Ejercicio 1
Listen to the audio file and answer the questions. Check your answers and proceed to the next audio file.
Audio 1
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Where is this conversation taking place?
in a school in a fruit market in a butcher shop
They purchased two kilos of peaches.
Falso Verdadero
They purchased a bunch of parsley.
Falso Verdadero
Audio 2
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Where is this conversation taking place?
in a school in a butcher shop in a fruit market
The woman purchased one large chicken.
Verdadero Falso
The woman purchased one-half kilo of beef steaks.
Falso Verdadero
How much did she pay?
forty Euros thirty Euros twenty Euros
Audio 3
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The woman is speaking about....
her father. how -padre- is used as an expression. the definition of -padre-.
Audio 1
Speaker 1: Buenos dias.
Good morning.
Speaker 2: Buenos dias.
Good morning.
Speaker 1: ¿Qué fruto tiene usted?
What fruit do you have?
Speaker 2: Hay peras, manzanas, naranjas, uvas, y melocotones.
There are pears, apples, oranges, grapes, and peaches.
Speaker 1: ¿No hay melones?
There are no melons?
Speaker 2: No, no hay melones.
No, there are no melons?
Speaker 3: ¿Son buenos los melocotones?
Are the peaches good?
Speaker 2: Muy buenos, prueba usted.
Very good, you taste (a peach).
Speaker 3: Ummm...es muy bueno, muy dulce, compramos melocotones.
Ummm ... it's very good, very sweet, we will buy peaches.
Speaker 1: Un kilo.
A kilo.
Speaker 3: No, medio kilo, por favor.
No, half a kilo, please.
Speaker 1: Medio kilo de melocotones.
Half a kilo of peaches.
Speaker 3: Necesitamos también perejil.
We need parsley also.
Speaker 1: Medio kilo de perejil.
Half a kilo of parsley.
Speaker 3: No, un ramo, un ramo de perejil.
No, a bouquet, a bouquet of parsley.
Audio 2
Speaker 1: Buenos dias.
Good morning.
Speaker 2: Buenos dias, ¿Qué desean?
Good morning, What would you like?
Speaker 1: Queremos carne.
We want (to buy) meat.
Speaker 2: Hay carne de vaca, carne de ternera, carne de cordero.
There is beef, veal, lamb.
Speaker 1: ¿Qué carne quieras?
What meat do you want?
Speaker 3: Carne de vaca.
Speaker 2: ¿Un kilo? ¿Dos kilos?
One kilo? Two kilos?
Speaker 3: Medio kilo de filetes.
Half a kilo of steaks.
Speaker 2: Medio kilo de filetes. ¿Algo más?
Half a kilo of steaks. Anything else?
Speaker 3: ¿Tiene usted pollos?
Do you have chickens?
Speaker 2: Si, tengo pollos. Hay pollos grandes y pollos pequeños. ¿Quieres un pollo grande o un pollo pequeño?
Yes, I have chickens. There are large chickens and small chickens. Do you want a big chicken or a small chicken?
Speaker 3: Un pollo pequeño.
A small chicken.
Speaker 2: Un pollo pequeño.
A small chicken.
Speaker 4: Yo también quiero un pollo.
I also want a chicken.
Speaker 2: Momento señora, momento. ¿Algo más?
One moment lady, one moment. Anything else?
Speaker 3: Nada más, gracias.
Nothing else, thank you.
Speaker 1: Gracias.
Thank you.
Speaker 2: Veinticinco, veintiséis, veintisiete, veintiocho, veintinueve, treinta.
Twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, twenty-nine, thirty.
Speaker 1: Vamos.
Let's go.
Audio 3
La palabra "padre", cómo "está muy padre" es algo que esta cool, algo qué, bueno que, es genial, que es agradable y es para, bueno, de describir algo que, que te gusta.
Ejercicio 2
Ejercicio 3