Spanish Word: la tacha
English Translation: imperfection, defect, stain, flaw, fault, tack (small nail), small metallic decoration that might be used on a leather collar or similar item, tongue stud
More Spanish -> English Translations
taciturno - sad, gloomy, taciturn, not talkative,...
la tajada - slice or piece of food, share or...
la temporalidad - temporary nature, temporal nature,...
el trompazo - bump (from something moving), vehicle...
tumefacto - swollen
la tiza - chalk, piece of chalk
el tobillo - ankle
la toalla - towel
el tiovivo - merry-go-round, carousel
el terno - set of three, trio, a suit or other...
tinto - red (when said of wine), dyed,...
el tío - uncle, guy (informal usage to refer...
el tatuaje - tattoo, the act or practice of tattooing
el tazón - bowl
la trucha - trout
taurino - having to do with bullfighting
el terrateniente, la terrateniente - landowner
la travesura - prank, mischief
el testigo, la testigo - witness
el trono - throne