Spanish Sentences using seguido
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The Would you have greeted them or would you have continued on your way as though you didn't know them?
Would you have greeted them, or would you have continued on your way as if you hadn't seen them?
Doña Elena told us that you'd kept on sending flowers to her daughter.
I used to write to my family very often before, but not anymore.
¿Recorría el gerente las sucursalea muy seguido?
Did the manager used to visit the branch offices very often?
Tenemos costumbres que hemos seguido por años.
We have customs that we have followed for years.
He seguido el Reglamento.
I have followed the Rules of Procedure.
Nosotros hemos seguido avanzando.
In every case, we move on from them.
Hemos seguido esta línea.
We have followed this up.
Hemos seguido su trabajo, hemos seguido su lucha.
We have followed their work, we have followed their fight.
Han seguido queriendo subvenciones cruzadas.
You kept on wanting cross-subsidies.
He seguido de cerca este trabajo.
I have followed this work closely.
Hemos seguido la misma ruta.
We followed the same route.
Yo he seguido este ejemplo en mi informe.
I did the same in my report.
La Asamblea no me ha seguido, lo lamento.
I regret that this House has not followed me in doing this.
Pero acto seguido vienen las críticas.
And then comes the criticism, but I can even present that in a favourable light.
Este tema ha seguido un curso lamentable.
This matter has taken a sorry course.
Desde entonces, la situación ha seguido deteriorándose.
Since then, the situation has continued to deteriorate.
Hemos seguido un proceso muy complejo.
It has been a very complex process.
He seguido atentamente las propuestas y opiniones expresadas.
I have also followed closely the proposals and views expressed.
Sin embargo, la Comisión ha seguido adelante.
Nevertheless, the Commission went ahead.
Espero que venga seguido de acciones concretas.
I hope that it will be followed up.
Esto vendrá seguido de otros diversos pasos.
We will follow this up with various other steps.
La Constitución ha seguido una senda similar.
The Constitution has fared similarly.
Durante las negociaciones, Europa ha seguido avanzando.
During the negotiations, Europe has kept moving forward.
Esto va seguido de un silencio abrumador.
This is followed by a deafening silence.
En este asunto he seguido su ejemplo.
I followed his example on this matter.
¿Realmente cree que podría haber seguido manteniéndolas?
Do you really think you could have carried on?
Han seguido el principio de la solidaridad.
It was a principle of solidarity.
Muchas gracias. Lo he seguido con mucha atención.
Thank you very much, I have been following it with keen attention.
Ése es el criterio que hemos seguido.
That is the criterion on which we based our deliberations.
Espera que su consejo será seguido.
It hopes that its recommendation will be taken up.
Agradezco a este Parlamento que nos haya seguido.
I welcome the fact that your Parliament has followed in our wake.
Señor Presidente, me opongo formalmente al procedimiento seguido.
Mr President, I formally contest the way you have proceeded.
Hemos seguido en lo esencial esta idea.
We have, for the most part, accepted this view.
Sólo tres han seguido esa opción.
Only three have chosen to do so.
El mercado de capitales y valores ha seguido desarrollándose.
The capital and securities market has continued to be developed.
El avance de los demás será seguido con mucha atención.
The progress of others will be monitored very carefully.
Lamento profundamente que la situación haya seguido deteriorándose.
I very much regret that the situation has continued to deteriorate.
Esperamos que el ejemplo macedonio sea rápidamente seguido por otros.
We hope that the Macedonian model will be copied promptly by the others.
Podemos decirse tranquilamente que ha seguido igual desde entonces.
It can safely be said that he has since continued along the same path.
En política internacional, Suecia ha seguido con su línea internacionalista.
With regard to external policy, Sweden maintained its internationalist approach.
La Comisión ha seguido esta máxima en algunos puntos.
The Commission has taken account of this premise on numerous counts.
¡Pero es imprescindible que vaya seguido del segundo paso!
The second step must be taken as a matter of urgency.
Acto seguido, podemos difundir los resultados a los otros Estados miembros.
We can then disseminate the results to the other Member States.
Es importante también para todos quienes hayan seguido este debate.
This is also important for everyone who has followed this debate.
Me complace ver que ha seguido la evolución de estas cuestiones.
I am happy to see that has carried on and followed the evolution of these issues.
Ha seguido su camino con energía y firmeza.
He has gone about his business with energy and tenacity.
La Comisión ha seguido los recientes desarrollos en Chechenia.
The Commission has followed recent developments in Chechnya.
Hasta hoy, el desastre del ha seguido demostrándolo.
To this day, the disaster involving the has continued to demonstrate this.
Hemos seguido muy atentamente la evolución de este expediente.
We have been following the development of this very closely.
Comprobaré si se ha seguido el trámite preceptivo.
I will check whether due process has been followed.
He seguido las noticias procedentes de Darfur con gran preocupación.
I have followed the news from Darfur with great concern.
La Unión Europea ha seguido un camino similar.
The European Union followed a similar tack.
He seguido muy de cerca y con gran placer este debate.
I have been following this debate closely and with pleasure.
Acto seguido tendremos que dedicarnos sin duda a otras grandes cuestiones.
Next we must certainly dedicate ourselves to other important issues.
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