Spanish Sentences using actualmente
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The Currently, factories are replacing labor with technology in order to reduce costs.
Currently several highways are being built in the northern part of the country.
What are you working currently? Are you still at the car factory?
¡Actualmente no funciona!
At present, it really does not work!
¿Qué ocurre actualmente?
So, what is happening at the moment?
Actualmente estamos escuchando.
Right now, we are listening.
Actualmente aparece como positivo.
It currently appears as positive.
¿Cómo es Belarús actualmente?
What is Belarus like today?
Y actualmente no la tenemos.
We do not have that at present.
Actualmente apenas se encuentra.
At present there is barely any at all.
Actualmente no se está haciendo.
This is not currently being done.
Actualmente existen dos enfoques.
At present, there are two approaches.
Actualmente, no tengo este convencimiento.
For the present I remain unconvinced of this.
Trabajamos actualmente en ese sentido.
We are currently working on this.
Actualmente, sólo hay pruebas postmortem.
Today there are only post mortem examinations.
Los discapacitados son actualmente discriminados.
People with disabilities are discriminated against today.
La Comisión está preparándola actualmente.
The Commission is currently preparing this proposal.
Aún no nos encontramos ahí actualmente.
We have some way to go before this can be done.
Actualmente, por desgracia, no lo está.
Today, you unfortunately fell far short of them.
Actualmente no disponemos de esta capacidad.
We do not have this capacity at present.
Actualmente está sometida a análisis jurídico.
That is currently under legal analysis.
Ucrania celebra actualmente elecciones presidenciales.
At present presidential elections are taking place in Ukraine.
Actualmente se están elaborando directrices.
Guidelines are currently being prepared.
Muchos activistas están actualmente detenidos.
Many activists are now under arrest.
Actualmente no existen sucedáneos para ello.
There are as yet no substitutes for that.
Actualmente, está asesinando a los tibetanos.
It is currently murdering Tibetans.
Actualmente, en Europa no hay hambre.
Europe is not hungry at present.
Actualmente, Europa protege a estos trabajadores.
Europe, today, is protecting these workers.
Actualmente hay prohibiciones en Rusia.
Bans are now in place in Russia.
No creo que sean prácticas actualmente.
I do not think they are currently practical.
Actualmente, hay 36 conflictos civiles.
There are currently 36 civil conflicts.
¿Cómo es la situación actualmente?
What is the situation like today?
Actualmente, Japón necesita ayuda real.
At present, Japan needs real aid.
Actualmente hablamos de 51 regiones.
We are currently talking about 51 regions.
Actualmente tenemos además otros problemas.
Today, we have other problems as well.
Actualmente esta atmósfera no está presente.
None of this is in place at the moment.
Actualmente es todavía demasiado impreciso.
It is still too vague.
Actualmente, estamos elaborando los criterios.
We are currently working out the criteria.
Actualmente sólo existe en francés.
They are currently only in French.
Ahora bien, ¿qué constatamos actualmente?
Yet what are we seeing at present?
Pero actualmente no tenemos ese derecho.
But at present we do not have such a right.
Es lo que vemos actualmente.
This is what we are seeing today.
Los objetivos OSPAR se están elaborando actualmente.
The OSPAR objectives are now being drawn up.
Actualmente, la AIS afecta a 240 explotaciones salmonícolas.
Today, 240 salmon farms are affected by ISA.
Actualmente sabemos mucho sobre la vida.
Nowadays, we know a very great deal indeed about the living world.
Actualmente se archivan muchas cosas innecesarias.
At present, the scope of the register goes far beyond what is necessary.
Holanda tiene actualmente una inflación más alta.
The Netherlands now has higher inflation.
Actualmente, se están estudiando dos mecanismos...
At the present time, two mechanisms are being studied...
¿Qué pasa actualmente con los temas medioambientales?
What is the problem today as far as these environmental issues are concerned?
Los ciudadanos exigen actualmente más cosas bonitas.
Our citizens today simply want more beautiful things.
Actualmente, la pesca es una industria mundial.
Fishing is now a global industry.
Actualmente era un delito solamente en seis.
Currently it has been an offence in only six.
¿Puede precisar exactamente dónde se encuentra actualmente?
Could you elaborate on exactly what you have achieved so far?
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