Spanish Sentences using sacar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The When you get an idea into your head, no one can get you to change your mind.
When it's exhibiting, I'll take photos and send them to you so that you call can see them.
I was hoping that you would be able to get the nut off with the big wrench.
Juan managed to get the nut off with the big wrench, so that now you can take the wheel off.
If dad won the first prize in the next drawing, he would take us all to Europe.
We are going to draw blood from an artery to see if you need oxygen.
Before borrowing books from the library, you need a user card.
How do I remove a red wine stain from my clothes?
The airport shops can get you out of a tight spot
I need to look for a cash machine to get money. I have no money!
Enfadé a mis padres porque saqué malas notas.
I made my parents upset because I got bad grades.
Vamos a sacarle sangre de una arteria para ver si necesita oxígeno.
We are going to draw blood from an artery to see if you need oxygen.
Gerardo sacaba las mejores notas de la clase.
Gerardo used to get the best grades in the class.
Las muchachas sacaron una foto.
The girls took a photo.
Saqué ochenta en el examen y ochenta es la calificación mínima para pasar.
I got 80 on the exam and 80 is the lowest passing grade.
Sacar provecho de / Beneficiarse de
to benefit from
Yo no puedo sacar la rueda porque las tuercas están oxidadas.
I can't get the wheel off because the nuts are rusted.
Yo creo que con esa si puedo sacar la tuerca.
I think that with that one I can get the nut off.
Saca lo mejor de esta oportunidad.
Make the most of this opportunity.
Sacar provecho de
to profit by
Por favor saca el celular de mi bolsa.
Please get the cell phone out of my purse.
La cámara es para sacar fotos.
The camera is for taking pictures.
Seguro, déjeme sacar copia a su licencia.
Sure, let me copy your license.
¿Toman ustedes una cámara también?
Do you take a camera also?
Saca lo mejor de esta oportunidad .
Make the most of this opportunity.
Sacar provecho de / Beneficiarse de
to benefit from
Sacar una entrada
to buy a ticket
¿Sacaste muchas fotos?
Did you take many pictures?
¿Cuántos libros puedo sacar?
How many books can I check out?
Saca unos hielos del congelador.
Get some ice out of the freezer.
Juan encontró la llave con que sacaste la rueda.
John found the wrench with which you took off the wheel.
Él es muy listo. Él siempre saca buenas notas en el colegio.
He is very clever. He always gets good marks at school.
Sácate las manos de los bolsillos.
Take your hands out of your pockets.
No voy a sacar conclusiones precipitadas.
I am not going to jump to conclusions about what happened.
¿Deberíamos sacar conclusiones?
Should we draw conclusions from this?
No podemos sacar otras consecuencias.
We cannot draw any other conclusion.
Me gustaría sacar unas breves conclusiones.
I should like to draw a few brief conclusions.
No quiero sacar esto de contexto.
I do not want to get this out of perspective.
Es preciso sacar varias enseñanzas.
Several lessons must be drawn from this.
Debemos sacar la conclusión correcta.
We must draw the right conclusion.
Lo hemos tratado de sacar adelante.
We have tried to drive this proposal through.
Hoy me contentaré con sacar la conclusión esencial.
Today, I shall simply come to the main conclusion.
¿De dónde vamos a sacar el dinero?
Where will the money come from?
¿Qué conclusiones debemos sacar de esto?
What conclusions should we draw from this?
¿Qué enseñanzas podemos sacar de todo ello?
What lessons can we learn from this?
Debemos sacar una lección de esta tragedia.
Lessons have to be learnt from this tragedy.
También eso puede servirnos para sacar conclusiones.
That too can be used to learn some lessons.
Seguimos sin sacar las conclusiones correctas.
People still fail to draw the right conclusions from this.
Hay que sacar enseñanzas del pasado.
We must take on board the lessons of the past.
¿Los va a sacar de los Fondos estructurales?
Are you going to get them from the Structural Funds?
De todo ello, hay que sacar conclusiones.
There are lessons to be learnt from all this.
¿De dónde lo van a sacar ustedes?
Where are you going to get it from?
¿Qué conclusiones podemos sacar de todo esto?
What conclusions can we draw from all this?
Sería prematuro sacar conclusiones en este momento.
It would be premature to draw conclusions at this stage.
Antes, tenemos que sacar a votación otras dos.
Firstly, we have two others to put to the vote.
Permítannos sacar los nombres a la luz.
Let us have the names out in the open.
En estos momentos no voy a sacar conclusiones.
I will not draw any conclusions at the moment.
No debemos rebajarnos a sacar provecho de su muerte.
We must not demean ourselves by seeking advantage from their deaths.
¿Qué conclusión general podemos sacar de él?
What general conclusion can be drawn from it?
No podemos sacar a Europa de la pobreza.
We cannot get Europe out of poverty.
Estas son algunas lecciones que quiero sacar.
Here are some lessons that I would like to draw.
Solo podemos sacar una conclusión de ello.
There can be only one conclusion.
Debemos sacar nuestras propias conclusiones de esto.
We must draw our own conclusions from this.
Espero que me pueda sacar de dudas.
I hope you can enlighten me.
La gente debe sacar sus propias conclusiones.
The people must again draw their own conclusions.
Ayúdenos a sacar partido de esta experiencia.
Please help us to take advantage of this experience.
¿Cuál es la conclusión que deberíamos sacar?
What should we make of this?
No es oportuno ahora sacar conclusiones precipitadas.
It is not appropriate to jump to a conclusion now.
¿Qué lecciones podemos sacar de todo esto?
What lessons can be learned from all this?
Sólo así lo podemos sacar del texto.
That is the only way in which we can remove it from the text.
Debemos sacar varias lecciones de todo esto.
There are a number of lessons to be drawn here.
Finalmente, hemos conseguido sacar adelante esta propuesta.
In the end we got the proposal through.
¿Qué conclusiones debemos sacar de ello?
What conclusions should we draw from this?
Quiero sacar algunas conclusiones de carácter general.
I should like to draw some general conclusions.
¿Cuáles son las conclusiones que podemos sacar?
What conclusions can we draw from this?
¿Qué enseñanzas podemos sacar de todo esto?
So what can we learn from all this?
Pero hemos de sacar consecuencias de ello.
But action must be taken.
No es volver a sacar las viejas recetas federalistas del Movimiento europeo.
It is not to trot out the old federalist recipes of the European Movement yet again.
Pero todo eso no nos va a sacar de la situación actual.
None of this, however, is going to resolve the current situation.
Y tenemos que sacar las conclusiones que se imponen.
We must draw the obvious conclusions from that.
Creo que se podría sacar alguna enseñanza de todo esto.
I think that a certain lesson can be drawn from this.
Evitar la guerra no significa sacar a Saddam Hussein del atolladero.
Avoiding war does not mean letting Saddam Hussein off the hook.
No hará nada para sacar al pueblo iraquí de la miseria.
It will not do anything to take the Iraqi people off the breadline.
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