Almorcé poco hoy.
I had little for lunch today.
¿Ya se apuntó para hoy?
Did you already sign up for today?
¿Hay clases hoy?
Are there classes today?
Hoy el día está nublado.
Today, it is cloudy.
¿Cómo está hoy?
How are you today?
Hoy ya no.
This is no longer the case.
Hoy por hoy esas fuentes alternativas no existen.
There are no such alternative sources of income at present.
Hoy por hoy no tenemos una cifra.
We do not have a figure right now.
Y hoy por hoy, no existe esa mayoría.
Today, that majority does not exist.
Pero, hoy por hoy, no existe ninguno.
But, as things stand at the moment, there is nothing.
Hoy están lejos.
By now they are far away.
Hoy no ha sido así.
This has not been the case today.
Algo que hoy no hacemos.
That is not, of course, what we are doing at present.
Hoy tenemos superávit presupuestario.
Today we have a budget surplus.
¿Qué defiende usted hoy?
What is it you stand for?
Aprovéchela por favor hoy.
Please take that opportunity here today.
Hoy, es cosa hecha.
Yet this is now being done.
¿Dónde estamos hoy?
So where are we today?
Resulta precipitado decidirlo hoy.
Today' s decision is premature.
Voy a comprobarlo hoy.
I will check the situation today.
Hoy no lo lamento.
Today, I have no regrets!
Hoy tenemos que aprobarlo.
We must adopt it today.
¿Qué hacemos hoy?
And what are we doing today?
Hoy ya no es así.
That is no longer the case.
Hoy no es así.
This is not the case today.
Hoy no concluye un proceso.
Today is not the end of a process.
Hoy tenemos el euro.
We now have the euro.
Hoy, eso ya no vale.
That is no longer the case today.
También lo hago hoy.
I am doing so today too.
¿Qué situación encontramos hoy?
What is the situation today?
Hoy no lo hemos logrado.
We have not quite succeeded in that today.
Hoy renuevo dicho compromiso.
I renew that commitment today.
Hoy todos somos ucranios.
Today we are all Ukrainians.
Quiero hoy recordarlos aquí.
I would like to acknowledge them today.
Hoy está el vacío.
Today, there is a vacuum.
Hoy he traído dos objetos.
I have these two items with me today.
Lo mismo ocurre hoy.
The same is true today.
Hoy esto no basta.
Today that is no longer enough.
¿Qué está sucediendo hoy?
What, then, is happening today?
¿Qué resultados vemos hoy?
What results do we see today?
Nuestro trabajo no termina hoy.
Our work does not end today.
Hoy, olvidamos todo eso.
We have forgotten about all of that today.
Hoy no necesitamos represalias.
Today we do not need retribution.
Bien, hoy hay legislación.
Well, today, there is legislation.
Contribuyamos hoy a eso.
Let us contribute to this today.
Hoy estamos todos invitados.
Today we are all invited.
No he oído muchas cifras hoy.
I have not heard too many figures today.
Vuelvo a proclamarlo hoy.
I say so again today.
Hoy ya no es aplicable.
It no longer applies today.
Por desgracia, no ocurrirá hoy.
Unfortunately this will not happen today.
¿Y qué vemos hoy?
And what do we see today?
Hoy estamos condenando a Israel.
Today we are condemning Israel.
Hoy, por ejemplo, me preocupa...
Today, for example, I am concerned about the....
Hoy hemos discutido esto.
We have discussed this here today.
Hoy he aprendido mucho aquí.
I have learned a lot here today.
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