el hispanohablante, la hispanohablante - someone who speaks Spanish
la hipoteca - mortgage
húmedo - humid, damp, wet, moist
hidrófilo - absorbent, hydrophilic, referring to...
el garbeo - stroll, pleasant walk, walking tour
la gansada - something silly or inconsequential
el guisante - pea
el garrote - club, stick, tourniquet, garotte,...
el granizo - hail
el granito - granite, item made from granite,...
grueso - thick, fat, large, heavy
la greña - tangle of hair, matted hair, mop of hair
griego - Greek (as either a noun or adjective)
gatillo - trigger of a gun
el gazapo - young rabbit, typographical error or...
godo, goda - Gothic, Goth
el girasol - sunflower
la grulla - crane (type of bird)
el gaucho - gaucho (the \"cowboy\" of Argentina,...
la gaviota - seagull