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Verb of the Day Archives
The verbs listed on this page are ones previously featured on the Verb of the Day. Click on any verb below to see its full conjugation.
- 12/20/2024 - enfadarse - to get angry, get irratated, get annoyed
- 12/19/2024 - practicar - to practice
- 12/18/2024 - cansarse - to get tired, get worn out, get weary
- 12/17/2024 - ladrar - to bark
- 12/16/2024 - ilustrar - to illustrate, explain, make clear
- 12/15/2024 - recomendar - to recommend
- 12/14/2024 - matricularse - to register, enroll, matriculate [oneself]
- 12/13/2024 - parar - to stop, halt
- 12/12/2024 - abordar - to board, get on [plane, bus, etc.]; to approach, accost [a person]
- 12/11/2024 - calentarse - to heat up, warm up [intrans.]; to become heated/warmed, to get heated/warmed
- 12/10/2024 - salir - to leave, go out
- 12/09/2024 - deber - to owe; must, should, ought to
- 12/08/2024 - caracterizar - to characterize
- 12/07/2024 - levantar - to raise, to lift
- 12/06/2024 - divertir - to amuse, entertain
- 12/05/2024 - admirar - to admire, respect, look up to
- 12/04/2024 - llegar - to arrive, come, reach; to bring up, bring over; to gather together
- 12/03/2024 - entregar - to deliver, hand over
- 12/02/2024 - recoger - to pick up
- 12/01/2024 - realizar - to achieve, attain, accomplish, realize
- 11/30/2024 - obligar - to oblige
- 11/29/2024 - cazar - to hunt, represent, stand for
- 11/28/2024 - costar - to cost
- 11/27/2024 - quebrar - to break, smash; to fail, go bankrupt
- 11/26/2024 - agorar - to predict, prophesy
- 11/25/2024 - acordarse - to remember
- 11/24/2024 - perder - to lose
- 11/23/2024 - regatear - to haggle (over), bargain (over)
- 11/22/2024 - enojar - to anger, upset, annoy; to make angry
- 11/21/2024 - apretar - to be too tight; to squeeze; to tighten [up]; to press [down/against]
- 11/20/2024 - toser - to cough
- 11/19/2024 - pertenecer - to belong, pertain
- 11/18/2024 - afeitar - to shave
- 11/17/2024 - amenazar - to threaten, menace
- 11/16/2024 - descender - to descend, lower
- 11/15/2024 - abortar - to abort, cause to miscarry; to have a miscarriage
- 11/14/2024 - introducir - to introduce, insert
- 11/13/2024 - pedir - to request, ask for
- 11/12/2024 - decorar - to decorate, adorn
- 11/11/2024 - hallar - to find; to discover; to locate; to find out
- 11/10/2024 - hallarse - to be, to find oneself; to be located, found
- 11/09/2024 - envejecer - to age, make old, grow old, get old
- 11/08/2024 - constituir - to constitute
- 11/07/2024 - herir - to injure, hurt, wound; to beat, strike
- 11/06/2024 - cumplir - to fulfill, carry out; to reach [años, age]
- 11/05/2024 - olvidar - to forget
- 11/04/2024 - soler - to be accustomed to, be accustomed to
- 11/03/2024 - purificar - to purify
- 11/02/2024 - bucear - to skin-dive; to dive under water; to dive
- 11/02/2024 - reñir - to quarrel, fight; to scold, tell off, reprimand
- 11/02/2024 - colgar - to hang, hang up, be hanging, be suspended
- 11/01/2024 - prever - to foresee, anticipate, envisage, visualize
- 10/31/2024 - proseguir - to continue, proceed with
- 10/30/2024 - organizar - to organize
- 10/29/2024 - eliminar - to eliminate, remove, get rid of
- 10/28/2024 - subir - to go up, rise, move up, climb; to lift up, raise up
- 10/27/2024 - trabajar - to work
- 10/26/2024 - peinarse - to comb one's hair; to do one's hair
- 10/25/2024 - pasar - to pass, pass by, go; to pass on, hand; to spend [time]; to happen
- 10/24/2024 - castigar - to punish, penalize, castigate
- 10/23/2024 - necesitar - to need, require
- 10/22/2024 - responder - to respond, answer, reply to
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