Exercise 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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This student is currently studying...
political science dentistry anthropology
She has the goal of someday opening her own practice.
unknown false true
She intends to work in Morelia, Michoacán upon graduation.
true unknown false
Audio 2
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Her son, Jose Luis currently lives with her.
true false unknown
Two of her children currently live in Denver.
true unknown false
She considers herself to be...
a loner a head-strong person who fights to get what she wants a friendly person who shares with others
Audio 3
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The woman has no problems because...
her children are grown and employed she won the lottery her husband is wealthy
Audio 4
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The woman considers herself to be a very patient person.
false unknown true
What does she mean when she says -- alcanzar las metas --?
achieve fame act in an underhanded manner achieve goals or objectives
Exercise 2
Exercise 3