Spanish Sentences using mandar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The When it's exhibiting, I'll take photos and send them to you so that you call can see them.
I put the yellow sweater in the chest of drawers and I sent the blue one to the cleaner's.
We will have to send the government some documents.
Please send the broken product to our repair department.
I need an envelope before I can send this letter.
They were sent invitations for the wedding more than two weeks ago.
I need a stamp before I can send this letter.
I bought more stamps than I need to send the letters to Mexico.
Even though he doesn't write me a letter he is going to send me some money.
Even though he didn't write me a letter, he sent me some money.
The salesmen (that/whom) we sent the samples to haven't answered us yet.
He told me he was going to send her some flowers.
I was going to send you a post card from Rome, but I didn't send you one because I didn't have your address.
Doña Elena told us that you'd kept on sending flowers to her daughter.
It's likely that José Maria will forget to send us the check.
Do you want to send it inside the United States or to another country?
Former president Bill Clinton only sent 2 emails in his entire 8 year presidency.
You all would do the school errands if you all were sent to.
If you send it to us, we will fix it immediately.
Hágale un corrector ortográfico antes de mandarlo a la gerencia.
Run spell check before you send it to management.
El arquitecto manda que coloquemos las columnas requeridas.
The architect orders that we put in the required columns.
Deberíamos mandarle un regalito a doña Rosario por su cumpleaños.
We should send doña Rosario a present for her birthday.
Yo les voy a mandar la carta mañana.
I am going to send them the letter tomorrow.
Yo se la voy a mandar mañana.
I am going to send it to them.
Ellos nos van a mandar la carta mañana.
They are going to send us the letter tomorrow.
Ellos nos la van a mandar mañana.
They are going to send it to us tomorrow.
Yo espero que la secretaria le mande el cheque mañana.
I hope that the secretary sends him the check tomorrow.
Yo espero que la secretaria se lo mande mañana.
I hope that the secretary sends it to him tomorrow.
Yo te he mandado la carta.
I have sent the letter to you.
Yo te la he mandado.
I have sent it to you.
Que él vaya a recoger la carta que mandaron.
If only he would pick up the letter than they sent.
Le mandamos las flores a Gabriela a su casa porque ella casi nunca sale.
We sent the flowers to Gabriela's house because she hardly ever goes out.
Sobraban dos invitaciones para el banquete. Le mandé una al Ing. Pérez y la otra al Gral. Rivera.
Two invitations for the banquet were left over. I sent one to Mr. Pérez and the other one to Gen. Rivera.
El los mandó a callar.
He ordered them to be quiet.
Juan le mandará unas flores a Maria
Juan will send Maria some flowers.
Él me dijo que le mandó unas flores a ella.
He told me he sent her some flowers.
¡Por favor mande ayuda!
Please send help!
La reina Doña Urraca se casó con el príncipe Don Gonzalo.
The Queen Doña Urraca married Prince Don Gonzalo.
¿Deberíamos mandarle un email?
Should we email her?
Pienso mandarles una tarjeta de Navidad tanto a ti como a tus padres.
I plan to send both you and your parents a Christmas card.
Manda a Pablo al banco.
Send Pablo to the bank.
No mandes a Simón al banco.
Don't send Simón to the bank.
¿Cuánto cuesta mandar una carta a Alemania?
How much does it cost to send a letter to Germany?
¿Cuánto cuesta mandar una carta a...?
What is the cost to send a letter to…?
Necesito mandar este paquete a ...
I need to send this package to ...
El mandar no quiere par.
Authority doesn't want to be shared.
Quisiera mandar este mensaje a la Presidencia.
That is a message I should like to send to the presidency.
Tenemos que mandar un claro mensaje.
We need to give a clear signal.
Con ello queremos mandar dos mensajes.
This allows us to send out two different signals.
Parece que mandar a treinta observadores para el control es insuficiente.
The monitoring by 30 observers seems very meagre indeed.
Esperábamos mandar por fin un mensaje de esperanza a esas personas.
We looked forward to at last sending a message of hope to those people.
Comprendemos la importancia de mandar una señal política.
We understand the importance of sending out a political signal.
Hubo que mandar a buscar alguien de la Comisión.
They had to send for someone in the Commission.
Por ello, considero ilícita la votación que quiere mandar hacer.
I therefore consider the vote you are proposing to be inadmissible.
Por esta causa debería mandar ahora que se votase.
That is why you have to put it to the vote.
Usted dice que en estos momentos los datos se pueden mandar a través de contrato.
You say that information can currently be provided by means of a contract.
Gracias, señor Matsakis, pero convendrá usted que no le voy a mandar la bandera al Primer Ministro turco.
Thank you, Mr Matsakis, but you will understand that I am not going to send the flag to the Turkish Prime Minister.
Estoy también muy a favor de mandar una delegación tal como se propone en la resolución.
I am also very much in favour of sending an delegation as suggested in the resolution.
Nosotros, como Unión, debemos mandar un mensaje decidido al otro lado del Atlántico.
We, as a Union, need to send a strong signal to the other side of the Atlantic.
Creo que lo importante, a estas alturas del debate, es mandar un mensaje de estabilidad a nuestros agricultores.
At this stage in the debate, I feel it is vital to send a message of stability to our farmers.
Algún día se darán cuenta ustedes de que no se puede mandar en casa ajena.
You will one day realise that you cannot be masters in someone else's house.
Les habrían dicho que la Unión Europea no tiene legitimidad para mandar observadores electorales a su país.
You would all have said that it is unlawful for the European Union to send election observers there.
Es también un imperativo para mandar a los terroristas un mensaje claro de que no olvidamos.
It is an imperative in order to send terrorists a clear message that we do not forget.
Esto tiene que parar y el Parlamento Europeo debe mandar un firme mensaje a Ankara.
This has to stop and this must be a strong message sent to Ankara by the European Parliament.
En Europa, se da la circunstancia de que muchos conductores se dedican a mandar mensajes mientras conducen.
One of the new phenomena on European roads is people texting while driving.
Ahora, cuando se descubre que un medicamento ha sido falsificado, se puede mandar una alerta.
If a falsified medicine is discovered, it is now possible to send out an early warning.
La UE no debe empezar a mandar enviados especiales a las diversas zonas conflictivas del mundo.
The EU cannot begin to busy itself with sending special envoys to different areas of conflict throughout the world.
Y estoy seguro de que casi todos los Estados van a mandar la lista.
I am sure that nearly all the Member States are going to do so.
Y si se aprueba ésta, ¿va a mandar que se celebre otra votación?
If the corrigendum is adopted, will you still be having a vote?
Señor Presidente, la votación que quiere mandar realizar ahora es ilícita.
Mr President, the vote which you now wish to conduct is inadmissible.
Éste sería el momento oportuno para mandar una delegación del Parlamento Europeo a Timor Oriental.
Now would be just the right time to send a European Parliamentary delegation to East Timor.
¿Está usted lo suficientemente enojado para mandar mi equipo de cobradores a ver a su deudor?
Are you angry enough to send my team of collectors around to the debtor's premises?
En su intervención, ha dicho que hay que mandar una señal clara a los mercados.
You said in your statement that a clear signal must be sent out to the markets.
También es importante mandar estas señales pues, de lo contrario, la oposición se sentirá sola y perderá todas sus fuerzas.
It is also important to give these signals, because otherwise the opposition feels isolated and loses all its drive.
Señor Presidente, colegas, quería enviarles un correo electrónico al respecto de esto, pero lamentablemente en la actualidad no puedo mandar correos.
Mr President, colleagues, I wanted to send you an e-mail about this, but unfortunately I cannot send e-mails at the moment.
El segundo saludo que creo que debemos mandar a Macedonia va dirigido al FLK, el llamado movimiento de liberación.
The second message I think we should convey to Macedonia should be addressed to the NLA, or what is known as the liberation movement.
Aún hay mucha enseñanza que no es gratuita, por lo cual muchos padres no pueden permitirse mandar a sus hijos a la escuela.
Education is still not provided free of charge in many cases, which means that many parents cannot afford to send their children to school.
Ustedes no tienen que dar consejos, tienen que mandar a sus propios Gobiernos para que ejecuten las políticas que ustedes deciden.
It is not for you to give advice, but to order your own governments to implement the policies you decide on.
Tras cinco meses de audiciones seguimos preguntándonos qué movió a las autoridades españolas responsables a mandar alejar el barco a altamar.
After five months of hearings we are still wondering what made the Spanish authorities in charge order that the vessel be removed to the high seas.
Señor Presidente, lo que a mi juicio tenemos que hacer hoy es mandar una señal muy clara al campo europeo.
Mr President, what we need to do today, I believe, is to send a very clear signal to Europe’s countryside.
Recordemos que es mejor pagar los costes del desarrollo económico y social que mandar más soldados a los Balcanes.
Let us remember that it is better to cover the costs of economic and social development than to send more soldiers to the Balkans.
El Consejo necesita asumir la responsabilidad de mandar una señal enérgica y efectiva para convertir esto en un asunto comunitario.
The Council needs to take responsibility for sending out a strong, effective signal to make this a Community issue.
También podríamos mandar el modelo de convenio colectivo danés, con sus acuerdos aprobados democráticamente, al museo del trabajo.
We might as well send our Danish agreement model with its democratically adopted agreements to the museum of labour.
No hay motivo para que se deje mandar por los que se siguen aferrando al antiguo proyecto constitucional
There is no reason why you should let others who still hold onto the old constitutional project dictate to you.
Este Parlamento debe decir muchas cosas y mandar muchos mensajes a las personas que representarán a la Unión en dicha Cumbre.
There are many things that need to be said and many messages that this Parliament needs to send to those who will represent the Union at that summit.
No se puede mandar una misión al terreno sin tener garantías de que va a poder cumplir con su mandato.
It is not possible to send a mission into the field without its having guarantees that it will be able to fulfil its mandate.
Entretanto, los italianos desean hacer lo único que se antoja correcto: volver a votar y mandar al Gobierno a semejante parte.
Meanwhile, Italians would like to do the only right thing: start voting and tell the government to go to hell.
Por tal motivo, opino que Europa no debería mandar a sus jefes de Estado y de Gobierno a la ceremonia de apertura.
For that reason, I, too, believe that Europe should not be sending its Heads of State or Government to the opening ceremony.
La Comisión confía en que el Parlamento pueda mandar con rapidez a sus representantes al grupo de trabajo interinstitucional.
The Commission trusts that Parliament will now be in a position to promptly mandate its representatives to the interinstitutional working group.
Ahora le toca mandar a su hija a los mismos campos de arroz donde le sucedió esto para que recoja el arroz.
She now has to send her daughter out to the same dangerous fields to collect the rice.
Este debate debe mandar una clara señal a Rusia y Ucrania para que restablezcan inmediatamente el suministro de gas.
This debate should send out a clear signal to Russia and Ukraine to immediately reinstate gas supplies.
Si no queremos sacar completamente de quicio a los ciudadanos, me parece que este Consejo Europeo podría mandar dos mensajes.
If we do not want to drive European citizens completely to despair, it seems to me that this European Council could send out two messages.
Finalmente, ¿tiene intención de mandar a sus funcionarios a otros países que atraviesan dificultades financieras, como por ejemplo, Portugal, España e Italia?
Finally, do you intend to send your officials into other countries suffering financial hardship, for example, Portugal, Spain and Italy?
Esta Cámara debería mandar un claro mensaje al régimen castrista, especialmente en el marco de la Presidencia española.
This House should send a clear message to the Castro regime, especially in the context of the Spanish Presidency.
Mañana podríamos mandar un mensaje contundente al resto de instituciones si vuelve a resultar aprobado por amplia mayoría.
If we see this large a majority in favour tomorrow, it would send a strong signal to the other institutions.
Tras las elecciones celebradas en Eslovenia el último fin de semana, queremos mandar una señal europea a este país.
Following the elections in Slovenia last weekend we also want to send out a European signal to that country.
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