Spanish Sentences using porque
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I am going to return to the clothing store because they will have a sale.
You must pay the ticket because you violated a noise ordinance.
They didn't recognize you because you changed your hairstyle.
He didn't recognize me because I changed my hairstyle.
Don't take coffee or sodas because caffeine causes jet lag.
Mary is in the library because she needs to study.
Juan didn't buy the tickets because Mary didn't bring the money.
The family attended the party at grandma's house because it was her birthday.
John is in the library because he needs to study.
The boys are in the library because they need to study.
She couldn't lift her suitcase because it was too heavy.
I didn't change the tire because I couldn't find the jack.
Laura is mad at you because you didn't dance with her.
He he couldn't go to bed early because he hadn't done his homework.
We're going to the movies today because Julio bought the tickets.
I didn't see the movie because I hadn't finished my homework.
María couldn't answer because she didn't know that the teacher wanted.
I couldn't go to bed earlier because I had to do a lot of homework.
The emergency exits are open because there are many people in the aisles.
They are feeling scared because the box is old.
I have apprehended the intruder, and used force because it was necessary.
Did Marta attend the party? No, she did not attend because she was sick.
The girls are tired because they didn't sleep very much.
I couldn't go to bed at nine o'clock because I had a lot of homework to do.
I fall asleep in class because the teacher is really bad at teaching.
I didn't go to the store yesterday because I couldn't.
I wasn't able to see the movie because I had to go to bed early.
I didn't like her because she was always complaining.
We must leave now because he have to pick María up.
Because they are customers and mowing the lawn disturbs them.
I will not be able to go to the movies tomorrow because I have to study.
We will not be able to go to the movies because we have to study.
Our teacher got angry because we were late for class.
The tenants can face eviction because they have not paid.
We don't have access to that information because it is on a private document.
I need the dictionary because I need to study the words.
Oscar is studying because he has an exam tomorrow.
The boys can't buy the tickets because they don't have the money.
Mario needs a suitcase because he is going on a trip.
I come because I have a very dry cough, and a very strong chest pain.
María no puede ir al museo porque ella está enferma.
Mary can't go to the museum because she is sick.
Paco ya no quería seguir estudiando porque quería trabajar.
Paco didn't want to continue studying because he wanted to work.
Juan no ha comprado los boletos todavía porque el parque no está abierto.
John hasn't bought the tickets yet because the park isn't open.
Ayer, nos dolió el estómago porque comimos mucho.
Yesterday, our stomachs hurt because we ate a lot.
Yo voy a tener que comprar los boletos mañana porque yo tengo que trabajar hoy.
I am going to have to buy the tickets tomorrow because I have to work today.
Enfadé a mis padres porque saqué malas notas.
I made my parents upset because I got bad grades.
El dice que él no puede comprar los boletos porque él no tiene el dinero.
He says that he can't buy the tickets because he doesn't have the money.
Si, se nos echaba a perder porque no teniamos refrigerador.
Yes, our fruit used to spoil because we didn't have a refrigerator.
Lo paré porque no tiene cinturón.
I stopped you because you are not wearing a seat belt.
Yo no puedo ir a la farmacia porque tengo que trabajar hasta las cinco.
I can't go to the drug store because I have to work until five o'clock.
Yo no puedo comprar la medicina porque no puedo ir a la farmacia.
I can't buy the medicine because I can't go to the drug store.
Los niños están yendo al psicólogo porque son hiperactivos.
The children are going to the psychologist because they are hyperactive.
¡Estoy feliz porque pronto termina el curso!
I am happy because soon I finish the course.
Yo no puedo ir al museo con ustedes hoy porque estoy enfermo.
I can't go to the museum with you all today because I am sick.
Ella no se quiere bañar porque el agua está fría./ Ella no quiere bañarse porque el agua está fria.
She doesn't want to bathe because the water is cold.
No me quiero bañar porque el agua está fria. / No quiero bañarme porque el agua está fria.
I don't want to bathe because the water is cold.
Ellos se perdieron porque no conocían la ciudad.
They got lost because they didn't know the city.
Si, porque la hora de salida es a la 1:00p.m.
Yes, because the departure time is 1:00 pm.
Yo no puedo sacar la rueda porque las tuercas están oxidadas.
I can't get the wheel off because the nuts are rusted.
No puedo aflojar esta tuerca porque la rosca está muy oxidada.
I can't loosen this nut because the thread (*) is very rusted.
¿No está leyendo porque no puede ver o porque no quiere?
Are you not reading because you can’t see or because you don’t want to?
Porque molestamos.
Because we are a nuisance.
¡Porque molesta!
Because it is a nuisance!
Porque tienen menos oportunidades.
Because they have fewer opportunities.
Porque, ¿qué permitiría esto?
What will happen if we are?
No sólo porque queramos asegurarlas.
This was not just through a desire to reinforce borders.
Porque perjudican la salud.
Because they affect people's health.
Porque necesitamos controles alimentarios...
Because what we need is food controls …
No huyen, porque viven aterrorizadas.
They do not run away as they are living in a state of fear.
Porque sencillamente no somos iguales.
This is because we simply are not equal.
No lo digo porque sí.
I do not say this lightly.
Porque realmente lo es.
Indeed that is what it is in reality.
Porque a eso equivale.
Because that is what it amounts to.
Porque no lo sabemos.
Because we do not know.
Porque, simplemente, no es cierta.
For it is quite simply not the case.
Porque no cuesta nada.
Because it does not cost anything.
Porque aún no me ha convencido.
Because you have not convinced me yet.
Porque no se lo permiten.
Because you are not allowed to.
Porque hemos tomado medidas.
Because we have taken measures.
Porque tiene muchas deficiencias.
Because it has many faults.
Porque somos optimistas.
It is because we are optimists.
No, porque no están informados.
No, because they are not informed.
Porque los chinos no quisieron.
The Chinese did not want to.
Porque no olviden una cosa.
Because there is one thing you should not forget.
Simplemente porque no tenemos personal.
And that is just because we do not have the staff.
Porque ayudas hay muchísimas.
There are many types of aid.
Porque los procedimientos son complicados, porque se están eludiendo.
It is because the procedures are complicated, because they are being evaded.
No lo hacemos porque sepamos que funciona, sino porque es necesario.
We do not do this because we know it works but because it is necessary.
Porque Europa lo demanda, porque Europa quiere Instituciones fuertes.
Because Europe demands it, because Europe needs strong institutions!
Porque se enfrentan a obstáculos sociales.
Because they have to face social obstacles.
Porque no se fijó el destino.
Because no destination was established.
Porque no podemos callarnos más tiempo.
For we cannot keep quiet any longer.
Porque su marido ha fallecido.
It is because her husband has died.
Porque hay ciertas implicaciones económicas.
Because there are financial considerations.
Porque a todos ellos nos debemos.
Because we owe a debt to all of them.
Porque, ¿de qué se trata?
What is the real issue here?
Porque creo que hay plazos.
I think that there are deadlines.
Las he firmado porque son compromisos.
I signed them because they are compromises.
Porque se han ido a almorzar.
Because they have gone to lunch.
¿Es porque es muy complicado?
Is it because it is very complicated?
Porque no es un simple maquillaje.
Because this is not simply a face-lift.
Porque no sería suficiente cualquier reforma.
Because not just any reform will be sufficient.
Porque hay muchos temas pendientes.
Many issues are currently under discussion.
Porque, hoy día, no es así.
It is not so today.
Debemos alimentarlas porque aportan innovaciones.
We must nurture these small- and medium-sized enterprises because they deliver innovation.
Porque ¿qué queda de él?
For what is left of it?
Porque las fechas son cruciales.
Because the dates are crucial.
Porque aquí hay mucha falsedad.
Because there is a lot of falseness here.
No nos atrevemos porque no podemos imponerlo.
We do not dare to because we cannot impose it.
Porque a veces parece casi olvidada.
Because it appears at times to be almost forgotten.
Porque ¿cuál es la situación?
Because what do we find?
This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder
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