Spanish Sentences using considerar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The Some consider the Canaries as a fragment of Atlantis.
I would know so many things that without a doubt I would be consider a kind of wiseman.
Plácido Domingo es considerado uno de los mejores tenores del mundo.
Plácido Domingo is considered one of the top tenors in the world.
Se le considera uno de los mejores tenores del mundo.
He is considered one of the top tenors in the world.
La caza no debería considerarse un deporte.
Hunting shouldn't be considered a sport.
¿Se solía considerar miembro de la comunidad "trekkie"?
Does he consider himself a member of the trekkie community?
No se considera una seguidora de la serie.
She doesn't consider herself a follower of the series.
¿Crees que a Albert Einstein se le considera un genio?
Do you think that Albert Einstein considered himself a genius?
¿Y por qué se considera importante?
And why does he think it's important?
Considerarlo necesario
to think it necessary
Se consideraba una ideología izquierdista.
It's considered a leftist ideology.
Las palabras árabes usadas en español se consideran arabismos.
The Arabic words used in Spanish are considered Arabisms.
¿Se considera el ajedrez un juego mental?
Is chess considered a mental game?
Considérate invitado a la celebración.
Consider yourself invited to the party.
No me considero pesimista, más bien realista.
I don't consider myself a pessimist, more like a realist.
Tenemos que considerar eso.
We must look at that.
Debemos considerar todo esto.
We have to consider this.
Tenemos que considerar eso.
We need to look at that.
Se debería considerar inadmisible.
It should be ruled inadmissible.
Pasemos a considerar los siguientes asuntos.
I would like to home in on the following issues.
Debemos considerar todos los aspectos.
We must look at all the issues.
Entonces, ¿qué perspectivas podemos considerar?
What exactly are we envisaging for the future?
Debemos considerar las consecuencias sociales.
We must consider the social consequences.
¿Por qué no considerar esta idea?
Why not consider this idea?
Habría que considerar otras soluciones.
Other solutions must therefore be considered.
Debemos considerar todas las tecnologías.
All technologies must be considered.
Tenemos que considerar esta cuestión.
We need to think that one through.
Hay tres ámbitos importantes a considerar.
There are three important areas for consideration.
Nos alegrará considerar dicho plan.
We will be happy to look at such a plan.
Tenemos que considerar esa cuestión.
We do need to look at that issue.
Debemos considerar a todas las personas.
We must take everyone into consideration.
Se podría considerar este problema.
We could, in effect, consider taking this problem into account.
Voy a considerar ésa una intervención interesante.
I will take that as an interesting intervention.
Por esto, me permito considerar tres puntos.
This is why I feel I may be allowed to focus on three points.
Tenemos seis enmiendas que mañana deberemos considerar.
We have six amendments to consider tomorrow.
Por tanto, se deben considerar varias soluciones.
Various solutions may therefore be considered.
Eso es lo que tenemos que considerar.
This is what we must consider.
. La última pregunta se podría considerar nueva.
. The last question was a more or less new question.
No obstante, debemos considerar también otro aspecto.
There is, however, another aspect to which thought must be given.
Debemos considerar muy en serio ese aspecto.
This point needs serious attention.
Debemos considerar seriamente todas las opciones.
All options should be seriously considered.
También debemos considerar posibles aspectos reglamentarios.
We also need to consider potential regulatory issues.
También hay que considerar a la opinión pública.
Then there is public opinion to consider.
Es una enorme diferencia que debemos considerar.
That is a huge difference which we envisage.
Tengo que considerar los elementos mencionados anteriormente.
I really have to see the aforementioned elements.
También aquí debemos considerar los resultados.
Here we must also consider the results.
No obstante, hay que considerar algunos aspectos.
However, a few points need to be considered.
No debemos considerar como definitiva la legislación actual.
We should not view the current arrangement as permanent one.
Corresponde a nosotros considerar si es realista o no.
It is up to us to consider whether this is realistic or not.
Sin duda podríamos considerar insuficiente esta resolución.
We could certainly regard this resolution as inadequate.
Hay otro punto que conviene considerar.
There is also something else to be considered.
Usted debe considerar dónde estarían los límites.
You have to look at where the perimeter would be.
Esta respuesta tiene que considerar tres factores.
This response must take into account three factors.
Por favor, ¿podría la Comisión considerar esto?
Please could the Commission consider this?
A mi juicio, es acertado considerar algo así.
In my opinion, it is right to consider something like this.
Tenemos que considerar muy detenidamente esta decisión.
We need to give this some careful thought.
Al contrario, deberíamos considerar que colaboran juntas.
Instead, we should regard them as working together.
Taiwán se puede considerar un éxito.
Taiwan can be considered a success story.
No podemos considerar un solo aspecto del debate.
We cannot just look at one side of the argument.
Quizá el Consejo debería considerar esta cuestión.
Perhaps the Council should consider this issue.
Esto es algo que debemos considerar.
This is something which we need to consider.
Debemos considerar esto como una prioridad urgente.
We should regard this as an urgent priority.
Hay otro factor a considerar en este informe.
A number of other aspects have a part to play in this report.
Luego, podremos considerar esto de manera conjunta.
So we can look at them at the same time.
Tenemos que considerar un enfoque más radical.
We must look towards a more radical approach.
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