Spanish Sentences using tratar
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Listed below are some of the most common sentences viewed on this site:
The I try to calm down a little bit and breathe as deep as I can.
Animals should not be treated as if they didn't feel any pain.
Yes, I tried to go but I couldn’t because my car did not start.
I will try to locate the problems of your product.
My neighbor's dog is always trying to attack me.
Central American women have been treated poorly by civil society.
Try to make sure that the customers understand our position.
Do they try to come to class every day? Yes, they try to do it, but sometimes they can’t.
Did you try to fix it? No, I didn’t even try because I don’t know anything about cars.
Will he try to come to the party on Saturday? Yes, he will try but he is very sick now.
Will you try to take him to the doctor? Yes, I will try but I don’t know if the doctor can see him.
I will try to bake a cake but I am not a good cook.
Today we'll talk about a topic that worries very much the public opinion ..
Today we will address a fashionable topic..
Prisoners of war will be treated humanely and diplomatically.
Well, yes I try to sign the same way every time but each time I sign a little differently.
¿Entiendes lo que trato de decirte?
Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
No me acordé de la palabra.
I could not remember the word.
El criminal trató de mentir.
The criminal tried to lie.
Son personas mayores, trátalas con un poquito de respeto.
They are adults, treat them with a little respect.
Yo trato de recordar el título del libro.
I try to remember the title of the book.
Ella siempre está tratando de agradar a los demás.
She is always trying to please the others.
¿Qué es lo que perseguimos tratando de encontrar modelos perfectos?
What is what we pursue trying to find perfect models?
Están tratando de aclarar las cosas.
They are trying to make things clear.
¿Sobre qué tratará la charla del profesor?
What will the professor's lecture be about?
Los médicos han tratado varias posibilidades para esa operación.
The doctors have put together several possibilities for that surgery.
La sociedad civil ha tratado muy mal a las mujeres centroamericanas.
Civil society has treated Central American women poorly.
No creo que tratase de espíritus ni de fantasmas.
I don't think it was about spirits or ghosts.
Fue abogado, trabajaba en el banco, trató de ser presidente.
He was a lawyer, used to work in the bank, try to become president.
Ella siempre trata de imponer su punto de vista.
She always tries to impose her point of view.
Ella está tratando de broncearse antes de la boda.
She is trying to get a tan before the wedding.
Traten ustedes de entender nuestra situación.
Try to understand our position.
Yo traté de terminar el trabajo.
I tried to finish the work.
¿Trataste de terminar el trabajo?
Did you try to finish the work?
El señor García trató de terminar el trabajo.
Mr. García tried to finish the work.
Nosotros tratamos de terminar el trabajo.
We tried to finish the work.
Los señores trataron de terminar el trabajo.
The gentlemen tried to finish the work.
Tratas de hacer lo mejor posible.
You try to do your best.
No tratas de hacer lo mejor posible.
You do not try to do your best.
¿Tratas de hacer lo mejor posible?
Do you try to do your best?
Ella trata de hablar inglés todo el tiempo.
She tries to speak English all the time.
Ella no trata de hablar inglés todo el tiempo.
She does not try to speak English all the time.
¿Trata ella de hablar inglés todo el tiempo?
Does she try to speak English all the time?
Deberíamos aprender más cosas de la cultura de nuestros vecinos.
We should try to learn more things about our neighbor’s culture.
Trataste de hacer lo mejor posible.
You tried to do your best.
No trataste de hacer lo mejor posible.
You did not try to do your best
¿Trataste de hacer lo mejor posible?
Did you try to do your best?
Ella trató de hablar inglés todo el tiempo.
She tried to speak English all the time.
Ella no trató de hablar inglés todo el tiempo.
She did not try to speak English all the time.
¿Trató ella de hablar inglés todo el tiempo?
Did she try to speak English all the time?
¿Trataste de ir a la tienda ayer?
Did you try to go the store yesterday?
Encontré un mecánico cerca de mi casa.
I found a mecanic close to my house.
Trató de arrancar el coche pero la batería estaba descargada.
He tried to start the car but the battery was dead.
Trata sobre un hombre de negocios.
It is about a business man.
Han aplazado la fiesta para el sábado próximo.
They have delayed the party until next Saturday.
¿Han tratado de ayudarte?
Have they tried to help you?
Los buenos amigos no tratan de emborracharte.
Good friends don't try to get you drunk.
Se trata de decir la verdad.
It's about telling the truth.
El sindicato trata de proteger a los trabajadores y asegurar sus derechos.
Labor unions try to protect the workers and assure their rights.
¿Cómo te trato la mesera?
How did the waitress treat you?
¿De qué trataba la película?
What was the movie about?
Trate de relajar los músculos.
Try to relax your muscles.
Sí señor, solamente estoy tratando de diagnosticar el problema.
Yes sir, I am just trying to diagnose the problem.
El tema que trataron fue el de los derechos de los animales.
The topic they discussed was animal rights.
Yo voy a tratar de localizar los problemas de su producto.
I will try to troubleshoot your product for you.
Los medicamentos inmunosupresores tratan de combatir el rechazo.
The immunosuppression medications try to prevent rejection.
Yo no voy a tratar eso.
I will not deal with that.
Volveremos a tratar este asunto.
I will come back to you on this matter.
Debemos tratar ese asunto.
We need to look at that issue.
Quisiera tratar tres puntos.
There are three points I want to raise.
Me gustaría tratar dos puntos.
I would like to address two points.
Prefieren no tratar con vosotros.
They would much rather see you outside it than profiting from it.
Hay tres cuestiones a tratar.
I have three points to make.
Quiero tratar sobre tres puntos.
I want to address three points.
Me gustaría tratar varias cuestiones clave.
I should like to outline a number of key areas.
¿Cómo vamos a tratar estas cuestiones?
How are we going to deal with these issues?
¿Cómo vamos a tratar el terrorismo?
How are we going to deal with terrorism?
Es preciso tratar ciertos campos.
Certain areas really must be discussed.
Paso a tratar los distintos puntos.
I now turn to the individual points.
No vamos a tratar más este asunto.
We are not going to deal with this issue any further.
Voy a tratar esta cuestión ahora.
I would like to tackle that question now.
Quisiera tratar dos puntos concretos.
I should like to raise two issues in particular.
¿Cómo debemos tratar tales casos?
How should we handle such cases?
¿Cómo deberíamos tratar esta cuestión?
How should we deal with them?
¿Cómo debemos tratar a esos líderes?
How should we treat such leaders?
Deben tratar de generar desarrollo.
They must be about bringing about development.
Deben tratar de generar seguridad.
They must be about providing security.
También debemos tratar este tema.
We also need to discuss this subject.
Debemos tratar a todos por igual.
We must treat them all equally.
Voy a tratar de ser breve.
I will try to be very brief.
Sólo se puede tratar ahora.
Now is the only time it actually can be discussed.
Debemos volver a tratar estos temas.
We must come back to these matters again.
Quisiera tratar estas enmiendas por grupos.
I want to deal with these amendments on a group-by-group basis.
Paso ahora tratar el caso de Rumania.
Now let me come to Romania.
Vamos a tratar de poner término a esto.
We will try to put an end to it.
No tiene sentido tratar de modo diferente a MEDA.
It makes no sense to treat MEDA differently.
Señora Presidenta, ¿podríamos tratar esta cuestión?
Madam President, could we take this matter into consideration?
Además, ha tenido que tratar muchas enmiendas.
Furthermore, he has had many amendments to work through.
Este es otro asunto que debemos tratar.
This is an issue which must also be addressed.
Lo que hacemos es tratar los síntomas.
What we are doing is treating the symptoms.
¿Cómo tratar a estos animales en el futuro?
How will these kinds of animal be treated in the future?
Felizmente ahora podemos tratar sobre ellos.
Happily now we can discuss them.
En consecuencia, debemos tratar de adaptarnos.
Therefore, we must endeavour to adapt.
Voy a tratar de ilustrarlo en dos puntos.
I shall use two points to try to illustrate this.
Tenemos que tratar también sobre cosas básicas.
We also have fundamental matters to deal with.
He aquí el primer punto que quería tratar.
That is the first point that I wanted to make.
Sin embargo, me gustaría tratar otros dos asuntos.
I should nonetheless like to address two more matters.
A este respecto existen muchos puntos que tratar:
There are plenty of things to report here:
Hay cuatro cuestiones que me gustaría tratar especialmente.
There are four issues that I would like to touch on in particular.
Vayamos al punto que realmente quiero tratar.
Let me come to my real point.
Sólo quisiera tratar rápidamente tres principios.
I just want to quickly address three principles.
Finalmente, quiero tratar el tema del referendo.
Finally, I turn to the issue of a referendum.
Ahora me gustaría tratar algunos asuntos específicos.
Let me now turn to some individual points.
Hay que tratar otras cosas separadamente.
Other things should be dealt with separately.
Permítanme tratar una cuestión para concluir.
Let me make one point in conclusion.
Ese es el tema que quisiera tratar.
That is the matter I wish to address.
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