English Word: boyfriend
Spanish Word: novio
Now you know how to say boyfriend in Spanish. :-)
Translated sentences containing 'boyfriend'
This is my boyfriend.
Este es mi novio.
Sara's boyfriend wants her to buy a car, but she doesn't want to.
El novio de Sara quiere que ella compre un carro, pero ella no quiere.
I am pregnant and my boyfriend wants me to have an abortion.
Estoy embarazada y mi novio quiere que aborte.
My boyfriend is really cool.
Mi novio es bien chévere.
She had brushed her hair when her boyfriend arrived.
Ella se había cepillado el pelo cuando el novio llegó.
My cousin has asked her boyfriend to give her a date for their wedding.
Mi prima le ha pedido a su novio que le dé fecha para la boda.
Alicia is in love with Ursula's boyfriend.
Alicia está enamorada del novio de Ursula.
It was my boyfriend who gave my this bracelet.
Fue mi novio quien me dio esta pulsera.
The hamburger is for my boyfriend.
La hamburguesa es para mi novio.
Ana wants an intelligent boyfriend.
Ana quiere un novio inteligente.
The boyfriend had deceived her with another girl.
El novio la había engañado con otra chica.
My girlfriend is blonde.
Mi novia es rubia.
My sister used to get very annoyed when I read her boyfriend's letters.
A mi hermana le disgustaba que yo leyera las cartas de su novio.
My girlfriend is good looking.
Mi novia es guapa.
I send a picture to my boyfriend.
Yo envío una foto a mi novio.
I would go out with Pedro if he were my boyfriend.
Yo saldría con Pedro si él fuese mi novio.
I have a date with my boyfriend.
Tengo una cita con mi novio.
Amparo burned all her boyfriend's letters because she got mad at him yesterday.
Amparo quemó todas las cartas de su novio porque se enojó con él ayer.
I do not believe, for example, that the chemist would harass me for buying condoms or Viagra for my husband or my boyfriend.
Por ejemplo, no creo que el farmacéutico me acosase si fuera a comprar preservativos o Viagra para mi marido o mi compañero.
Last Friday I met the parents and boyfriend of one of the victims in my constituency.
El pasado viernes me reuní con los padres y el novio de una de las víctimas de mi circunscripción.
Without her knowledge or consent, the boyfriend recorded their shared private experiences and posted the recordings on the Internet after the end of their relationship.
Sin que ella lo supiera ni lo consintiera, el hombre grabó sus experiencias privadas y publicó las grabaciones en Internet tras el final de su relación.
(PL) Mr President, last week the Polish media reported the story of Karolina, a young girl whose life has been ruined by her former boyfriend.
(PL) Señor Presidente, la semana pasada, los medios de comunicación polacos informaron de la historia de Karolina, una joven cuya vida se ha visto arruinada por su ex novio.
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