Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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¿Qué considera él muy difícil?
decir: yo aprendí la lengua rusa aprender la lengua rusa es muy interesante
¿Qué sueña él?
es muy interesante con decir: yo aprendí la lengua rusa hablar ruso perfecto
Audio 2
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At what hour does Tomás finish work?
Tomás finishes work at 4:30pm. Tomás finishes work at 2:30pm. Tomás finishes work at 7:30pm.
At what hour does Tomás return home?
Tomás returns home at 8:30pm. Tomás returns home at 12:30am. Tomás returns home at 5:30pm.
Audio 3
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What event had a major impact upon her life?
the death of her mother the birth of her children the death of her husband
Audio 4
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This boy could be described as...
thin and athletic thin, weak and sickly short and fat
Audio 4
Mario: Soy un muchacho de ojos azules, tengo el pelo rubio y me considero una persona delgada porque tengo 78 (sesenta y ocho) kilos y mido 1.80 (un metro ochenta) de altura. Tengo una estructura atlética.
I am a boy with blue eyes, I have blond hair and I consider myself a thin person because I am 78 (sixty-eight) kilos and I am 1.80 (one meter eighty) tall. I have an athletic structure.
Exercise 2
Exercise 3