Ejercicio 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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The guy is surprised by the lack of dress code in colleges.
false unknown true
Professors in Mexico wear shorts and t-shirts to college.
unknown true false
The woman once wore her pajamas to school.
unknown false true
Audio 2
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Which tense will usually be used after -- el quiere que -- or ella quiere que --?
the preterite the conditional the subjunctive
The guys dad always wants him to help with projects.
false true unknown
In San Diego, she always has fun with...
her two sisters her sister and friends her parents
Audio 3
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The woman currently lives in...
Guatemala City Chichicastenango Xela
Her parents live in...
Chichicastenango Huehuetenango Panajachel
She considers herself to be...
head-strong and ornery friendly and intelligent moody and arrogant
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Carmen: Me llamo Carmen. Soy directora de hotel, ahora mismo en un hotel en Madrid. Y empecé en la dirección de hoteles en mil novecientos noventa y ocho, hace ya catorce años.
My name is Carmen. I am a hotel manager, right now in a hotel in Madrid. And I started managing hotels in 1998, 14 years ago.
Menu de hotel
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Carmen: Nosotros ofrecemos desayunos, almuerzos y cenas a demanda. Tenemos un restaurante bufet que se abre todos los medio-días.
We offer breakfast, lunch and dinner on demand. We have a buffet restaurant that opens every day at noon.
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3