Spanish Sentences using seriamente
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The Cuestiono seriamente esa opinión.
I seriously question that point.
Lo dudo seriamente.
I doubt it very much.
Analicen seriamente estas críticas.
Take a serious look at these criticisms.
Deberíamos planteárnoslo seriamente.
That is something we should really question.
Debo desaconsejar seriamente tal cosa.
I must issue a strong warning against doing any such thing.
Deberíamos replantearnos seriamente esta decisión.
There should be a serious rethink of this policy.
Yo cuestionaría seriamente esta afirmación.
I would strongly question that.
Las sanciones deben reforzarse seriamente.
The sanctions should be rigorously enforced.
Afecta seriamente a los procesos económicos.
It impacts greatly upon economic processes.
Debemos abordar este asunto seriamente.
We will take a hard line on this.
Tenemos que discutir seriamente estos asuntos.
We must get a serious discussion under way about these matters.
Lógicamente, esta paradoja preocupa seriamente a los alemanes.
It seems logical that this paradox is very much playing on the minds of the Germans.
Las restantes instituciones también deben examinarla seriamente.
The other institutions should take a long and hard look at this too.
Por ello, deberíamos examinar seriamente este instrumento.
We should subject this instrument to serious testing in this respect.
He pensado seriamente si debía venir esta semana.
I thought very carefully about coming this week.
Tendremos que debatir seriamente esta cuestión.
We will have to hold a serious debate on this issue.
Solo entonces afrontaremos seriamente la burocracia.
Only then will we tackle bureaucracy seriously.
Al contrario, se verá seriamente amenazada.
On the contrary, it will become seriously endangered.
Es una cuestión que nos preocupa seriamente.
This is something about which we feel very strongly.
Creo que a veces está seriamente amenazada.
I believe that it is sometimes very much under threat and I have not entirely understood Mr Watson’s point.
Debemos considerar seriamente todas las opciones.
All options should be seriously considered.
De hecho, cuestiono seriamente nuestros datos.
In fact, I would seriously question our data.
Tenemos dos ámbitos seriamente afectados por ella.
We have two themes which are dealing with that very seriously.
Necesitamos empezar a abordar ya seriamente esta cuestión.
We need at long last to begin to tackle this issue seriously.
Piensen seriamente sobre ello antes de votar.
So give serious thought to that before you vote.
Señora Presidenta, proponemos muy seriamente empeorarlo.
Madam President, we propose very seriously to exacerbate it.
Necesitamos seriamente poner fin a esto ahora.
We need seriously to end this now.
Ello nos debe hacer reflexionar seriamente.
This ought to make us think seriously.
Eso nunca se ha debatido seriamente.
The issue has never been properly discussed.
Se debe tratar seriamente el informe Kindermann.
The Kindermann report deserves a more serious consideration in the Council.
Ahora nos encontramos seriamente retrasados en esta cuestión.
We are badly behind now in this matter.
La confianza en la Unión está seriamente dañada.
Confidence in the European Union has been seriously damaged.
Considero que hay que analizar seriamente este hecho.
We need to conduct a serious analysis of the matter.
Es una cuestión que debería preocupar seriamente al Sr. Comisario.
This must be an issue of great concern to the Commissioner.
Estamos hablando de cosas que dañan seriamente el mercado.
We are talking about things that seriously damage the marketplace.
No se ha estudiado seriamente ninguna solución alternativa al RPA.
No alternative solution to the system of refunds on agricultural products has been seriously looked into.
Es evidente que esto afectaría muy seriamente a las provincias alejadas.
It is patently obvious that this will be a merciless blow which will fall hardest on the sparsely-populated counties.
Esta limitación puede llegar a afectar seriamente a las empresas pequeñas.
This limitation may do smaller undertakings a lot of harm.
La sociedad se ve seriamente desestabilizada por la delincuencia organizada.
Society is seriously destabilised by organised crime.
Por este motivo, me estoy planteando seriamente abstenerme en la votación.
I am therefore seriously considering abstaining from voting on this matter.
Creo que esa estrategia debe ser evaluada seriamente.
I believe that this strategy needs to be soberly appraised.
Espero, señora Comisaria, que usted lo vigile seriamente.
Commissioner, I hope that you will be monitoring this closely.
Señor Presidente, sin ninguna duda fumar perjudica seriamente la salud.
Mr President, there is no doubt that cigarettes seriously damage your health.
La reelección de Mugabe agravará seriamente todos estos problemas.
Mugabe's re-election will seriously exacerbate all of these problems.
¿No deberíamos considerar seriamente la posibilidad de imponer sanciones financieras?
Should we not seriously consider the option of financial sanctions in this instance?
Creo que hay que empezar a pensar seriamente en ello.
I believe that we must begin to think seriously about it.
El Sr. Sharon está perjudicando seriamente a la población de Israel.
Mr Sharon does a grave disservice to the people of Israel.
Este es el problema que deberíamos debatir seriamente hoy.
This is the problem we really ought to discuss today.
Afganistán es una cuestión que me sigue preocupando seriamente.
Afghanistan is an issue I remain seriously concerned about.
Pienso que tenemos que plantearnos seriamente la cuestión.
I think that we should seriously ask that question.
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