunas investigaciones pueden terminar en derivas?
Some research may lead to excesses? No doubt.
Para terminar, el trabajo está bajo control.
In conclusion, work is well in hand.
La violencia y las muertes deben terminar.
The violence and the killing must stop.
Esas negociaciones podrían terminar en junio.
These negotiations may finish in June.
Los horribles atentados suicidas deben terminar.
The terrible suicide attacks must cease.
Para terminar haré dos comentarios breves.
I shall end with two brief comments.
Y para terminar, nosotros no somos contables.
Finally, we are not accountants.
Para terminar, unas consideraciones sobre Turquía.
Lastly, a word about Turkey.
Quiero terminar con un breve comentario.
I would like to conclude by saying something very briefly.
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