Spanish Sentences using defender
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The One day I will become a lawyer, and I will be able to legally defend you.
The first women who were defending themselves were social democratic.
El cauteloso abogado defenderá al sospechoso.
The cautious lawyer will defend the suspicious criminal.
¿Cómo eres capaz de defender semejante salvajada?
How are you able to defend such savagery?
Los soldados se defendieron con mucho valor.
The soldiers defended themselves with courage.
El orador defiende su opinión con buenos argumentos.
The speaker defends his opinion with good arguments.
Debemos contar con organizaciones que defiendan estos derechos.
We should count on organizations that defend these rights.
No intento defender ni justificar lo que hacen.
I'm not trying to defend or justify what they're doing.
Esperamos que ella se haya defendido de la falsa acusación.
We hope she defended herself against the false accusation.
¡Defendamos los derechos humanos!
Let’s defend human rights!
Queremos defender a los consumidores.
We want to defend consumers.
Existen para defender ideas.
They are there to defend ideas.
Atrevámonos a defender la verdad.
Let us dare to stand up for truth.
Se podría defender.
Such a situation is defensible.
¿Qué intereses comunes debería defender?
What common interests is it supposed to defend?
Ese "defender" es bastante sospechoso.
The word 'appear' is highly suspicious.
Hemos de defender estos derechos.
We must defend those rights.
Hay que defender sus derechos.
Their rights must be defended.
Eso es defender lo indefendible.
That is defending the indefensible.
Hemos de defender nuestros valores.
We must defend our values.
No quiero defender esa postura fundamental.
I would not like to advocate such a fundamental position.
¿Quién desea defender esta solicitud?
Who wanted to speak on this request?
Quiero defender al Gobierno suizo.
I don't mind taking the part of the Swiss government.
Tenemos que defender nuestra legislación.
Here we must stand up for our legislation.
Hemos intentado defender la paz militarmente.
We have tried to defend peace by taking military action.
Y sin embargo, ¡debemos defender nuestro turismo!
But we must support our tourism!
Esto es lo que vamos a defender.
This is, in fact, what we are opting for.
Ustedes lo deberían ejecutar y defender también.
We should secure this position and defend it!
Es imposible defender esto frente a los ciudadanos.
It is impossible to defend that before the citizens.
Esto no es defender la supervisión unitaria.
It is not a case of unitary supervision.
¿Va a defender este punto en el Consejo?
Will he defend this in the Council?
Necesitamos defender los fondos de desmantelamiento.
We need ring-fencing of the decommissioning funds.
Defender los derechos humanos no es sencillo.
Upholding human rights is not all that simple.
Tenemos que defender las libertades civiles.
Civil liberties have to be upheld.
Hay que defender estrictamente estas directivas.
These directives must be strictly upheld.
¡Esto lo llaman defender los intereses británicos!
So much for British interests!
Hoy no quiero criticar ni defender al Gobierno.
I do not want to criticise or defend the government today.
Por último, ¿me permiten volver a defender la competencia?
Finally, could I restate the case for competition?
También aquí hay que defender el atlanticismo.
We need to defend Atlanticism here, too.
Debemos defender el principio de subsidiariedad.
We must stand up for the principle of subsidiarity.
Ella puede defender sus supuestos derechos.
She can stand up for her supposed rights.
Supone defender una sociedad más injusta.
It means arguing for a more unjust society.
Estamos aquí para defender a nuestros conciudadanos.
We are here to defend our fellow citizens.
El señor Tavares desea defender esta solicitud.
Mr Tavares would like to move this request.
Debemos defender esta parte del Tratado.
We must defend this part of the Treaty.
En segundo lugar, quiero defender el multilingüismo.
Secondly, I want to make the case for multilingualism.
Mi intención es defender a este Parlamento...
I wanted to defend this Parliament...
He pretendido defender el honor de mi partido.
I wanted to defend the honour of my party.
Es lo que quiero defender hoy.
That is what I am calling for here today.
La Unión Europea debe defender sus compromisos.
The European Union must protect its commitments.
Eso es algo que debemos defender.
This is something we should defend.
No se trata de defender el orgullo nacional.
What is not at stake is the question of national pride.
Se deben defender dos objetivos principales.
Two key objectives must be retained.
Para lograrlo, debemos defender una posición plausible.
In order to succeed, we should take a credible stance.
¿Quién desea intervenir para defender esta propuesta?
Who wishes to speak in favour of this proposal?
Es igual de estúpido defender una norma que no funciona que defender una norma estúpida.
It is just as stupid to defend a rule that does not work as to defend a stupid rule.
Su labor consiste en defender la Directiva de servicios y no en defender el proteccionismo.
It is your job to defend the Services Directive, not to defend protectionism.
Defender a los productores, empresarios y trabajadores europeos es defender a los ciudadanos europeos y a los consumidores europeos.
To defend European producers, employers and workers is to defend European citizens and also to defend European consumers.
La segunda es la necesidad de defender los empleos y, por tanto, defender a los trabajadores.
The second is the need to defend jobs and, hence, protect the workers.
Defender el sector textil significa defender miles y miles de puestos de trabajo y, paralelamente, defender los derechos de los ciudadanos.
Defending the textile sector means defending thousands and thousands of jobs and, at the same time, defending citizens' rights.
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