Spanish Sentences using soler
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The My cousin used to go to this lake to see the ducks.
We usually eat and then watch soccer games on television.
During the strawberry season, fruit shops used to sell them in boxes of 2 kilos.
The flea market is close to his house; that is why he usually goes often.
Saving banks also open a day per week in the afternoon, usually on Thursdays.
Esta planta suele dar flor en primavera.
This plant blossoms in spring.
Los arreglos florales no suelen ser baratos.
Floral arrangements don't tend to be cheap.
Cuando yo era niño, solía bailar flamenco en una academia.
When I was a child, I used to dance in a flamenco academy.
Solía desayunar tostadas de pan con mantequilla.
He used to eat toast with butter for breakfast.
Los delanteros suelen marcar los goles.
The forwards often score the goals.
Ella suele salir muy arreglada de casa.
She often leaves the house very dolled up.
No me suelo acordar de mis sueños.
I don't usually remember my dreams.
Yo solía tocar el piano cuando tenía seis años.
I used to play the piano when I was six years old.
Suele pasear todas las mañanas.
He normally walks every morning.
Suele ser una escalada de uno o dos días.
It should be a one or two day climb.
¿Se solía considerar miembro de la comunidad "trekkie"?
Does he consider himself a member of the trekkie community?
¿Solía ser la imagen comercial de esa marca?
He used to be the face of that brand?
Cuando era niño, solía comer verdura.
When I was I child, I used to eat vegetable.
¿Sueles estar enfermo muy a menudo?
Are you sick very often?
En España se suele tener bastante relación con la familia.
In Spain they’re normally close with their family.
En invierno suelo usar botas de piel.
In winter I often wear skin boots.
Los pintores suelen ser muy creativos.
Painters are often very creative.
El suele buscar la información en la enciclopedia.
He usually searches the information in the encyclopedia.
La predicción no suele ser muy exacta.
The predictions are often not very exact.
No suelo tener náuseas por la mañana.
I don't normally feel nauseous in the morning.
Solemos comer pizza los viernes.
We usually eat pizza on Fridays.
Se suele laurear a los mejores jugadores.
The best players are often rewarded.
Yo suelo tomar tostadas y café solo para desayunar.
Normally I have toasts and black coffee for breakfast.
La señora de la limpieza suele venir una vez a la semana.
The cleaning lady usually comes once a week.
Suelo salir a caminar por la mañana.
I usually go for a walk in the morning.
Terry es un hombre fuerte. Él suele ir al gimnasio dos horas al día.
Terry is a strong man. He goes to the gym two hours a day.
En aquella época solíamos pasar la Navidad con la abuelita.
At that time we used to spend Christmas with grandma.
Ellos suelen ir al cine los viernes.
They usually go to the movies on Fridays.
Fernando suele ir al cine solo.
Fernanado usually goes to the movies by himself.
Tomás suele comerse una pieza de fruta en su descanso.
Thomas normally eats a piece of fruit in his break.
Lorena suele almorzar sola.
Lorena usually eats lunch by herself.
Cuando nosotros nos casamos, mi marido solía prepararme el desayuno.
Since we got married my husband normally prepares the breakfast.
¿El hoyo suele ser más profundo normalmente?
Is the hole normally deeper?
Este cliente suele tomar un bocadillo de queso y zumo de naranja.
This customer usually eats a cheese sandwich and orange juice.
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