Spanish Sentences using comprobar
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The I'll check the availability of seats for that date.
The train ticket inspector will come in a few minutes to check if all passengers have a ticket.
The train inspector (ticket inspector or conductor) is in charge of checking the tickets of the train's passengers.
Por favor, si ha solicitado la evaluación, compruebe que aparece en el listado adjunto.
Please, if you have asked for an evaluation, prove that you appear in the attached listing.
Vamos a comprobar.
We shall have it checked.
Naturalmente, voy a comprobar...
I will, of course, check ...
¿Que quiere decir comprobar?
What do you mean by examined?
Lo vamos a comprobar.
The text will be checked.
Para comprobar dónde nos encontramos.
To see where we stand.
¿Le importaría comprobar sus anotaciones?
Could you kindly check your notes?
Tenemos que comprobar todo esto.
We have to check all this.
¿Desea comprobar su alcance financiero?
Does it wish to review the financial framework?
Vamos a comprobar qué resultado aporta.
We shall see what it can do.
Me alegra comprobar que existe una profunda coincidencia.
I am glad that we have been able to achieve far-reaching agreement.
Estimado colega Posselt, esto se va a comprobar.
That will be investigated, Mr Posselt.
Como pueden comprobar, los italianos son operativos.
As you can see, Italians are operative.
Ayer, todos pudimos comprobar ese fracaso.
Yesterday, we all took note of that failure.
autor. - (PL) Señor Presidente, me gustaría comprobar algo.
author. - (PL) Mr President, I would like to check something.
Lo he podido comprobar en este trabajo.
I have seen this in this work.
Hay que comprobar millones de operaciones.
There are millions of transactions to check.
Y me alegra comprobar que tenía razón.
I am happy to say that I called it correctly.
Usted mismo lo puede comprobar visualmente.
You can see that for yourself.
También me alegra comprobar que hay sanciones.
I am also glad to see that there are penalties.
Por esta razón no he podido comprobar esto todavía.
So I have not yet been able to check on this.
A diario podemos comprobar que esto no es así.
Every day brings us new proof that it has not.
Usted misma puede comprobar el quórum.
You yourself can establish whether the quorum is present.
Es otro asunto que habrá que comprobar.
That will also have to be looked into.
Políticamente, se han podido comprobar los dos riesgos a estas elecciones se han podido comprobar.
Politically, the two fears concerning this ballot proved well founded.
Me complace comprobar que la Comisión comparte nuestra opinión.
I am pleased to see that the Commission shares our view.
Será interesante comprobar si entonces sigue fiel a sus principios.
It will be interesting to see if he sticks to his principles there.
Por tanto, tenemos que comprobar si hay quórum.
We will have to establish whether there is a quorum.
Porque he podido comprobar que son necesarios actos concretos.
For I have clearly understood that practical action is needed.
También tiene que comprobar cómo se realiza el control in situ.
The Commission is responsible for transposition and for checking what sort of on-site controls have been carried out.
Como lo podrá comprobar, y será muy interesante además.
As you will see, this will actually be very interesting.
Me alegra comprobar que los escoceses obtienen el cien por cien.
I am glad to see the Scots getting one hundred percent.
Habrá que hacer un seguimiento para comprobar su cumplimiento.
These must then be followed up in order to ensure that they are really being implemented.
Me cabe comprobar con cierta desilusión que hay mucho por hacer.
I can, with a certain amount of resignation, state that there is much still to be done.
Vamos a comprobar las cosas, en el sentido que usted desea.
We shall look into this, as you have asked.
Tendremos que comprobar si todo esto es suficiente.
We will have to check to see whether all of this is sufficient.
Y esto lo vamos a comprobar caso por caso.
We will have to assess this on a case-by-case basis.
Antes debemos comprobar que no hay mayoría sobre la primera resolución.
We must first ascertain whether or not there is a majority on the first resolution.
Perfectamente, señor Krivine, vamos a comprobar todo esto a la mayor brevedad.
Of course, Mr Krivine, we shall try to follow this up as soon as possible.
Los asaltantes empezaron a comprobar la identidad religiosa de los pasajeros.
The attackers checked the passengers' religious identity.
Las autoridades se están ocupando de comprobar esa información.
The authorities are still in the process of verifying this information.
Pude comprobar que había motivos para levantar algunas restricciones.
I was satisfied that the easing of restrictions was justified.
Eso se puede comprobar esta noche también en este hemiciclo.
This is obviously what is happening here this evening.
Solo podremos empezar a comprobar lo contrario cuando transcurran algunos años.
Only after years have elapsed will we be able to begin to prove that the opposite is the case.
Desde el principio pude comprobar que habría un problema.
Right from the beginning I could see that there would be a problem.
Esto nos permite comprobar directamente cuánto cuesta cada actividad.
It allows us to see directly how much each activity costs.
Por tanto, tendrá que girarse para comprobar la hora exacta.
You will therefore have to turn around to check the exact time.
Me alegra comprobar que la Comisión empieza ahora a centrarse en ellos.
I am pleased to see the Commission is now beginning to focus on those.
Como podrán comprobar en Francia, solo sirven para equivocarnos.
As you will see in France, they only trip you up.
. Debo comprobar si, de hecho, solo son 24.
I need to check whether in fact there are only twenty-four.
Las delegaciones pueden comprobar el uso adecuado de la ayuda.
Delegations can check that aid is properly used.
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