El primer día...
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VICENTE: Es mi primer día en mi nuevo trabajo, estoy muy nervioso.
PAULINA: Tranquilo Vicente, todos hemos padecido nuestro primer día de trabajo. Verás que nada es tan complicado como te parece hoy.
VICENTE: Sí, lo sé. El problema es que cuando me pongo nervioso me sudan las manos, y es muy feo tener que darle la mano sudada a mis nuevos compañeros; es una carta de presentación espantosa.
PAULINA: Comprendo. Yo cuando me pongo nerviosa tartamudeo. Eso tampoco deja una bonita primera impresión.
Pero pierde cuidado; si le sugerí a mi jefe que te tenga en cuenta para ocupar este puesto, es porque confío en tu capacidad.
VICENTE: Lo sé. Gracias Paulina.
PAULINA: ¿Sabes Vicente? Aún recuerdo cómo sufrí durante mi primer día en esta empresa; mis nuevos compañeros me hacían bromas, y yo no me animaba a enojarme con ellos. Entonces, ¿sabes lo que hice el segundo día? Antes de venir a trabajar me bebí un vaso de fernet con cola. Eso me quitó los nervios por completo. Quizás tú también puedas hacerlo mañana antes de venir.
VICENTE: Eso no está permitido, Paulina. ¡¿Qué pasa si me sienten aliento a alcohol?!
PAULINA: Pero me refiero a beber sólo un vaso. No te estoy diciendo que te tomes toda la botella.
VICENTE: El fernet no me gusta en lo más mínimo. No lo paso.
PAULINA: Bueno, puedes intentarlo con una lata grande de cerveza.
VICENTE: Bueno, con la cerveza me sucede lo contrario. Me gusta tanto que no puedo beber sólo una lata.
PAULINA: Pero Vicente, no se trata de una fiesta, sino de tus primeros días de trabajo. ¡Por lo que más quieras, intenta no tomar más de una lata! De lo contrario, perderías totalmente las inhibiciones y hasta podrías llegar a protagonizar algún papelón. Esa sería la peor carta de presentación que pudieras mostrar.
VICENTE: Quédate tranquila Paulina. No pienso beber antes de venir a trabajar; sería una locura.
¿Sabes? No me gusta tener jefe. Ese es otro motivo por el cual no me siento muy a gusto aquí. De todos modos, te agradezco que te hayas acordado de mí para ocupar este puesto.
PAULINA: Yo sé que no te gusta mucho trabajar como empleado. Pero pensé en ti porque me he enterado de que tu pequeña empresa tiene muchos vaivenes, y que en este momento estás pasando por una situación económica complicada.
VICENTE: Es cierto, pero ¿quién te lo ha dicho?
PAULINA: No importa quién me lo haya dicho.
VICENTE: Es que yo no ando contando los pormenores económicos de mi empresa, porque sé que es una situación muy cambiante y no quiero que mis amigos se preocupen demasiado por mí o piensen que estoy mal.
De todos modos, sólo una persona conoce esos detalles, así que apuesto a que ella te lo ha contado.
PAULINA: Bueno sí, ella me lo ha contado.
VICENTE: Quédate tranquila; no me molesta. No le diré nada.
PAULINA: No comprendo qué es lo que tanto te disgusta de trabajar como empleado.
VICENTE: Es largo de explicar, y muy simple al mismo tiempo. Es un sentimiento, no un pensamiento que yo elabore.
PAULINA: Sigo sin comprender.
VICENTE: Cuando trabajas en relación de dependencia, lo haces por el dinero.
PAULINA: No es así. A mí me gusta lo que hago en esta compañía.
VICENTE: Por supuesto que tiene que gustarte el puesto que te toca, pero es muy importante que el salario sea interesante.
PAULINA: Claro ¿y qué más quieres tú?
VICENTE: Yo aún no tengo hijos, así que tengo tiempo para buscar otras recompensas a largo plazo, además del dinero. Yo necesito saber que el trabajo que estoy realizando construirá algo importante para mí en el largo plazo, aunque en los comienzos gane menos dinero y deba esforzarme más que trabajando como empleado.
PAULINA: Bueno, pero si trabajas bien como empleado, eso te puede aportar algo importante a largo plazo, ya que podrías ser ascendido.
VICENTE: Es cierto, pero aunque me ofrezcan el mejor de los puestos, el hecho de trabajar para la empresa de otra persona no es algo que me interese demasiado.
Yo quiero que el aporte de mi trabajo sea para mi propio proyecto; que cada trabajo que realice sea como un ladrillo más en la construcción. Y que si hoy tuviera que trabajar por poco dinero, eso sirva para ampliar mi cartera de clientes, para poder en un futuro estar ganando buen dinero proveniente de mi propio emprendimiento ya maduro.
PAULINA: Oh…, me da pereza de sólo pensarlo. Yo prefiero tener todos los meses mi sueldo y vivir tranquila. No podría estar preocupándome a cada momento por el destino de mi empresa.
VICENTE: Eso es algo que se lleva adentro; yo soy un emprendedor. Y un emprendimiento profesional es algo así como plantar un árbol y cuidar de él hasta que te dé sus frutos y su sombra, en lugar de llegar a la sombra de un árbol maduro y que tu jefe determine cuántos frutos te otorga cada mes.
The Indian Supreme Court gave its decision in Gian Kaur vs. However, while there were many regional disparities in Austrian industrialization, similar regional disparities could be seen in other industrializing nations at the time like the United States or France. Telescopes apply this knowledge of reflection and refraction of light waves by using mirrors and lenses to manipulate and magnify distant objects such as astronomical objects so that it can be seen closely. If you have written more than one ebook on the same topic or subject, by all means, include links to the other ebooks you’ve written. This is because of more turbulence due to increased surfacearea caused by the twisted tape inserts compared to plain tube, but less degree of turbulence comparedto the tube with twisted tape inserts of twistratios 5 and 10. Many decades ago, northern Central America and southern Mexico cultures developed complex political and social ranks. Marxism, the idea that material possessions such as natural resources, land, military forces, and technology are the most important things to have in communities, became popular in former colonies that were economically unstable. Poisons and solvents have to be disposed of carefully to reduce the likelihood of a risk. The assention put forward the procedures for the execution of the truce in the middle of government and MNLF strengths and for the foundation of self-governance in the thirteen areas in the southern Philippines. Also, only 10% strongly agree and 20% agree that their job description clearly specifies the standards of performance on which their job is evaluated.
Even here in the U.S., Los Angeles has started feeling a trickle amount of this hazardous air polluting effect as much of the particulate pollution, originating from China, looms over the big city (Kahn and Yardley). Now, nearly everyone manufacturing nations gained access to ICT and the acquisition of computers for school and college use. When people turn on their radio in the car or at home they can hear the so called “new” songs, with “great beat, catchy lyrics” (GiannaA.) Finally, he looks at 3 main areas where we can expect to see significant change in the future, and the importance of art and its relation to the human condition.
The department of foreign affairs no longer had to deal with the sanctions imposed by the international community and organizations such as the United Nations. Five major actors of cloud systems are: Cloud Consumer, Cloud Provider, Cloud Auditor, Cloud Broker and Cloud Carrier. While most of Oceaneering’s subsea products are sold, it also rent tooling and provide IWOCS and subsea work systems as a service, including hydrate remediation, well stimulation, dredging, and decommissioning. Another type of emission is fluorine which is emitted during firing process through the chimney because of the presence of fluorides in the clay (Ahmed et al.) Also the by-products, such as carbon dioxide, are used by the plants to grow and plants reduce pollution in the air.
Next, competitors from various areas also compare their performance with challenging companies to learn and cultivate new strategies to improve their competitiveness.
So initial phase in securing the privileges of the client is an informed consent report (Corey, Corey, & Callanan, 2011).
The (World Bank, 1997) suggests that services must be delivered from the lower level of management that can reflect on cost and benefit analysis.
Below is given the division of the market share of motor insurance in Albania which represents the gross written premiums in each company and their total amount.
Students living away from home and aged 18-23 are more likely to engage in heavy drinking, as well as students involved in sororities, fraternities and athletic teams (Bereska).
The firm specializes in producing textile products like towels, table linen, napkins, bed sheets and other related products.
According to Silva’s article, various statistics are found useful to indicate the preference of initiative process.
Asymmetric information is likely to be more significant in cross border mergers and acquisitions rather than domestic deals.
Maybe bring some music to listen to and run on the track during the choruses then do some push-ups, sit-ups, or crunches during the bridges of each song.
He also neglects to address other social issues and as well as the cultural differences that exist between white society and the Indian population.
Heads of village for purpose’s of Madras Abkari Laws Amendment Act, Conciliation Officers Clerk appointed under the Broach Thakurs Relief Act, whose duty it was receive rents and execute revenue processes, are all statutory public servants and so declared by the several Acts relating to them.
In class, I limit my distractions and isolate myself from those who may disturb me to allow only the best environment for studying and writing.
The yellow-skinned, or Homo Sapiens Asiaticus group was described as arrogantly disrespectful, pompous, and “governed by opinions”.
Scher & Senior (1999) argued that visual arts in hospitals have a positive effect on staff morale and patient care .
After losing his court battle to receive the right of death with dignity, Tony Nicklinson, a man with locked-in syndrome, expressed the heartbreak he felt, and he stated that the law was "[condemning him] to a life of increasing indignity and misery" (Richards, 2014, p. At the same time, it has showed effort to solve human rights abuses in the region. Despite all laws and regulations, the article suggests that in some circumstances, bullying and harassment in the workplace, has in fact, failed to cease or improve. Two four megavolts linear accelerators are used, one mounted on the ceiling and underneath the floor.
Though the clothing was worn as a means of self expression, hippies didn't like to follow the trends that were popular.
In India, salt is one of the most important ingredients in a large part of the food that is eaten in India, and yet, in every Indian home, the mothers swear by the measuring of salt ‘as per taste’. Persons who “make, authenticate or keep any document relating to the pecuniary interests of Government” similarly form a numerous class. The situational analysis conducted showed that the rehabilitation services in South Africa are largely underdeveloped and services are largely concentrated at tertiary institutions. Being a part of the wise minority was not having to obey laws simply because they existed, nor for instance having a certain dislike and choosing to be silent. Being one of the most popular multimodal texts nowadays,video can be a useful source for foreign language teachers who aim to develop pupils’language skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. There will come a time that it will explode, and when it does it will be violent. For Discovery, this form of strategic entrepreneurship occurs at a medium frequency (Kuratko, et al., 2011). Arising from the above findings, it is recommended that for others researchers, evaluation of effectiveness should be done in different Institutions to evaluate if they make a successful Merger in order to achieve goals for serving the public.