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Verb of the Day Archives
The verbs listed on this page are ones previously featured on the Verb of the Day. Click on any verb below to see its full conjugation.
- 03/25/2025 - regular - to regulate, adjust, control
- 03/24/2025 - quebrarse - to break, smash, get broken
- 03/23/2025 - aspirar - to breath in, inhale; to suck in; to aspirate; to aspire
- 03/22/2025 - pegar - to stick, glue, hit
- 03/21/2025 - decir - to say, tell
- 03/20/2025 - traducir - to translate
- 03/19/2025 - brindar - to toast
- 03/18/2025 - amanecer - to dawn; to wake up [feeling or being ...]
- 03/17/2025 - clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten
- 03/16/2025 - odiar - to hate
- 03/15/2025 - planchar - to iron, press; to do the ironing
- 03/14/2025 - llorar - to cry, weep; to weep for/about, cry about, lament
- 03/13/2025 - expresar - to express, voice, state
- 03/12/2025 - exhibir - to exhibit, show, display
- 03/11/2025 - afirmar - to make firm, steady, strengthen; to affirm, state, assert
- 03/10/2025 - crecer - to grow [up]
- 03/09/2025 - declarar - to declare, state; to bid [in cards]
- 03/08/2025 - mudarse - to move [=change residence]
- 03/07/2025 - atraer - to attract, draw, lure
- 03/06/2025 - atravesar - to cross, cross over, go across, go over, pass through
- 03/05/2025 - temer - to fear
- 03/04/2025 - acercar - to bring near[er], move [something] nearer
- 03/03/2025 - entusiasmar - to excite; to fill with excitement [or enthusiasm]
- 03/02/2025 - tratar - to treat, handle
- 03/01/2025 - bautizar - to baptize, christen
- 02/28/2025 - echar - to throw, cast, fling, hurl, pitch, toss
- 02/27/2025 - cuidar - to take care of, look after
- 02/26/2025 - imprimir - to print [as with a printer], to imprint, impress, stamp
- 02/25/2025 - anunciar - to announce
- 02/24/2025 - despertarse - to wake up, lie down
- 02/23/2025 - poner - to put, place, set
- 02/22/2025 - inventar - to invent
- 02/21/2025 - gruñir - to grunt, growl
- 02/20/2025 - señalar - to point out, point to, indicate; to signal; to mark
- 02/19/2025 - evitar - to avoid; to prevent
- 02/18/2025 - dejar - to leave, abandon; to let, allow
- 02/17/2025 - oler - to smell
- 02/16/2025 - poder - to be able, can
- 02/15/2025 - meter - to put [in], place, insert
- 02/14/2025 - convenir - to agree; to suit, be suited to; to be good for
- 02/13/2025 - marcar - to mark, stamp, to show, indicate; to dial [e.g., a phone]
- 02/12/2025 - calentar - to heat [up], warm [up]
- 02/11/2025 - dormirse - to go to sleep, fall asleep
- 02/10/2025 - enviar - to send
- 02/09/2025 - provocar - to provoke
- 02/08/2025 - explotar - to exploit; to explode
- 02/07/2025 - obtener - to obtain, get
- 02/06/2025 - encantar - to delight, be delighting, charm, enchant
- 02/05/2025 - acercarse - to approach
- 02/04/2025 - preparar - to prepare, get [something] ready
- 02/03/2025 - rehusar - to refuse
- 02/02/2025 - cancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]
- 02/01/2025 - enriquecerse - to get rich
- 01/31/2025 - caminar - to walk, go
- 01/30/2025 - plantar - to plant
- 01/29/2025 - dibujar - to draw, sketch, depict
- 01/28/2025 - conjugar - to conjugate
- 01/27/2025 - sentarse - to sit down, seat oneself
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