A contracted article is a contraction between prepositions.
a = to el = the a + el = al
José camina al cine.
José walks to the cinema. ¿Vamos al zoológico o al museo?
We go to the zoo or to the museum? ¿Puedes ir al partido conmigo?
Can you go to the game with me?
de = of/from/about el = the de + el = del
El niño está delante del colegio.
The boy is in front of the school. Él viene del cine.
He comes from the cinema. ¿Qué le gusta del carro?
What do you like about the car?
Note: The combinations below do NOT change! a + la = a la de + la = de la
Vocabulary Flashcards
Vocabulary Quiz
Spelling Quiz
Sentence Flashcards
Image-Sentence Match
Word Order Quiz
Multiple Choice Quiz
Click to start or stop audio Angel: ¿A dónde nos vamos?
To where do we go? Estuardo: Al museo de Pushkin.
To the Pushkin museum. Angel: Oh, Es maravilloso.
Oh, it is marvelous. Estuardo: y ¿dónde está?
And, where is it? Angel: No lejos del hotel. Tardaremos quince minutos en autobús.
Not far from the hotel. It will take us fifteen minutes by bus. Estuardo: ¿Cuándo volveremos nosotros?
When will we return? Angel: En cinco horas, para llegar al almuerzo a tiempo.
In five hours, to arrive at lunch on time. Estuardo: Qué pena, es demasiado poco para el museo.
What a pity, it is too little (time) for the museum.
Vocabulary Flashcards Vocabulary Quiz Photo Quiz Spelling Quiz Sentence Flashcards Video Example Sentences Dialogue Image-Sentence Match Word Order Quiz Multiple Choice Quiz A or B Quiz Fill In
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