Spanish Sentences using esperar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I was hoping that you would be able to give it to him yesterday.
I was hoping that she would go to the party with me.
I was hoping that Mary would do the homework last night.
I was hoping that the boys would be able to bring them.
We had to wait and wait while the doctor was seeing my sister.
We were hoping that the boys could bring them.
It didn't seem right to me that you made the doctor wait.
I was hoping that the boys would learn the words.
The driver expects all passengers to be on time.
Eso / Así lo espero
I hope so
Yo espero que Juan me ayude.
I hope that John helps me.
Yo espero que Juan no rompa la ventana.
I hope that John doesn't break the window.
Juan, yo espero que tú no rompas la ventana.
John, I hope that you don't break the window.
Ella se cansó de esperarlo.
She got tired of waiting for him.
Espero que volvamos a vernos.
I hope we shall meet again.
Yo esperaba que Juan no rompiera la ventana.
I was hoping that John wouldn't break the window.
Se espera que el gobierno restaure el palacio.
It is hoped that the government will restore the palace.
Yo espero que ella me lo dé.
I hope that she gives it to me.
Esperé el tren.
I waited for the train.
Espero que volváis pronto.
I hope that you come back soon.
El cómplice lo esperaba fuera.
The accomplice was waiting outside for him.
Yo espero que tú la puedas comprar.
I hope that you can buy it.
¿Estas esperando que ese traje salga en oferta?
Are you waiting for that suit to go on sale?
Yo esperaba que tú trajeras los boletos.
I was hoping that you would bring the tickets.
Muy bien, eso espero
Very good, I hope so
Espero que lleves la linterna en la mochila.
I hope that you have a flashlight in your backpack.
No nos podemos permitir esperar.
We cannot afford to wait.
Ahora, hay que esperar.
Now, we have to wait.
¿Debemos esperar algo más?
Are we to expect anything more?
Eso sería de esperar.
That is only to be expected.
Podemos esperar un año.
We can wait a year.
Hay que esperar a 2005.
We must wait until 2005.
No podemos esperar más.
We cannot wait any longer.
Eso era de esperar.
That is as I would expect.
No podemos esperar más.
We cannot wait any longer.
Gaza no puede esperar más.
Gaza cannot wait any longer.
No puede esperar más.
That must wait no longer.
¿Debemos esperar más propuestas?
Can we expect any additional proposals?
No podemos esperar más.
We really cannot wait any longer!
No es razonable esperar más.
It is unreasonable to expect more.
Yo voy a esperar sentado.
I will not be holding my breath.
No debemos obligarles a esperar más.
We must not force them to wait any longer.
No les hagamos esperar más.
Let us not make them wait any longer.
Señor Presidente, prefiero esperar.
I prefer to wait, Mr President.
Tendría que esperar a Polonia».
It would have to wait for Poland' .
¿Cuáles cabe esperar?
So what type of decisions can we expect?
No podemos esperar esta modificación.
We cannot wait for that.
Las consecuencias no se hacen esperar.
The consequences do not inspire hope.
En otras palabras, no podemos esperar.
In other words we cannot afford to wait.
Tendremos que esperar a que lleguen.
We shall wait for them to come in.
No es necesario esperar a la Comisión.
You do not need to wait for the Commission.
Los restantes organismos deben esperar.
The remaining agencies must wait.
Hemos de esperar diez minutos.
We must wait for ten minutes.
Sería absurdo esperar lo contrario.
One would not expect them to.
Solo entonces podemos esperar resultados.
Only then can we expect results.
Pero no podemos esperar hasta 2013.
But we cannot wait for 2013.
¿Va a actuar o va a esperar —?
Are you going to act or are you going to wait-and-see?
¿Por qué no esperar hasta entonces?
Why not wait for that?
Tuvimos que esperar hasta marzo.
We had to wait until March.
No deberíamos esperar a unas futuras elecciones.
We should not wait for future elections.
Todavía cabe esperar lo mejor.
We can still hope for the best.
Por fortuna, no necesitaron esperar tanto.
Fortunately, they did not need to wait that long.
Debemos esperar a ver qué pasa.
Let us wait and see what happens.
¿Para cuándo podemos esperar alguno?
When can we expect any?
Debemos esperar a ver las conclusiones.
Let us wait and see the conclusions.
No debemos ni podemos esperar tanto.
We should not and cannot wait that long.
Realmente no podríamos esperar nada más.
We should not really expect anything else.
Pero no cabía esperar algo así.
But it was never to be expected.
¿Qué podemos esperar de China?
What can we expect from China?
¿Podemos esperar que esto mejore?
Can we expect that this is going to be improved?
No tendrá que esperar mucho tiempo.
You will not have to wait too long.
¿Qué pueden esperar los investigadores?
What can the researchers expect now?
La Unión Europea puede esperar.
The European Union can wait.
Hay que esperar y ver.
We shall wait and see.
Debemos esperar a ver qué sucede allí.
We need to wait and see what happens there.
Cabría esperar de Ucrania que actúe.
We should expect Ukraine to take action.
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