el diente - tooth
el ente - being, corporation, organization, entity
el envés - reverse side, back side, wrong side...
soez - dirty, filthy, vulgar, crude, coarse
yermo - unable to produce children, barren,...
la valla - fence, hurdle (in track and field)
la trincha - strap, especially one made of cloth
el tacón - heel (of a shoe or boot)
el talco - talcum, talc
el símil - similarity, resemblance, simile
la lente - lens
el pasotismo - apathy, don\'t-care attitude,...
puente - bridge
el mirlo - blackbird
garboso - graceful, stylish, elegant, magnanimous
la rebaja - reduction, discount
proclive - prone (to), inclined (to),...
quebradizo - frail, fragile, brittle, weak
la putrefacción - rotting, putrefaction
la sabiduría - knowledge, wisdom, learning, prudence