Un parque de diversiones
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Camila: Papá, no puedo creerlo. ¡Hace muchos años que no me traes a un parque de diversiones! ¡Quiero ir a todos los juegos!
Leonardo: Hija, ya tienes dieciséis años. No hace falta que yo te acompañe. ¿Dónde está tu tío Gabriel?
Camila: No lo sé. Dijo que vendría a las tres.
Leonardo: Ya son las tres y cuarto, aún no lo veo. ¿Tú lo has visto por la mañana?
Camila: Sí, en la casa de la abuela.
Leonardo: ¿Cómo estaba vestido?
Camila: Vestía una camisa blanca, pantalones negros y zapatos marrones, si mal no recuerdo.
Leonardo: Pues hay mucha gente vestida así… Además, olvidé mi teléfono celular, no puedo llamarlo. Mejor gritaré su nombre. ¡Gabriel! ¡Gabrieeeeel!
Camila: Papá, papá, cálmate. Ya llegará. Tengo sed. ¿Me compras una gaseosa?
Leonardo: Sí. ¿Cuál es tu sabor favorito?
Camila: Limón, por favor. Mira, ¡ahí está el tío Gabriel!
Gabriel: ¡Hola, sobrina! ¿Cómo estás?
Camila: Muy bien. ¿Y tú?
Gabriel: Perfecto. Es un día soleado, ideal para un parque de diversiones… ¿O no, hermano?
Leonardo: Sí, por supuesto. ¿Dónde estabas? Has llegado tarde.
Gabriel: Choqué con el auto… Tuvo un desperfecto mientras iba por la autopista, dejó de funcionar y choqué con el auto que iba detrás de mí. Lo dejé a un costado y vine en ómnibus.
Leonardo: Qué lástima. Nosotros vinimos en moto. Me compré una nueva, ¿la has visto?
Gabriel: No. ¿Una moto azul?
Leonardo: La azul es la anterior. La nueva moto es negra. Luego daremos un paseo juntos, si lo deseas.
Gabriel: Muchas gracias por la invitación. Me encantaría ir contigo en moto. Por un tiempo no me subiré a ningún auto…
Camila: Oye, yo quiero ir contigo a los autos chocadores. ¡Vamos ya!
Gabriel: ¿Dónde están? ¡Es mi juego preferido!
Leonardo: Allí a la derecha, al lado de la montaña rusa. Corramos, ya empiezan.
Gabriel: Hace mucho que no corría, ¡estoy agitado!
Camila: ¡Vaya, perdimos el turno! Ahora debemos esperar.
Gabriel: Tengo hambre. ¿Quieren hamburguesas?
Leonardo: Con mucho gusto. Yo compraré papas fritas.
Camila: Es una buena idea.
Camila: ¿Qué juegos quieres probar?
Gabriel: La verdad, yo prefiero comer hamburguesas aquí. Los juegos me marean un poco. Mira esa nave espacial, da demasiadas vueltas. Me asusta su velocidad.
Camila: Tío Gabriel, no digas eso. Prueba esta gaseosa, te dará ánimo.
Gabriel: ¡Mmmm! ¡Está deliciosa, y la hamburguesa también!
Gabriel: Ahora quiero divertirme un poco. Me gusta aquella nave espacial.
Camila: A mí también. Tiene una pantalla gigante dentro, con imágenes del espacio, los planetas, las estrellas…
Leonardo: Me gustaría practicar tiro al blanco. Hay buenos premios para el ganador.
Gabriel: Ahá. Osos de peluche, pelotas de plástico… ¡Camila ya no es una niña!
Leonardo: Tienes razón. Pero es un juego tranquilo, como los que a ti te gustan, mi valiente hermano…
Gabriel: Leonardo, ya basta. Vayamos a los autos chocadores. Ya podemos subirnos.
Leonardo: ¡De acuerdo! Tú eres experto en chocar autos, ja, ja, ja…
Gabriel: Nunca cambiarás, hermano. Nunca jamás. Vamos ya.
El Médico
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Pediatra: ¡Hola Anita!
Anita: ¡Hola!
Pediatra: ¿Cómo estás? Hace mucho tiempo que no te veo, ¡Estás muy grande! ¡Muy alta!
Anita: Sí, yo me di cuenta por la ropa. Me quedan todos los pantalones cortos.
Pediatra: ¡Qué barbaridad! ¡Cómo pasa el tiempo! Todavía me acuerdo cuando tu mamá te traía en brazos.
Anita: En dos meses cumplo quince años. Ya tenemos casi todo listo para la fiesta.
Pediatra: ¡Mira qué bueno!
Anita: Me gustaría que fueras, más adelante te acerco la invitación.
Pediatra: Muchas gracias, me encantan las fiestas. Ahí estaremos festejando.
Anita: Mamá está un poco nerviosa con los preparativos. Yo le dije que se quede tranquila, ya está casi todo listo. Pero sabes cómo es ella, un poco detallista y obsesiva.
Pediatra: Recuerdo que cuando eras pequeña ella traía una agenda con todas las preguntas y dudas que tenía entre control y control. Una excelente madre, María Elena.
Anita: Y bueno, era una bebé. Ahora ya estoy grande, sin embargo se queda despierta hasta que vuelvo, me ordena el cuarto. A mí me gusta mi desorden. Pero ella se mete igual.
Pediatra: Ya verás Anita, ya serás madre y quizás en ese momento la puedas entender. Cuéntame, ¿te has aplicado la vacuna que te ordené en la última visita?
Anita: Sí, aquí tienes el carné.
Pediatra: Perfecto, espera que lo anoto en tu ficha.
Anita: Por el momento no debo volver a vacunarme, ¿verdad?
Pediatra: Durante este año no debes vacunarte. Recién te lo indicaré cuando cumplas los dieciséis años de edad.
Anita: Muy bien. ¿Me quito la ropa?
Pediatra: Sólo los zapatos, y pasa por la balanza.
Anita: ¿Sabes? La mayoría de mis zapatos también me quedan chicos. He dejado de usar la mayoría; mamá tuvo que comprarme zapatillas de nuevo. Aumenté un número en pocos meses.
Pediatra: Sí, mira. Mides un metro sesenta y cuatro centímetros, y pesas cincuenta y cinco kilogramos.
Anita: ¿Es mucho?
Pediatra: Has crecido siete centímetros en el último año y pesas cinco kilos más que en mayo del año pasado.
Anita: ¡Es mucho!
Pediatra: Es lo normal, todavía seguirás creciendo un poco más pero ya no tan de golpe. Hasta los veintiún años tu cuerpo seguirá desarrollándose.
Anita: Espero no aumentar mucho de peso.
Pediatra: No te preocupes. Estás muy linda y saludable…
Anita: Sí, pero temo engordar.
Pediatra: ¿Estás haciendo ejercicio?
Anita: Sólo lo que hago en el colegio. Realmente no tengo muchas ganas ni tiempo de hacer algo extra.
Pediatra: Está bien. Es normal que sientas mucho sueño. Trata de dormir alguna siesta si lo necesitas y no te acuestes demasiado tarde por la noche.
Anita: ¿Y respecto a las comidas? Por momentos siento mucho deseo de comer.
Pediatra: Trata de respetar las cuatro comidas. Es importante un buen desayuno y no comas golosinas entre comidas. Es preferible una fruta, una barra de cereal. Trata de no abusar con los alimentos ricos en grasas porque en ese caso sí puedes llegar a tener problemas de peso.
Anita: Intentaré con una manzana en el recreo.
Pediatra: ¿Tienes alguna pregunta más que me quieras hacer?
Anita: No por ahora.
Pediatra: Muy bien, Anita. Te veo pronto. Cualquier duda me llamas.
Anita: Muchas gracias, Juan Carlos. Nos vemos. Adiós.
Pediatra: Adiós.
The glass surface with the image is vulnerable to flaking or scratching of the emulsion and breakage. The article is important because it enables the reader to experience the ferocious nature of the Spanish as it gives an account of how the Natives were underprepared in battle. Providing comprehensive education and training for nurses who care for cardiac catheterization patients lays the foundation for safe, quality care (“Strategies to minimize”, 2007). The consequences of the global financial crisis have been identified as the largest and sharpest drop in global activity of the millennium era. As predicted, children with FASD showed small to moderate deficits on measures of planning, set-shifting, fluency, and working memory compared to non-exposed children with ADHD, although this latter effect was not statistically significant. In other words, O’Brien tries to engrave the image of the dead man into the reader’s head as it is engraved in him. If BOC offer a better service it will be a guide to make the customers satisfied. It is revealed that large supermarket chains prefer to disregard/disconnect from farmers abiding by the correct legal and ethical standards and are choosing to be involved with cheaper supplier contracts. The government had to nationalize and recapitalize the system however it was costly where it forced the government seek IMF and the European Commission for emergency financing. The tubes fill with water and this forms a high pressure where the sugars are loaded into them. Unlike all earlier motorcycles, which were created in the image of the German model, Planet Sport was clearly trying to be like the Japanese motorcycle 60-70s. Alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs are some the media’s heaviest advertisers which creates an implied business partnership because of their aligned corporate interests. Besides, the proportion of GDP investment in infrastructure has been very high, ranging between a low of 1.9 percent in the Second Malaysia Plan and a high ratio of 9.4 in the Seventh Malaysia Plan. On every application we fill out, we are asked about our gender or sex, but is it that simple? Huawei also move the mind in this step, carefully study the "international situation:" too poor have no ability to pay, won't make money.
For example we are using most recyclable products for construction and using reduces fuel consummated products.
With the service training of employee, Maybank can make sure that all the services provide by the employee is efficient such as the counter staff can fluently doing the account open process. Szondy (1978) goes on to make comparisons between Proust (of whom Benjamin translated much work around the time of writing A Berlin Childhood) and Benjamin, highlighting the difference the way in which the two writers view history. Thus, different teaching and learning strategies can be developed according to how their brains work, and these students can be successful learners. Corporate enterprises: in accordance with its corporate character a clanmay act as unit on several occasions. This isn’t necessarily a disadvantage however, these very requirements paved the way for even more occupations to exist in an otherwise bleak looking scenario for those who weren’t directly involved with the oil industry. The French loss of Alsace-Lorraine to Germany was a massive hole in France’s pride as President Raymond Poincare was born in Lorraine. When people talk about Nike , the TV are practically all they want to talk about it. Most importantly, the first occurrence of cracking in the strengthened model was observed at the bottom of the shearwalls. There are external modems and internal modems on computers that can be accessed through a wireless connection or in the case of a wired connection it is done though a CAT 5 cable. As far back as the early 1900s, people have been fighting for the rights of their people and culture. When he says this, he means that, as human beings, to some degree, we realize what is happening, but we choose to ignore those around us and continue to be selfish.
Through her tragic experiences, Rowlandson believes that God plays a dynamic role in each individual’s life. Chinese government are focused on helping Chinese companies move up the industrial value chain, and assisting the international expansion of the Chinese companies’ globalization. The holy book for Buddhist is called Trip taka and is based on the teachings of Buddha that were originally handed down by word of mouth, but were later written down. One assumption that this theory is very obviously based off of is the assumption that a person’s childhood greatly impacts the adult that they grow up to be. People who support reason of state also support the idea of a dual moral standard where all people who live in one place adhere to certain morals. Having the coping’s earlier a shading devices, it can be part of the vertical and horizontal elements hierarchy that can capture the wind flow for the interior. For instance, in powder story the the father teach his son how to be able to face problems in his live in nice conversation. Everything went smoothly, and felt as though the time flew by, despite the meeting being about three and a half hours. The eighth question was referred to the legal act of the insurance company which is responsible to practice its responsibilities as the signed contract with the customer. The $20 group would not have this same issue, as the relatively high payment would suggest to them that they were right in thinking the task was boring, and that a high bribe for lying was justified. Also not many students can embrace the idea of adopting to the foreign food, laws, climatic and socio-economic conditions. Starting in 20th century a lot of tests used channel operating at 40Gbps movement towards the 160Gbps is too expected in the future. Once the opinion is formed the individual has to break down reasons, causing the individual to take a position. The pH was then adjusted and a retention of the hydrolysis process was ensure by using Nitric acid. The bank of Latvia continued tightening its regulatory policies which included an increased stamp duty for registering property and personal income tax on realized capital gain from selling a property that had been owned for less than 60 months and was not the primary residence. Also on August 7, 1998, the US Embassy Bombing killed 224 people and 4500 people were wounded. In addition to these, this program (EELA) constructed a downdraught kiln in San Jernimo, Cusco, Peru and it is more energy efficiency than traditional kiln. Seek emergency help if you experience symptoms of allergic reaction such as hives, swelling of the face, tongue, lips, throat, or difficulty breathing. In the recent years, with the growth of technology, Internet, economies, nations and creativity this has become one of the most important ways of a countries progress. In my own practice, it is very important for me to understand the histories of my clients. This is easy to believe how they both have heavy surveillance, they both have a high value of war, and they both use propaganda to brainwash the people in their own country. The skewness and kurtosis values of monthly EUR/MYR shows that the exchange rate is characterized by a low deviation from normality. This component enforces any business rules and regulations that that apply to the data in consideration.
Sampling according to Sekaran & Bougie (2013) is a process of selecting a number of elements from a group of population that researchers want to study. In order to further study the role of BRs, specifically BL, in tomato ripening process, RNA interference (RNAi) is used to knockdown the expression of three selected genes, are CYP85A1, CYP85A3, or DIM/DWF1, which are involved in BL biosynthesis in tomato plants. Thames Reach has put out an article explaining how giving homeless does more harm than good, homeless people are more likely to go buy booze or cigarettes rather than being smart with their money.
The budgeting approach across the company is top-down as the top management plans for the budgetary needs.
Apparently, the outcome of the study will indicates the present currency relationships between these four currencies which are U.S Dollar, Europe Euro, British Pound and Japanese Yen towards Malaysia Ringgit. Low-level jobs like textile as well as high-level jobs like software development have been outsourced and continue to be outsourced (Daft, 2013, p.109). Annex E-Learning with Face-to-Face Bidding We give a stamp of further-education options: fugitive courses and expert conferences, offbeat courses which last several semesters as well as Advanced Master's programs. This will indirectly hide the bigness and reduce the big building impact without reducing the size resulting in making the external surrounding spaces more positive for public activities. If protective measures are not put in place it may result in unnaturally high concentrations of chemicals such as arsenic, sulphuric acid and mercury. He would therefore conform to the definition of a public servant, Notaries Public, are as a rule, appointed to administer oaths, while officers variously described are entrusted with the duty of preserving order in Court. The tensions were so intense in Europe that the final catalyst of the war did not have to be to sizeable in order to cause World War 1. This is particularly the case in sectors that require significant investment in infrastructure and equipment, such as the rail industry. Obama is the 44th president of the United states of america and made history as the first african american president of the United States of America.
Present day race riots and controversies can be mark both progress and impediments for the United States.
According to Müller (1999), sustainability in tourism can be drawn as pentagon pyramid as shown in the figure below.
Three in four healthcare executive surveyed said mergers and acquisitions activity is generally a good thing for all stakeholders, including the company, the industry as a whole, the public and shareholders. It is important to learn to make the difference between “culture” and “society” because they are similar but not identical. Apart from permanent staff to run the business operations, MFM has over 400 non-executive employees in their respective fields attached with the client companies. Kongkitpaiboon V, Nanan K, and Eiamsa-ard S, “Experimental investigation of heat transfer and turbulent flow frictio in a tube fitted wit perforated conical-rings” InternationalCommunications in Heat and Mass Transfe, 2010, Vol.37, pp.1051-62. Back when the Juvenile Justice System was first developed, the age of the adolescents determined how and what type of interventions were needed.
They obtain addition merchandise overtimes because the company introduce connected turn out connected merchandise or improved, thus client satisfactions is gaining plenty of importance within the gift day. When you arrive at the business meal, if your guests have removed their shoes, do the same, leaving your shoes in the same area and in the same orientation as your host.
There are many sociological terms, and a great number of these can be used in discussions of poverty and the economy--specifically in relation to the feature Two American Families.