Spanish Sentences using probar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The How are these mandarines? Very good, madam, would you like to try?
He says that you must try it, if you don't like it you don't have to buy it.
Use the shareware version before buying it.
¿Puedo probármelo?
Can I try it on?
¿Has probado los tacos al pastor?
Have you tried the shepherd's tacos?
Prueba una técnica de ligar más original.
Try a more original flirting technique.
Las caderas no mienten al probar los pantalones.
The hips don't li when you try on pants.
probar el vino
to taste the wine
Anda, anímate y prueba a tirarte por el tobogán.
Move it, rally, and try to slide down the slide.
¿Me puedo probar este vestido?
Can I try this dress on?
Prueba este postre. Está muy sabroso.
Try this dessert. It's very good.
Pruébelo una vez.
Try it once.
¿Por qué no probar la regla de oro?
Why not try out the golden rule?
Quizás merece la pena probar esta opción.
It would perhaps be worth testing this option.
Vengan, será divertido probar un experimento.
Come on, it should be fun to have an experiment!
Tiene dos, ¿puede probar con la otra?
You have two, could you try the other one.
Nadie puede probar que no es un corrupto.
Nobody can prove that they are not corrupt.
Corresponderá al fabricante probar que un producto no es peligroso.
It will now fall to the manufacturer to prove that a product is not dangerous.
No se retrasa la más mínima decisión, cosa que puedo probar.
There is no question of postponing the slightest decision, and I can supply evidence of that.
Apenas se realizan pruebas clínicas para probar medicamentos en mujeres.
There are hardly any clinical trials involving the testing of medicinal products on women.
(NL) Señora Presidenta, quiero probar un enfoque diferente.
(NL) Madam President, I would like to try a different approach.
Así que la para probar el plato habrá que comerlo.
So the proof of the pudding is going to be in the eating.
Señor Guardans Cambó, trataremos este caso así para probar.
Mr Guardans Cambó, we will take this as a test case.
Si pueden probar que se ha avisado, lo estudiaré.
If your staff can forward proof of such notification then I assure you personally that I will look into the matter.
Sigue siendo el perjudicado quien tiene que probar el daño.
A person who has suffered damage still has to prove it.
No probar sistemas fracasados del pasado, no probar mecanismos fracasados del pasado, sino abordar la realidad que se nos presenta.
Not trying out failed systems of the past, not trying out failed mechanisms of the past, but dealing with the reality of what we are presented with.
Al fin y al cabo, es prácticamente imposible probar que no hay caso y mucho más fácil probar que sí hay caso.
After all, it is nigh on impossible to prove that something is not the case and far easier to prove that something is the case.
Ahora el acusado debe probar de manera fidedigna que no existe discriminación.
The defendant will now have to provide convincing proof that there is no discrimination.
Se necesitan mayores esfuerzos y vamos a probar los límites de esta legislación.
Further efforts are required in this regard, and we shall test the limits of the legislation.
Debo constatar que el traje que la Unión se intenta probar, le viene demasiado grande.
I have to say that the Union is punching above its weight.
Creo que son dos casos concretos en que probar su credibilidad.
I believe that these are two very tangible issues on the basis of which Turkey's credibility can be judged.
En algunos Estados miembros, tienen que autorizarse, mientras que en otros basta probar su eficacia.
In some Member States, they have to be authorised, whereas in others, facilitated evidence of efficacy is sufficient.
Hacemos como que creemos que se puede probar la inexistencia de algo.
We are pretending to believe that the non-existence of something can be proved.
Dicha conexión nunca se llegó a probar y, al final, todo quedó en una disputa del personal.
No evidence was ever produced for such a link and in the end there was only the staff dispute.
Para ello hemos de probar con cada incentivo, incluyendo la exención fiscal.
To do that, we have to try every incentive, including tax exemption.
A mí me parece que eso es dar por sentado lo que se pretende probar.
This seems to me rather like begging the question.
En estas circunstancias hubiera esperado poder probar estos deliciosos barquillos, pero otra vez será.
In the circumstances I had expected to be able to sample these extremely delicious waffles, but that might be for another occasion.
Al hacerlo, los países deben ser libres de experimentar y probar varios caminos.
In so doing, countries must be free to experiment and try out a variety of routes.
Pero en una situación tan difícil, Georgia debe mostrar calma y probar que puede ser constructiva.
No: in such a difficult situation, Georgia must demonstrate calm and show that it can be constructive.
Es hora de probar que la Europa reorganizada es capaz de cumplir su nueva misión.
It is now time to prove that this reorganised Europe is capable of fulfilling its new mission.
Merece la pena, señora Comisaria, probar el sistema, o fijarlo como objetivo.
The system is certainly worth trying out, or pursuing, Commissioner.
Por último, señor Schulz, será un placer darle a probar su propia medicina.
Lastly, Mr Schulz, I can happily give you a taste of your own medicine.
No es factible probar todos los juguetes que se encuentran en el mercado en Europa.
Not every toy that is placed on the market in Europe can be tested.
Sólo hay una forma de proceder: probar su culpabilidad o liberarlos.
There is only one way to go: try them or release them.
Quienes tengan la oportunidad de probar dichos sistemas comprenderán su eficacia.
Those of us who have had the opportunity to test those systems will understand their efficiency.
Algunos gobiernos han comenzado de forma legítima a probar los escáneres corporales en rutas más delicadas.
Some governments have legitimately started to test body scanners on more sensitive routes.
Que existan hoy día carteles y probar que existen son dos cuestiones diferentes.
Now cartels existing and proving that they exist are two different matters.
Es preciso empezar a erradicar el método de «probar a ver qué pasa».
We must cut the ground from under the opportunists.
Por tanto, debemos proseguir nuestra acción para hacer probar las propuestas presentadas al respecto al Consejo.
We must therefore continue our efforts to gain approval for the proposals we have presented to the Council on this subject.
La Comisión sigue sin poder probar este principio en siete Estados miembros.
The Commission is still powerless to test this principle in seven Member States.
Falta mi nombre, aunque yo puedo probar que estuve presente en las votaciones.
The fact is, my name was missing yesterday, even though I was demonstrably present at the vote.
Probar suerte en otro país miembro debe volverse para las personas menos burocrático.
People should not have to encounter so much bureaucracy when trying their hand in another Member State.
Se trata del método antiguo de probar con el poder y la guerra.
It is the old method of trying to get your way by might and main that was used in the wars of the past.
No perdemos nada por probar este procedimiento que, de pasada, nos soluciona el problema del papel.
For that reason, I believe we should be well advised to review this procedure, and then the paper problem would automatically be solved.
No es una forma ejemplar de probar la idoneidad individual de los candidatos a Comisarios.
This is not an honourable way of looking into just how responsible individual Commissioners-designate are.
Tercera: los consumidores de drogas deben probar la mercancía en contenido y cantidad.
Thirdly, drugs users should be able to test drugs for their content and mixture.
En primer lugar, un contrato obligatorio con un transformador que, a su vez, debe probar que el lino ha sido transformado.
Firstly, a compulsory contract with processors who, in turn, must prove that the flax has been processed.
Ahora bien, el único documento de que dispone un ciudadano sueco para probar su identidad es su pasaporte.
The only document Swedish citizens have which indicates their citizenship is their passport.
Los aditivos y auxiliares tecnológicos de los cuales no se puede probar la presencia en el producto terminado no deberían ser etiquetados.
Additives and technological adjuvants whose presence cannot be proved in the finished product should not be labelled.
Mientras que la gente no se ofrezca voluntariamente para someterse a los ensayos, deben permitirse otras formas de probar determinados productos importantes.
As long as people do not volunteer for testing themselves, other ways of testing certain bulk products must be permitted.
Estos vínculos son según él suficientes para probar la misión y la naturaleza verdaderas de la famosa PESD.
These bonds alone would be enough to prove the real nature and mission of the famous ESDP.
Incluso los más jóvenes abusan de las drogas y cada vez más jóvenes no consideran peligroso probar el cannabis.
Ever younger people are misusing drugs, and more and more young people see no danger in trying cannabis.
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